Status: Active

Ima Monster

Chapter four

I switch out of wolf form quickly and put my shorts on. I'm glad to be able to think my own thoughts now and not have others intruding in my head. Especially since I had patrol with Jake today and he's still taking that bitch Bella's getting married to the bloodsucker hard. Personally I'll never know what he saw in her in the first place. I mean practically the whole time she's lived here she's been obsessed with the vampire. Its not like he imprinted on her either. That I could understand but this, this is just verging on ridiculous. I swear he was dropped on his head as a baby.

I cross the street slowly and begin walking in the direction of the beach. I don't know what will happen when they get back from there honeymoon. Will we attack the bloodsucker or will we just leave it be. I mean Bella did ask to be a vampire. Just thinking about this makes me confused and pissed. I mean who in there right fucking mind would want to be a bloodsucker for the rest of eternity. They are filthy creatures who are damned. Not that I'm that much better off.

When I get to the beach I'm still in a pretty pissed off mood. So I basically just stomp around for a while, glad that no ones bothering me. I do this for about an hour and when I finally get bored I start making my way home. Which requires me to walk all the way back across the beach and threw town.

It's when I'm outside of a local dinner in town that I'm knocked out of my thoughts. I run directly into some short kid wearing dark clothing, sun glasses and a hat. Huh, weird kid, I think looking at the cloud ridden skies. The force of our impact causes him to topple over onto his ass, while I'm only slightly jostled. I don't pay much mind to the small boy as I step around him, only focused on getting home.

"What the fuck, you tall ass douche bag, you could atleast say sorry if not help me up," I hear a voice shout behind me. When I spin around I see that it's the short boy that I knocked down yelling at me. "Screw off," I mumble and start walking away again. I hear footsteps behind me and to my amazement I feel a hand on my wrist spin me around with suprising strength.

When I look at him he's still bitching me out but the sound is lost on me. All I can see is his face. More specifically his eyes. The ones that had previously been covered by chunky sun glasses. They had me glued to this spot not able to look away. Where this one bitchy short boy just became my world. Fuck.
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It didn't take five months to update this time :o Omg it's a miracle. Sorry if there were any mistakes. I can't use spell check on my phone so I have to do it myself. Oh and there was something that I was wondering about the other day that one of you reading this might know. Whats the difference between a story rated R and a story rated NC-17. Just wondering and if you know and just leave it in a comment or message me that would be wonderful. Kay I think I covered everything. Thank you everyone who commented and I hoped you enjoyed. :D