A Rose, My Rose

Letters to you.

July 19, 1918.

My Dearest Curtis,

Days have been going by so quickly nowadays.

Elizabeth and Edward Sr. have been feeling very tired as of late and I fear the worst. Not only is the tiredness a factor but they having a severe case of the cough.

The word now is that the Influenza is coming down to Chicago and I worry for myself and for my nephew Edward. I have been trying to send him to my parents up in the countryside but he refuses to leave his family and I.

I see him often trying to hide his cough, his fever is getting worse, and his skin is becoming dreadfully pale. My dearest I am so lost without you.

But enough about me; how are you? Carol Jefferson down the street told me that her son is returning home. They say that they are sending many of our boys home because of the victory of France. Are you coming back to me?

Carson Bales wrote to his fiancé a few weeks back, he told her that he has fallen in love with French woman, she was so sad. She died Thursday; the Influenza had gotten to her. I think she wanted to get sick, I don’t think she had anything to live for.

My love, you promised as soon as you returned to from Paris that you would come and marry me, and I will hold you to that till the end of my life. But please hurry, I miss you.

Your darling girl,

My darling girl Maggie.

Paris is getting old, I miss you and your cooking too much. I can’t believe that it has been two years since I have seen your emerald eyes. Every time I close my eyes I see you on the last day I had before I was deployed.

I took you on picnic to our little spot in the woods; I had even made the food. I remember you wincing every time you took a bite of the cookies I had failed to make. But you ate every single one of those cookies till they were all gone. ‘They were the best cookies I had ever tasted,’ you said. I called you out on lying, knowing that you were trying to make me feel better and well, I guess it did.

As for your Elisabeth and Edward Sr. I’m going to be selfish and ask you not to take care of them anymore, the last thing I need is to come home and find you on your death bed. My love, take yourself and Edward away from this and wait for me, I will see you soon. I talked to my captain and he said that we are to be returning home very soon.

And as for Carson predicament, you best not believe that I would ever do that to you. These women don’t hold a candle to you.

The minute I step foot on American soil you best believe that I will going straight to you and kissing you like it’s the last thing I do, then I will race you to the chapel and I will marry you and call you my own.

I will miss you and I will see you very soon.

With all my love,
Your Curtis.
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I was going to do a story on when Maggie was already a vampire, but I decided to change it to do a few chapters as her a human then when she is first a vampire with Edward. And the whole story isn’t going to be letter-like, just the first 2 chapters.