Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Falling Into Hell.

A few weeks later.

It's now almost February and the snow is melting away. I'll never understand the weather here, so I just go with it. Nothing much has happened, just my usual antics on the Gryffindors. Yeah, they don't like me very much.

In two days would be Friday February 1st. A week after that on Saturday would be the third task. I look forward to Potter's demise.


Mia continued to talk about how her and James are so right for each other as we wandered the corridors, bored out of our minds, while Draco and Blaise were off practicing for Quiddich and James was doing some homework in the library.

I tried to pay attention, but something kept distracting me. I had no idea what it was, but I could not focus today. Luckily, Mia didn't notice. I'm sure it was nothing though.


I sat next to Draco in DADA as Moody continued to babble on about meaningless things. Much like yesterday, I could not pay attention. Now I was getting this feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Something really bad.


I doodled on my paper in History of Magic, sitting next to a completely bored Draco who was off into his own little world. The only thing keeping me awake was that nightmare I had last night...

"You were born with your power, you were chosen to have it!"

"Yeah, well I don't fucking want it!"

"Renee! Renee just run!"

"And leave you two behind? Like hell!"

"You're foolish! Just like your mother! But she learned to accept her Power!"

There was a flash of green light, and I shot up nearly screaming.

What had it all meant...?


I sighed, paying no attention what-so-ever to Transfigurations. Mia wrote down every note on the board and solved every problem in seconds. I couldn't focus once again.

What was going on with me? The nightmare, how I can't focus anymore, that creepy feeling that something really bad is gonna happen, what was going on with me...?


Now I under my eyes were tinted purple from the lack of sleep I was getting. I had another nightmare and couldn't sleep after that one...

"Isabelle, you must be careful. I want to be with you, I want to protect you, but the Darkness keeps me from doing so. You mustn't give into the Darkness! Never, Isabelle, never! You will turn into a horrid beast from no return. But I promise you my dear, I will return for you in due time...when I am better..."

Who was that and why do these voices in shadows keep calling me Isabelle...?


"Renee, clearly something is horridly wrong. Just tell me what's the matter." Draco asked me as we walked to Potions, obviously worried as hell.

I shook my head. "It's nothing. I guess I'm just getting insomniatic again like I used to when I was a kid." Which only happened when some seriously bad shit was going to happen.

"Renee, last night you woke up screaming. What, is, the, matter?" He pressed on.

It was true, last night my nightmare got so bad that I had woken up screaming.

Blood, that's all I could see. Blood, everywhere.

My eyes grew wide and I felt like I couldn't breathe. The shadows and darkness began clearing away and I found myself, covered in blood. The sweet scent of it was now burning through my nostrils.

I gasped seeing people lying dead in pools of blood on the floor of what looked like the foyer of a mansion. I didn't recognize any of them.

I turned and found a large picture behind me of what could have been a happy looking family completely torn to pieces.

Did I do all of this...? I thought.

The scent of blood overwhelmed my sense of smell and I knew I had to get out of there before I did something I would regret.

I ran through the big double doors and down the steps of the porch, only to find myself now in the middle of a Cemetary.

I gasped and what I thought were tears were running down my face. I was actually crying blood.

"Isabelle..." The voice from the book cooed.

I covered my ears, now hearing several voices, some in languages I didn't know, and dropped to my knees screaming.

"Everybody has nightmares. It was just one of those things." I lied. I hated lying to Draco and Mia, but I had to. After all we've been through, this was just nothing. It would pass.


I sat in bed, drawing in my sketch book like I had been for the last eight hours. It was now nine in the morning.

Draco yawned and sat up, looking at me quizzically. "How long have you been awake?"

"A few hours." I replied simply, continuing to draw what I had seen in my nightmare the night before.

Draco arched an eyebrow and looked at my sketch pad, looking a little concerned at what I was just finishing.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Dunno exactly. I saw it in another nightmare." I replied. "I've drawn a couple others like it." I added, handing him my book.

He flipped to the page just before, looking a little shocked, and flipped back once more.

"Who is she?" Draco asked quietly.

"I don't know. But in the nightmares before something bad usually happened to me. Now I see things happening to her." I replied monotone.

"What do you see?"

"In that picture I saw a girl ashamed of something. I didn't know what, I just saw her before she was taken by shadows and I woke up. It took me half an hour to fall back asleep. I fell into another nightmare, this time she was either being kidnapped or silenced. I woke up again, taking about 45 minutes to fall back asleep now. The third one was her, always the same girl, struggling against someone saying, 'No! Not my baby girl! I can't just leave her! I won't! You can't make me!' I shot up and haven't slept since."

Draco stroked my hair and kissed the side of my head. "It's just a nightmare." He whispered.

"I know...but I can't help but feel that something is going to happen...something really bad..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh how right she is.
The next chapter will be the actual danger!
I updated twice today because Blueberry commented so early after my first update(:
Comments make me want to show you how much Renee's life really is fucked up(:
Oh and fyi, I can draw well;;
Just not THAT well...hahaa.