Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

They Don't Hear You Singing to Me.

Renee's POV.

"Don't leave me!" I screamed at him.

He stopped, but didn't turn to me. I'd sooner die than let him go.

"I'm sorry." He said, his voice filled with pain.

"If you leave, I'll scream and--" He turned to me, his eyes filled with tears.

"Don't come looking for me, please." He said.

My eyes burned with anger and sorrow. "Even in death I would."

I gasped, now awake. My eyes focused and I flinched, seeing myself in some ancient and sketchy cemetary. My hands were tied behind me and although used to it, I resisted the urge to scream seeing myself tied to a grave marker.

Where am I...? I thought.

"Renee?" I heard a few feet in front of me.

I looked up and saw Potter. "Potter." I spat.

"What are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes. "The usual. 'Cause I just love finding myself bound to creepy grave markers in the middle of a freakish cemetary."

He went to go say something, when he was now bound to the other, bigger, and much creepier grave marker next to me.

He struggled with all his might to be freed when two black shadows in the forms of a stubby little man and a tall woman appeared before our eyes.

I didn't recognize the man when he came into view, but the woman actually scared me.

"Isabelle, how lovely you truely look." She said.

I gulped and forced all my fierce and sass through. "My name, is Renee." I growled.

The woman sighed. "So you still haven't been told or even understood." She shook her head and kneeled before me. "You are not Renee Mika Uchiha, oh no."

"Then who the hell am I?"

"My name is Bellatrix Lestrange, and unfortunately, you're my cousin's daughter--Isabelle Maria Black."

Draco's POV.

"Hurry up, Richards!" I said.

"Shut up Malfoy, or you'll never see her again!" She spat, making me back off.

She pointed her wand at Uchiha and I, said some incation in what might have been Latin or something, there was a flash of light, and I crashed on the cold, damp ground of a cemetary.

"What does Renee see in these places...?" Uchiha asked himself.

"Well, you're the one who drove her into this madness." I spat.

We glared at each other and the ring that Renee got me for Christmas seemed to have shimmered.

"Something's wrong." I could feel it.

"There's a bad aura around here and I don't like it. We need to hurry and keep quiet." Uchiha said. I nodded and we headed off deeper into the graveyard.

Renee's POV.

This...this wasn't true. It couldn't be true. No, of course it wasn't. It wasn't possible...

"Try to remember, Isabelle." Bellatrix urged.

I closed my eyes, trying not to remember, but something came to me...

Blood. There was blood everywhere. People laid dead and a little girl just sat there and stared at it all.

She looked no more than four or five years old. She was tiny with long black hair and piercing blue eyes. Not even a single tear escaped her eyes as though she had seen it all before.

"You sure don't look like an Uchiha." A man said in monotone.

The little girl just stared at him, not even phased.

He kneeled before her and looked into her eyes with his Mangekyo Sharingan as though it was compulsion.

"Your name is Renee Mika Uchiha. You are the youngest sister to myself and my brother Sasuke. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded.

"Good. Than let's go meet your brother."

I shook my head furiously. It wasn't true. This was all some illusion.

"Yes, Isabelle. It's all real. Try to remember more. Remember those nightmares you had. They were memories."

Blood, that's all I could see. Blood, everywhere.

A woman looking much like myself laid on the floor. Her eyes grew wide and both of us felt like we couldn't breathe. The shadows and darkness began clearing away and the woman found herself covered in blood. The sweet scent of it was now burning through our nostrils.

We gasped seeing people lying dead in pools of blood on the floor of what looked like the foyer of a mansion. I didn't recognize any of them.

She turned and found a large picture behind her of what could have been a happy looking family completely torn to pieces.

Did I do all of this...? I thought. Or did she...?

The scent of blood overwhelmed her sense of smell and she knew she had to get out of there before she did something she would regret.

She ran through the big double doors and down the steps of the porch, and I was now in her shoes, only to find myself now in the middle of a Cemetary.

I gasped and what I thought were tears were running down my face. I was actually crying blood.

"Isabelle..." Bellatrix cooed, looking at me with taunting onyx eyes. "Keep, remembering."

I shook my head furiously and covered my ears, now hearing several voices, some in languages I didn't know, and began screaming bloody murder.

Draco's POV.

My heart sank. I'd recognize that scream anywhere. Renee was in trouble and she needed help now before it was too late.

I balled my fists and took off running towards her, ignoring Uchiha telling me not to. Renee's life was more important that my own.

Renee's POV.

I panted heavilly, the voices still continued on. Some angry, some calming, some scared even for me.

"Isabelle, you must be careful. I want to be with you, I want to protect you, but the Darkness keeps me from doing so. You mustn't give into the Darkness! Never, Isabelle, never! You will turn into a horrid beast from no return. But I promise you my dear, I will return for you in due time...when I am better..." That was the same voice from my nightmare the other night...

"Why do you bother? You were consumed by Darkness! You will never be able to have your daughter back!"

"Hush up Evan. She is our sister. She is trying her hardest to fight the Darkness away."

"You can hear them." Bellatrix stated.

I nodded, feeling pressure on my chest and barely being able to breathe.

"Renee, don't listen to her!" Potter called out to me.

I hated to admit it, but he was right. I bit my lip and forced everything back. I ignored the voices and calmed the pains and ignored the "memories".

Bellatrix growled at me. "You were born with your power, you were chosen to have it!"

"Yeah, well I don't fucking want it!" I yelled back at her. Draco came stumbling in and looked at me with panicked and yet relieved eyes, shooting a spell at the ropes that bound me to free me.

"Renee! Renee just run!" He called to me as Sasuke came behind him.

"And leave you two idiots behind? Like hell!" Never would I do such a thing.

"You're foolish! Just like your mother! But she learned to accept her Power!" Bellatrix said angrilly, standing up and pointing her wand at me.

"Sweetie, we can help you." The familiar and calming voice said to me. I glanced over at Harry who was about in the same boat as I, only it looked, it couldn't be...

"Yes dear, Wormtail is using Harry to bring back the Dark Lord. That is why we must hurry."

My lips parted and my eyes felt teary. "M-mama...?" I whispered.

The cauldron by Harry was boiling and I grew panicked. "Yes, yes sweetie it is. You must use all your might to defend not yourself, but Draco and Sasuke."

"What do I have to do?" I said.

"Hold your hands out, palms facing Bellatrix, and say 'Diligo, Umbra, quod Lux lucis, I reject!' once she fires a spell at you. Focus on Draco and Sasuke more than your own life and it will work."

I nodded and Bellatrix readied to fire the torture curse at me and I held out my palms, yelling, "Diligo, Umbra, quod Lux lucis, I reject!"

What seemed like black glitter illuminated everything, knocking Bellatrix back as I ran over to Draco and Sasuke, hugging them both.

Bellatrix began howling in laughter. "You truely are just like your mother. She knew exactly how to defend herself like that when I tried to attack her once. On accident of course."

" know my mother?" I asked shakily.

"Of course I do," She taunted me, "she's the one who gave me the right of being your god-mother if anything ever happened to her."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another twist!
So much drama, so much trouble.
I think another update might be in order.
Comment if you're cursing your curiousity(:
Oh, and the Latin defense spell she used was saying, "Love, Shadow, and Light, I reject!"