Status: Inactive.

Delicate Soul. The Blossom Spirit.

Floating In A Dream

She weaved through tall dark tree trunks, skipping past glimmering black mushrooms, utterly silent as she danced over a sparkling pool, the stars gleaming through the multicolored canopy above her head. Her world was quiet and peaceful, the shadows, dark and thick, rocked to the silent beat of life. Animals on the forest floor were graceful and elegant, their movements like the radiant grass, which reached above her head, swaying in the wind, as if to the tune of a flute being played faintly in the branches above. Animals in the trees floated and swung to the melody of the birds, who spun in arcs through the clear, sweet, air. The fertile soil was wet but firm, feeling cool on her bare feet as she flew through the forest.

Finally she came into the open, the wind blew softly around her, touching her cheek like a delicate kiss. The grass was short here, reaching to her ankles, covered in cool dew. She slowed, walking to the edge of the ridge, overlooking what seemed to her like the entire world. The rest of the forest stretched out in front of her, where you could see the giant birds with the shining red feathers, and the hoards of dainty butterflies drifting on the cool breeze. A thrill went through her, as it did every time she witnessed the beauty of her beloved forest. She felt her heart pound in wonder, even though she had seen this sight so many times.

Time slowed, and quickly diminished to nothing as she stood there, feeling the life around her. Her breathing became deeper, her head felt clear, nothing crowded her thoughts. The morning sun, peeking slightly over the horizon, shone it's penetrating white light on the glittering forest, which sparkled even brighter then it had before. Nothing could ruin the breathtaking beauty and serene energy.

“Jill!” The sharp voice of her mother cut through the peace like a knife through butter. Jill gasped in shock, her mind suddenly jerked back into reality. She sat up with a jolt, rubbing her eyes. She looked around her, the familiar plains, with the short, green grass, the tons of little white and purple flowers poking through, and the hills were all she could see for miles. It was as it always was in the hills of the Sun Realm, where the sun shone fiercely, yet the grass still stayed green and the flowers still showcased their beauty. She sat at the top of a large hill, where she remembered going in the middle of the night, since she could not sleep.

Jill rubbed her head in confusion, this was the third time she had had this dream of being in the enchanting forests of the Sparkling Realm. Now she was back in the plains within seconds. Once she had gotten her bearings her eyes went straight to her little town, Clear Water, sitting proudly in the middle of the flattest part of the hilly plains, where the sun shone the most. She looked down at her expensive dainty white dress, stained severely with mud. Every time she had such a dream she brought back some sort of sign she had been there. Jill thought her spirit went there, but why? She did not know. She knew as she sat there that she hated the forest, because she felt so closed in, yet when she went there she felt an unimaginable bliss. Putting her thoughts aside, Jill bit her lip in worry, her mother would be very upset.

Her mother's voice rang out again, "You, Missy better get your butt back here this instant or your going to be sorry!” Jill winced, turning to head back, “and if your dress is dirty, so help me…”

Jill cringed, her eyes as large as saucers as she recklessly sprinted back the way she had came. She burst onto the flat part of the plains, tearing down the dirt road, which led from the edge of each large hill surrounding the flat part and straight to the gates of her town, Clear Water.

Jill tried not to trip on her long night dress, Everyone was out today, in front of their cookie-cutter houses and quaint shops. Nobody noticed her in the poor part of town, but when she got into the rich living, many women, carrying white umbrellas lined with lace, cried out in disgusted astonishment. Elder women scolded her as she tried to rub out the horrendous stains, to no avail, and men looked at her with petty disdain.

After what seemed like forever, Jill, red in the face and exhausted, spotted her house, a colossal mansion, towering over the entire town. It was located in the very center of the town, facing the town center, where a large fountain worked and the market was run. Jill tried her best to cover her face from the traders who had come in from the two neighboring realms, Moon Realm and Mountain Realm, which were in alliance with Sun Realm if a world war broke out. Tensions were rising between the three alliances of the ten realms, and war was getting closer and closer.

Jill made her way through the front door and up the wide, winding staircase, to her mother’s room. Her house was almost completely white, as white as her mother could get it. A glass chandelier hung from the high domed ceiling, a white grand piano sat in the corner, and on each side of the staircase creamy white doors laden with carvings led to the dining room and grand room. Jill flinched when she looked to see she had left a dirt trail all the way up the stairs. She growled in frustration, feeling like stomping her feet angrily.

She tread through the bare halls, eventually standing before her mother’s door, “come in” a strained voice said behind it.

Jill took a deep breath, closing her eyes, and turning the handle.