Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Is This Truely the End, Or the Begining of Something Much More?

Draco's POV.

I sat up, hearing the cheers of everyone in the stands turning into confusion and shock. Sasuke sat up a couple of feet from me and we looked at each other, not hateful, but not friendly either.

"We did it Renee, we're finally safe." I said. I looked down at her and horror struck my face.

"Renee? Renee, wake up." I said, shaking her.

"What's wrong now?" Sasuke said, by her side now.

"I...I dunno. She won't wake up..." I panicked, recalling the last few seconds...

Renee ran at the end, still trying to ward everyone off.

"Renee, let's go!" I called to her.

She turned and ran towards me, a green flash of light following right behind her....

"She's not...?" Sasuke asked.

I bit my lip and shook my head. It wasn't possible. Even Renee wouldn't die like that. She has too much sass and pride.

Mia came running towards us, ignoring the teachers and gasped at the sight of Renee.

"Oh my God, is she okay?!" Mia asked frantically.

I took Renee in my arms, completely in denial that she could be dead.

"Of course she is..." I said, pushing her hair out of her face. "She just hit her head on the landing is all. She'll be fine..."

"Malfoy she's--"

"Shut up, Uchiha! She's going to be fine..." A tear slipped from my eye and landed in the center of the heart-shaped snake pendant that was ironically right above her heart.

Renee's face twitched and all of us let out a sigh of relief.

"Renee...?" I said quietly.

"We won, right?" She said.

A smile crossed my face. "Yeah Renee, we won."

[[End of the Year]]
Renee's POV.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. After everything that's happened this year, it was good to know that it was finally over...for now.

For now everything was quiet and settled. Turns out Mad Eye Moody was really Barty Crouch Jr. Tch, he was a total psychopath.

I finished clipping in my extension and thought I looked pretty good in my last outfit of fourth year. My hair was back to being just past my shoulders, my eyes were bright blue and ringed with eyeliner just like a racoon's, and I had a perfect green stripe in my onyx hair to match my black and green patterned nails and belt.

"Talk about Slytherin Pride." I heard behind me.

I turned and saw Draco standing in my doorway, smiling.

"Very funny." I replied.

"You coloured your hair again?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "It's a hair extension. It clips in and out." Silly little blonde boy.

Draco chuckled and we headed for King's Cross train station. "I can't believe this is it...the last day of fourth year..." I said to Draco as we entered the platform.

"I know, it's been one hell of a year, hasn't it?" He replied. I nodded and he frowned. "We're still going to have to sneak out to see each other because of Sasuke now, aren't we?"

I shook my head and he looked puzzled. "I think I can convince Sasuke otherwise."


I smirked. "That's for me to know and you, dot, dot."

"NEENEE!" I heard Mia yell almost half way across the station just like the first day.

I smiled big. "MIMI!" I yelled back, running to hug her.

"You would wear pants." She said, laughing at me.

"And you would wear shorts under a glob of purple." I teased her.

Mia, James, Draco, and I all boarded the train and sat in the same compartment like usual with Mia and I on both window seats and our boys right next to us.

"You're still going to be in advanced classes next year too, aren't you?" I asked Mia, slightly laughing.

"Hey, what would you have done if it wasn't for me not being in those advanced classes?" She teased me.

"I'd probably be dead by now." I commented.

"Well we're all thankful you're not." Draco said, kissing my forehead.

Is this truely the end, or the begining of something so much more? Even though this was so calming and normal, I knew there was still more trouble up ahead. Probably all of us knew. But none of that mattered now. It was summer, and I was determined to get Sasuke to change his mind.

But for now, I just sat in my loving boyfriend's arms and enjoyed the ride home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oops, not the end.
One more chapter to go.
Then the sequal.