Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

101 Ways to Cause Trouble: Chapter One.

The Next Morning.

I sat up in my bed, yawning. My two roommates were still sleeping and as I took my hair out of its ponytail, I remembered having the strangest dream last night. When I saw the book from the dream at my side, I knew I was fucked over since it aparently wasn't a dream.

I shook my head, grabbing the book, and put it in the bottom of my trunk. "I don't know the point to it, so I don't particularly want to deal with it at the moment." I said as I went to get dressed.

Looking at my wardrobe, I smiled at my new school uniform. Once I was dressed, I knew I had to accesorize with my usual--band bracelets on my right wrist, the necklace Draco gave me, and strangely enough, my prized ring on my right hand. Why it was my prized ring, hardly anyone knew.

I smiled at myself once more in the mirror upon applying my usual eyeliner and brushing my hair. Once I figured I was set, I grabbed my bag and headed into the common room leaving my two roommates to sleep a little bit longer.

As I decended the stairs, I glanced at my watch and saw I had another 45 minutes. I was surprised, I was never early. I usually either just barely make it, or am totally late.

So I shrugged and sat on the couch, listening to my iPod. Mostly my Avenged Sevenfold and Black Veil Brides songs since those were todays band bracelets.

"You're up awefully early." I heard near me through my favourite BVB song--Knives and Pens.

I looked up and attempted to stop a stupid smile from crossing my face. There stood my perfect boyfriend, shirtless with wet hair.

"Good morning to you too." I replied, taking my headphones out of my ears. More like day-um, good morning to me. I thought.

"Are you still looking for ways to kill the Sorting Hat or have you calmed your anger?" Draco teased as he sat down next to me.

"Aha, very funny. And it wasn't anger, it was pure rage." I crossed my arms and looked the other way stubbornly.

Draco laughed at me and turned my head towards him kissing me gently. I was really begining to like this school.

"Well if you care to take your rage out on anyone, I suggest any Gryffindors." Draco played, smirking.

"Pshtt, you say that like I haven't already been thinking of stuff. Do you not remember when we were eleven and you and Blaise were weirded out because I had a list of the shit I did to the Akatsuki?"

Draco shuddered teasingly, "How could I bloody forget?"

I grinned evilly and took my black notebook out of my bag.

"What in bloody hell is that...?" Draco asked cautiously.

"Oh..nothing. Just a little notebook of naughty things I love to do to people and-or plan to do to people." I replied, flipping to my more recent entries.

"Should I be scared?" Draco teased.

"Not you, no, no. But a certain trio of losers that MiMi is going to nag me about later, most definetly."


I grinned evilly as Draco and I entered the Great Hall, my little black notebook tucked carefully in my bag that was slung over my shoulder.

"You've already done something, haven't you?" Draco whispered to me as we walked to the Syltherin table.

I grinned and chuckled evilly. "Just keep your eye on Weasley."

Draco glanced over at the Weasley boy who suddenly began choking on pumpkin juice. "What in hell did you do?"

"Just keep watching. I heard he's afraid of spiders." My evil grin kept growing larger so it would almost match Cheshire Cat's from Alice in Wonderland as we all watched Weasley cough up a large black widdow spider, causing him to scream like a little girl and run like a bat out of hell out of here.

Everyone at our table began to laugh hysterically and Draco gave me a kiss for my accomplishment.

"Do you know how truely happy you make me?" He said.

"A girl can only guess." I smiled slyly as Granger and Potter looked our way.

"What is that little book of yours anyways?" Draco asked me.

"101 Ways to Cause Trouble by Renee Uchiha." I grinned very Cheshire Cat like again as I evilly waved at Granger and Potter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry to any Ron Weasley fans but I had to do it. Hahaa.
How much trouble do you guys think Renee is going to cause this year?
Or, how many chapters do you think are in that book? Hahaa.