Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Merry Christmas, Renee.

My eyes fluttered open tiredly. Then addreniline started pumping through my entire being remembering it was Christmas morning. I glanced at the clock, 5:42a.m.. What a perfect time to wake up Draco.

Stealthily, I crept out of my room and across the hall, silently opening his door and stepping in. Did I mention how I love how he sleeps shirtless and has a fucking six pack? Yeah, my boyfriend kicks all ass.

I tip toed over to his bed. He looked so cute with his hair in his face like this. Oh well.

I sat right on his stomach, grinning like an idiot and he awoke, very startled.

"R-Renee?" He said tiredly. "What in bloody hell are you doing?"

"MERRY FREAKING CHRISTMAS!" I just about yelled.

Draco stared at me blankly. Yes, Christmas morning was the only morning you would ever see me get up early both on my own and happily.

"What time is it...?"

"Quarter to six."

"In the morning?!" Seriously?

"No, in the nuggets. Yes in the morning!"

"Why in bloody hell are you up so early, Renee?" Draco said, sitting up with me on his lap and rubbing his tired eyes.

"Because I've always loved Christmas and I can't wait any longer for you to see what I got you!" This is what I'm like now; can't you just imagine me on coffee? Yes, that is why I got banned from Starbucks.

Draco smiled at me, slightly waking up. "Alright, let's go downstairs."

My eyes lit up and I kissed him.

"If I'm going to get woken up like this, it should be Christmas every morning." Draco commented before picking me up bridal style and taking me downstairs into the living room.

Draco told me to sit on the couch as he got our presents from under the tree. I felt so at peace as I just stared at the snowfall from out the window.

"You first. This one's from my mother." He said, handing me a crimson wrapped box.

I opened the box and found a little bell on a ribbon for my hair. It was so cute.

"She knows you so well." Draco said. "Turn around, I'll put it in for you."

I nodded and turned so my back was to him as he took two locks of my hair, one from each side of my head, pulled them back, and tied them back with the ribbon and bell.

"Looks like MiMi got you something." I said, pointing to a box that was decoratively wrapped. What have you thought up now, MiMi...? I thought as Draco opened the box.


Saw this at a little store I love and thought of you somehow. I mentally slapped myself later but I got it for you.

Merry Christmas,


"Yeah it's just like her to write something like that." I commented, laughing. "What'd she get you?"

Setting down the note, Draco pulled out a little golden snake ring. Then I got an idea. I took the old necklace chain I had wrapped around my wrist (because I got bored and didn't know what to do with it), put it through the ring, and made it into a necklace. Because MiMi pretty much stole my idea.

Draco smiled and I clasped it on him. "Now we both have snakes around our necks. Except...yours seems a little more mean." I said. It would be like you to do that too, Mia.

"This one's from me." Draco said, handing me a black wrapped box, his eyes almost seeming to be glimmering.

I turned to the box and opened it, stunned at what I saw inside; it was the most beautiful bracelet I have ever seen in my life.

"The stones are opals--your birthstone. I hope you like it." Draco said low.

I felt like I could cry. Looking up at him with teary and happy eyes, I asked him, "Why do you always get me such pretty things?"

Draco smiled and kissed my forehead. "Because you mean the world to me."

He clasped the bracelet on my right wrist and I grabbed my present to him. "This one's for you." I said, smiling.

Puzzled and smiling, Draco took the little box and opened it, having practically the same expression I did when I saw the bracelet.

"This is why you disappeared with my mother when we got home." He said.

I nodded as he pulled out the ring I got for him. "Look at the inscription." I said low.

"I guess I need you, baby." Draco whispered with a smile on his face. "Now we have matching necklaces and rings, don't we?"

I laughed a little and soon enough we fell back asleep on the couch together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Had to throw in a cute little chapter.
Comment if you love the love and sense the danger acoming(:
Oh yes, and thank you Blueberry for telling me about the slight mistake I had last chapter. ^^' Fixed that! Hahaa.
And also thank you to;;


for all the awesome comments that make me want to update(:
Yes Blueberry, thank you for the comments as well(: