Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

This Spells Trouble...I Like It!

That night was rather amusing. Draco and Mia actually had to charm me so I wouldn't run to kill the hat or keep cussing. I'm really beginning to hate how smart Mia is sometimes.

As for my 'good night's sleep', it was rudely interrupted by an annoying memory-dream of my idiot brother.

Wherever I was in London was absolutely beautiful. Odd, but beautiful. The sky was a perfect blue and the wind gently blew my newly blonded hair back.

"Oh! I'm sorry." I said, turning to see who I had bumped into.

Immediately, I could feel my cheeks becoming flushed at the boy I saw in front of me. Other than his hair. That irked me slightly. I grinned slightly and messed it up.

"Sorry, but you look a hell of a lot better like that." I said, rubbing the back of my head.

The boy laughed as though he was agreeing with me. I was taken back slightly. "You really don't care what people think of you, do you?" Damn that accent. I always had a thing for accents.

I crossed my arms, "Well of course not. But my motto; Talk shit, get hit. It's also my favourite."

The boy cocked his head to the right, "What's you name?"

"Renee. I'm here with my older brother...although he's not really quite...sane. He's a one guy circus." I answered, shuddering at the thought of Itachi. "What's your name?"

The boy smirked, "Draco, Draco Malfoy."

We ended up talking for nearly an hour when his parents and my brother had found us and talked themselves.

"That's your brother?" Draco said quietly, giving my brother a strange look.

"Yupp. One man circus, I told you." I replied, giving Itachi a strange look myself. Itachi gave me a creepy wave and I shuddered. "You don't even want to imagine the other losers I live with. I get a freak show every day from Tobi watching Hannah Montana--he's a grown man and he's in love with her, to Itachi and Deidara arguing about their hair--which makes them both look like chicks, to Zetsu just looking like the freaky plant guy he is."

Draco looked stunned. "You're bloody serious, aren't you?"

"And that's not even half of it...I'm just glad my other brother is with some freaky snake-like rapist dude and his goo-goo eyed assistant." That, I was actually happy about. I had met my other brother, Sasuke, a couple of times before as a child and he was not the greatest brother ever. He was a gay-ass bitch!

"Well, at least you're going to Hogwarts, aren't you?"

"Thank freaking God. Now maybe I can keep some of my sanity in check." I joked.

The Malfoys really adored me. Draco's mom even started thinking of me like the daughter they've never had. It was pretty awesome. They said for the summers if I wanted to I could stay at Malfoy manor. I eagerly and over excitedly said yes. Now I can keep more and more of my sanity in check.

The rest of the day Itachi spent with Draco's parents and I spent with Draco. Which was quite amusing when his friend Blaise came over.

"You know," He started as soon as he saw us together. "Someone could get the wrong impression about you two."

"What do you mean?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Someone could think you two are the cutest couple on the bloody planet."

Draco and I both stared at him like he was crazy.

"See what I mean?" Blaise smirked. "It's like you two are soul mates or something."

For the next three and a half minutes we all argued about the situation when someone (someone, of course, being Blaise) suggested we play Truth or Dare. This was going to be bad for the little 'blonde' girl.

"Renee," Blaise said to me.
Oh here we go, I thought. "Truth or dare?"

Not that I care to but, "Truth." I answered to play it safe for now.

"What's the worst thing you've done in the last month?"

I started laughing hysterically causing both boys to stare awkwardly at me. "Sorry Blaise, but I have a list."

"You have a bloody list?" Draco said to me.

"Mhmm. I actually keep track of half the stuff I do." I replied, pulling out a folded piece of paper from my back pocket. "Alrighty, let's see here,"

"August 1: Called the house phone from my cell phone pretending to be Itachi's therapist and told him he needs electro-shock therapy--which may not even help because he's that bad.

August 3: Put a lot of red food colouring in Deidara's shampoo and conditioner bottles causing his "butter yellow" hair to turn ginger for a week and a half.

August 6: Decided to do a splatter painting in Itachi's room using a small easel, large brush, and the following colours; pink, white, light blue, hot pink, violet, neon green, neon blue, orange, neon orange, yellow, and neon yellow all in tempra paint making in permenent.

August 10: Canceled the subscription to the Disney channel for a week so Tobi couldn't watch Hannah Montana.

August 11: Told Kisame that his parents were sharks in the Pacific Sea which caused him to leave immediately to search for them. The Pacific Sea doesn't exist.

August 14: Told Hidan that Jashin spoke to me in my dream last night saying Hidan was an unfaithful and unloyal servant and that he's unpleased and wants him to switch to Christianity immediately. It worked.

August 17: Yelled at Itachi and Deidara and caused a bunch of stuff to blow up. Well, it wasn't on purpose but it sure scared the hell out of everyone in the house so it's a plus."

The boys were gaping at me. I stared at them smiling big. "Who's turn is it now?"

"Bloody hell girl..." Blaise said. "You did all that?"

"Well, duhh. And that's only what I did this month. You should see the whole book I've been keeping for the last...oh what is it by now...three...four years? Pretty interesting."

"And how old are you?" Blaise asked me.

"Eleven." I smiled.

The game continued with both boys taking truths, afraid of what I'd make them do after hearing that. Then it was Blaise's turn again.

"Renee," He began.

"Oh come on, how you come you always pick on me?" I argued. "And dare." I stuck my tongue out at him.

Blaise smirked. The two words in my mind were now,
oh fuck.

"I dare you and Draco to kiss." Blaise crossed his arms now feeling accomplished.

"What the hell is this, seven minutes in heaven?" I fought.

"It's a dare, love. Now do the dare."

I was begining to question my sanity more and more not only every day, but definetly at this moment.

"Or I could always charm you two to kiss." Blaise played.

"I could always punch you in the face." I smiled.

"Fiesty little girl. Definetly your type, Draco."

As I opened my mouth to protest and yell at Blaise for such a stupid idea, Draco grabbed my shoulders, pulling me closer to him, and just kissed me.

For an eleven year old girl, that was definetly the best freaking day of my life.

Until I got home.

"So, you and Draco, huh?" Itachi kidded with me when we finally got home.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." I replied, hiding my blushing cheeks.

As soon as Itachi had opened the door and turned on the light, I wanted to scream and run back to London.

"Long time no see, Sasame." I cringed at not only the sight of my other brother on the chair in front of me, but that damned name he uses for me!

"S-Sasuke?" I said, really hoping it wasn't him but someone else playing a freaking trick on me. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came back for a visit but found out about this," Sasuke replied, holding up my Hogwarts letter.

"Yeah, what about it?" I put a hand on my hip.

"You're not going." Fuck that.

I laughed out loud. Even Itachi gave Sasuke a skeptical look.

"You can't stop me." I said.

"You're eleven," He started.

"And you're what, fourteen?" I countered. "Besides, you haven't given a damn about me all these years. Why now? Itachi, although making me question my sanity daily, has been my legal guardian. Not you. So just do me a favour and stay the hell out of my life like you have all these years." I said, getting pissed and going to storm upstairs.

"Renee Mika Uchiha," Sasuke said. I rolled my eyes halfway up the stairs. "You're not going. And I don't want you to have anything to do with the Malfoys. Ever."

I narrowed my eyes as I turned to him. "Go. To. Hell."

I sat up in my bed, eyes narrowed at the dream I had just relived.

I sighed, muttering a very colourful vocabulary towards Sasuke as I stood up quietly seeing both of my roommates still sound asleep.

I grabbed my sweater and went downstairs, feeling like taking a walk. Some people would call it snooping, I call it walking and finding things I'm not supposed to.

After about twenty minutes of endless wandering, I came across the library. Of course it was locked, but did locks ever stop me? Of course not.

It took me less than a minute for my index finger's nail to pick the lock.

As I walked inside, I adjusted my eyes to the darkness easily and quietly walked around exploring when I heard it.

"Isabelle..." A voice said in the shadows, hushed but dangerous.

I snapped my head all around to find no one else in the room.

Am I crazy?

"Come, Isabelle. I can help you greatly..." I needed to know where that voice was coming from.

I began walking further and further back in the library when I came to the restricted section and again, easily picked the lock with my nail.

"Find the book, Isabelle..." Who the hell was Isabelle?

As I found my way further and further back in the restricted section, the voice grew louder and louder.

"The second shelf, Isabelle...The book with the rose thorns imprinted on the spine..." The voice was female, I could finally figure that much out. But I didn't recognize it.

I looked to my right and there was the book the voice was clearly trying to have me find; second shelf with rose thorns imprinted on it's spine. This spells trouble...I like it!

"Take the book, Isabelle. Take the book and hide it from everyone. No one can know about it."

"What's the big deal with this book?" I whispered back to the voice.

"You can do great things, Isabelle. Great things. I can help you. All you need is that book."

"Why do you keep calling me Isabelle? My name is Renee."

"Just take the book!"

"Okay! Jeezum..." I whipped the book off the shelf and soon heard footsteps nearby and panicked.

"Take out your wand and say the following, acardia momento."


"Just do it!"

"Okay! Okay!" I took my want out of my sleeve (I had on enough bracelets and a wristband to hold it onto my arm) and recited, "Acardia momento!" and vanished from the room.

Now this spells trouble...and I like it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out!
But also, from here on with the plot are Lauren's ideas.
I thank her greatly because I'd have no idea what I'm doing with this without her.
So comment for the both of us?