The time being.

The start:

My life became a adventure the day I met my best friend. She changed my life for the best. The way we met was quite an werid way to met someone..Here's how it all started....

I was siting in line in the morning waiting to go to class. Then out of nowhere this girl runs into me.
"Sorry, i didn't even see you." she said to me.
"it's fine"
Then later that night her dad came to my house while i was watching t.v. in my parents room. I saw that his dog came over through the slider door in my parents room. A short while after i saw the dog, She came over to find her dog. My parents told her where i was, and due to the fact that she knew my whole house by heart she knew exactly where my parents room was. So she came into the room and said.
"Your that girl from this morning."
"I guess so." I was a little shy.
"So wanna go in your room. I'm a tent master." She wasn't kidding.
So we went into my room and pulled all of my blankets off my bed and make a tent.