Her Story.

Chapter Two: forever was written in her heart.

I never knew what I wanted in the future, I never really thought about it either. Then again I was only thirteen at the time, but my dreams and my future were coming together piece by piece. One thing was true; I didn’t care what the future was for my life as long as he was a part of it. My perfect dream was to finish school, married the guy that stole my heart, spend forever with him, and start a family of our own living out in a beautiful small town in Mississippi. I was never one to think I’d want to live life in the country but when I met him that changed, everything about him was amazing. He was country all the way and I loved every bit of it. From his country charm to his dreams in life, forever with me is what he wanted. He wanted the same things in life as I did. Of course nothings perfect, he had a lot going on in his family and I always tried to be there for him the best I could. He also had a temper at times which didn’t help much. But I was not near perfect either, I had been teased a lot as in my old school and I didn’t like many things about myself but he made me see myself as beautiful. He couldn’t see what I loved in him, but I could say all the reasons why I loved him but I would go on for days and days, not even all the stars in the sky would be enough. I would give him the world if I could and he would’ve given up his own life to save mine. We were perfect together. I don’t think I had ever smiled more in my life than when I was his beautifulness, I absolutely loved that nickname he called me. He always said I was his map that guided him to where he needed to be and I always in return said he was my shooting star guiding me to where I needed to be. Many of his friends just had to know that girl that he wouldn’t stop talking about and finally they had talked to me and then they said they could see why. And all my friends could see it, just how happy I truly was. I must have had some sort of glow to me.