Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Do I Look Like Damon Salvatore to You? I Can't Read Freaking Latin!

After a long and hard day of torturing the "Golden Trio" and little first years, I said my good nights and headed upstairs to relax without my roommates for a couple more hours.

"Isabelle, you cannot hide the book forever."

Dammit, the book. But who the fuck is Isabelle? That's really pissing me off.

"Look, freaky voice in my head, my name is Renee. I don't know who the hell this Isabelle chick is, but she ain't me!" I said into the darkness of my candlelit room.

"Fine, Renee. Just get the book."

I groaned and rolled my eyes, getting up and grabbing the stupid book from my trunk and sitting back on my bed.

"What exactly am I supposed to do with this stupid book?"

"It's not stupid you foolish little girl! It's going to be the key to your Power."

Did the crazy voice in my head just call me foolish and little?

I dusted off the cover and felt my eye twitch. "What the hell language is this book in?" I asked the voice, not being able to read whatever the hell it said on the cover.

"Latin. It's not that difficult."

"LATIN?!" I yelled. "Do I look like Damon Salvatore?! I can't read freaking Latin!"

"Can you at least read what the cover says?"

"Did I not just make it clear that I do not know any bit of Latin?"

"Well if you have the ability to use this book, you shouldn't have to know."

"Pardon me?"

The voice sighed. "If you have the ability to use the magic that this book teaches, you don't need to know a word of Latin because it will be revealed to the caster."

"Yeah, 'cause that makes oh so much sense."

"Just read the damned cover!"

"Alright, jeezum." I rolled my eyes and turned to the throned rose vine covered book. "Niger Cruoris Libri of Atrum Veneficus."

"Good, now what does it mean?"

My eye twitched as I began to think the voice in my head was crazier than the fact that I was hearing it when somehow I figured I knew it.

"The Black Bloods' Book of Dark Magic." I paused, then freaked out. "What the hell are Black Bloods? And Dark Magic?! Pardon me?!"

"Black Blood means a long history of the same bloodline. And it's not really Dark Magic."

"If it's not really Dark Magic than why the hell does it say 'DARK' mother-fucking 'MAGIC' on the damn cover?!"

"Because it's old now hush up you silly girl!" Silly girl? Excusé moi? "Now, for the next few weeks I can help you learn anything from that book. You can master nonverbal spells before you even need to learn them in sixth year, anything. You can be the greatest witch alive by studying from that book."

"Well, I'm pretty sure my friend Mia has that covered. She's already in fifth and sixth year classes because she's smart."

"It has nothing to do with being smart. You have to have the Power."

"And how exactly do you know I do?"

"Because I know. Now flip to a page."

I rolled my eyes and opened the book to the middle. "Provectus Vomica." I said, reading the top of the page. "...Advanced...Curses? Are you shitting me?" Hello, I'm a red flag.

"Try a different page for tonight. Go back a little bit."

I sighed and grabbed a chunk of pages, flipping them the opposite way. "Alica pro Pyro. Spells for the Pyro?" Pyro meaning fire, hello.

"That's better. Try the third spell down."

I took out my wand, pointing it at the candle on my nightstand, and said the words from the book, "Praemium!" And instantly, the candle blew up instead of lit up.

"Figures you'd be a good Pyro."

Something tells me this was going to be a very long night...
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like to thank Luna Bell for commenting my early update today(:
Had she not, well, I probably wouldn't have updated again.
Thank you to all of my wonderful commentors who make me want to write this story;;

Luna Bell

Thank you all for commenting so please continue with each of my updates! Hahaa.