Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Anger Management My Ass.

The train ride to the school was rather fun, still. Mia and Draco insisted on teasing me about my rage issues and that Pansy girl decided to come back. I glared my worst at her, balled my fist, and she ran away crying. Which, of course, caused Draco and MiMi to poke more fun at me.


"That's the school?" I asked, pointing to a huge castle up ahead.

"Mhmm." Draco replied, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't expect you to get lost," MiMi began. "but if somehow you do, you'll probably just bust a few walls down until you find where you're going."

"Haha, MiMi. Very funny." I replied sarcastically.

"Since you're new, you'll have to be sorted into a House." Mia said matter-of-factly. That's right, I had forgotten about that.

"Since she punched Pansy in the nose I'm bloody sure she won't be Hufflepuff." Draco said.

"Obviously." Mia replied, rolling her hazel eyes.

"So what house do you guys think I'm going to be in?" I questioned.

Draco and Mia looked at each other before replied, "Slytherin." in unison.

"You're smart, just not smart enough for Ravenclaw," Mia said.

"You're definitely no quiet little Hufflepuff either," Draco added, remembering my need to cause trouble.

"And you're too..." Mia couldn't find the word.

"Malevolent? Evil? Vicious?" Draco threw out.

"Oh come on! I am not that bad!" I argued as we entered the school.

Mia glanced at me, then back at Draco. "All of the above and then some." She joked.

"Yeah, I feel the love here. Thanks guys." I said sarcastically.

"If after all these years I'm still here and we've never fought, I'm sure I love 'ya." Mia said, smiling at me.

"And believe me, I love you, Renee." Draco added, kissing my forehead.

"Well what do you know, you do know how to keep it PG." Mia joked.

"You shouldn't have said that..." I muttered as Draco evilly smirked. Before anything could happen (in a hallway never-the-less), I interjected, "Hey! Ain't I supposed to be sorted or whatever?"

Both laid off and nodded.


All of the teachers knew who I was as soon as I walked in by Draco and Mia's side. I sighed knowing this was going to be a very long year.

"Ah," Dumbledore began. "I see Miss Renee decided to join us at last."

Pardon me, but my brother technically kidnapped me to keep me from coming here while he sucked the fun right out of my life, I wanted to say.

Dumbledore waved me forward and my friends waved me away. I sighed and went in front of everyone as McGonnagall placed the hat on my head.

"A-ha," the damned hat said. "The youngest remaining Uchiha girl. Or so to be said."

"Pardon me? Look, I'm pretty sure I know who my stupid brothers are." I said, my blood boiling.

"Yes, but do you ever wonder why you do not have onyx eyes like them?"

"Who said I'm not wearing contacts?" I've finally lost it; I was having an argument with a hat.

"Because you're not." I stuck my tongue out underneath the rim of the hat. "Now than, where to put you...where to put you..."

"Put me in Gryffindor and I'll put you through a vacuum cleaner." I grumbled loud enough for most to hear.

"You're not the nicest girl, are you?"

I laughed. "If anyone thinks I'm nice and a perfect angel, they're crazy."

"Especially after what you did to Miss Parkinson on the train, eh?"

"She had it coming!" I argued. Look at you, Renee, arguing with a hat...

"Smart girl, but most definetly not for Ravenclaw,"

"Watch it you stupid hat!" I growled.

"...Obviously no Hufflepuff," I glanced over to Mia who was trying not to laugh, then to Draco who looked absolutely amused.

"If I'm a Gryffindor you're going through a vacuum cleaner. Don't even test me." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Believe me, child, I would never let the Gryffindors suffer that way."

I glared up at the hat and grumbled to myself things I'm sure the teachers would give me several detentions for.

"You are a sly, cunning, sarcastic, and brutal little girl, aren't you?" I could say something right now, but I chose to shut my mouth for once. "Than there is only one place that I can possibly put you where you belong, Slytherin!"

"Took 'ya long enough." I muttered as McGonnagall took that damn hat off of me.

"I reccomend anger management, child." The hat said as I walked off to sit with Draco.

I snapped, now.

I growled (legit, growled), balled my fists, and went to tear that damn hat to shreds when Draco and Mia ran up to me to keep me from doing something I would probably regret later.

"Give me the hat!" I yelled as Draco held my waist and Mia had her hands tightly on my shoulders.

"We'll calm her down, promise!" Mia said, trying to cover.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
This or Hold Tight to Your Vampire.
But I will update that one when my friend Ashiee Ivashkov updates her story Nightmare.
P.s. This would totally be something I would have done. Hahaa.