Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

The Maiden of Darkness.

"Soo, how are you and James?" I asked Mia when she came to visit me on the last day of the Holiday vacation.

She blushed and smiled big. "He's the best boyfriend a girl can ask for." I arched an eyebrow; Draco was completely toning her out. I could see it on his face.

Mia rolled her eyes. "The best boyfriend I could ask for." She corrected. I smiled. "OH! I feel like such an idiot." She said, reaching for her bag.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because this, is for you." Mia said, handing me a black wrapped box.

"Yours is upstairs lemme just--"

"No." I stared at her. "You're gonna open this now missy!"

I sat right back down in my seat and Draco started paying attention. "Alright, jeezum." I laughed. "What's the big deal with this thing?"

"I want to see if it works."

Draco and I looked at each other, looks of, 'uh, what-the-fuck-does-she-mean-by-that?' on our faces.

"Just open it already!" Mia demanded.

I turned back to the box and opened it so she wouldn't break my face.

"A headband?" I asked.

"A headband that matches her hair colour?" Draco asked as though Mia was a complete idiot.

"Put it on. I want to see if it really works." Mia urged.

I siged and placed the headband on my hair. Nothing happened.

"Well, stand up!" Mia commanded.

Thinking things I would never say to her, I stood up. And soon enough, I found myself in a dress with both mine and Draco's mouths wide open.

"It does work!" Mia exclaimed.

"T-the's a..." Draco tried to say.

Puzzled, I reached up to my head and found the headband gone and replaced by a tiara.

"Mia, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING?!" I yelled at her.

"Chill out, chikita!" She began. "Okay, so I was wandering around Diagon Alley wondering just what the hell to get you. I came across this little shop and found two really pretty headbands--one for you and one for me I figured--so I asked the lady that was there about them and she said that something would happen if the right person was wearing them.

"She told me that the headbands only activate when the wearer has the magic that's infused in the headband making them one of the Maidens if it works. The original Maidens--before you ask--are seven very skilled, very special, very pretty witches.

"They called themselves the Maidens because they did not date around. They knew who their soulmate was by looking in his eyes and that would be the only guy they would be with. People were jealous of their beauty and Powers and once the Maidens actually knew about each other's exceptional Gifts, they formed the Miadens.

"The seven of them--Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Dark, Light, and Shadow--all became close friends, creating the headbands after tracing their bloodlines back enough to find out that they actually have royalty in them, to transform into their tiaras once activated with their magic. It's all really complicated but clearly you're part of the Maiden of Darkness's bloodline."

Draco and I stared blankely and confused as hell at Mia.

"But Shadow and Dark are exactly--" I began.

Mia shook her head. "The Dark Maiden, or as she was called: The Maiden of the Night, was all dark. Eventually her Powers overtook her and no one knows what ever happened to her. The Shadow Maiden or the Maiden of Darkness, had light in her which kept balance. Shadows are darkness caused by light. Your magic is dark but you're still a good person."

"What about your the other headband you were talking about?" Draco asked.

Mia dug into her bag and pulled out a headband with a little bow on the side of it and put it on. Just like I had, she stood and was now in a green dress with a matching tiara.

Draco and I gaped at her.

"When I was there the lady said I could try it on and see since nobody was there and I found out I was in the Maiden of Earth's bloodline." Mia said, smiling.

"Now I feel like I should be at a funeral." I commented.

Mia rolled her eyes and continued on. "Do you remember the day you met Draco?"

Draco and I laughed. "Pshtt, how could I forget? I was eleven, bumped into some random dude, fucked with his hair, and look at us now."

"Do you, remember it?" Mia asked slowly.

Wherever I was in London was absolutely beautiful. Odd, but beautiful. The sky was a perfect blue and the wind gently blew my newly blonded hair back.

"Oh! I'm sorry." I said, turning to see who I had bumped into.

Immediately, I could feel my cheeks becoming flushed at the boy I saw in front of me. Other than his hair. That irked me slightly. I grinned slightly and messed it up.

"Sorry, but you look a hell of a lot better like that." I said, rubbing the back of my head.

My cheeks flushed slightly and I nodded.

"Alright; when each of the Maiden's saw any guy, they felt nothing. But when they saw the guy that was well, meant for them, their cheeks immediately flushed as soon as they took one at the guy." Mia said. My eyes grew wide.

"This is the Maiden of Darkness." Mia said, handing me a picture. My jaw dropped slightly; it was like looking in a mirror.

"She gave me pictures of each one of them. This is mine, the Maiden of Earth." Another perfect match...mostly. "She has one green and one redish-brown eye because they're both somehow representations of her magic and how it affected her.

"This is the Maiden of Night. Ironically she has white hair, but she's pure darkness as you can see in her crimson eyes. She was known as the Bloody Rose in some parts of the world and yours was known as the Crimson Rose in some parts because their eyes both turned shades of crimson and blood red once a month on a certain moon phase and their magic turned them into a blood-crazed vampire and a mostly sane dhampir."

"That's why that happened to me..." I said low.

Mia nodded. "And just like Draco did for you, the Maiden of Darkness's true love's blood saved her the first time it happened and she went on a rampage."

"What about the Maiden of Night?" Draco asked.

"She never found her true love is what the lady told me. That's why her magic overpowered her--bitterness."

"What do the others look like?" I asked.

Mia handed me four more pictures, the Maiden of Water, the Maiden of Fire, the Maiden of Air, and the Maiden of Light.

"The Maiden of Water's eyes match the Maiden of Earth's because they were sisters. Her eyes eventually faded both into blue but for sometime one was blue and the other was green. The one in the picture is the redish-brown because her and her sister were so close that they shared the same magic for a while.

"The Maiden of Light's right eye is covered the way it is because of some accident she was in. But check this out."

I took the picture from Mia and Draco, who was now looking over my shoulder, and I both slightly gasped. Could this be...?

"Turns out the Maiden of Night's hair was white because her twin sister's was." Mia said.

"The Maiden of Light's twin sister was her polar opposite?!" I said.

Mia nodded. "And the Maiden of Fire has dark hair and dark eyes because of the ashes although her eyes frequently flashed amber."

"What else do you know about them?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, like their real names." I added.

"Nothing other than the fact that they all attented Hogwarts at the same time the original founders did."

"The original founders?" I repeated.

"As in Salazar Slytherin," Draco began.

"Godric Gryffindor," I added.

"Rowena Ravenclaw," Draco said.

"And Helga Hufflepuff?" We both said in unison.

Mia nodded. Draco and I looked at each other, somehow knowing they tied into this. Into a big part of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes this does actually tie into the story.
As you would have noticed, some of the girls are from Rozen Maiden and Umineko No Naku Koro Ni. A couple I just googled. Hahaa.
You will also notice I have the sequal posted: Minutes to Midnight.
But I'm not telling you anything until this is finished.
And I'm just starting to get into the main trouble now.
See, if it wasn't for Mia, Renee would have no idea what to do or what the hell was going on.
Comment if you love the drama and action and Mia's brain(:
ALSO! I have finally showed you my image of James.
ENJOY! Hahaa.