Status: One Shot; possible two shot.

I'll Always Kiss You Again


"Raine, baby, I'm so glad you're home," my mom hugged me tightly.

I giggled and shut my front door, "Good to be home, momma bear."

She smiled, "Well, go put your luggage in your room, dinner's almost ready. When will Jack be here?"

"He texted me about ten minutes ago, saying he'll be here in like fifteen minutes. So, like right now," I said.

She laughed, "Go put your stuff away, baby girl."

I nodded and walked over to the stairs, struggling with my rolling suitcase and a duffel bag. My dad appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Anything breakable in the duffel bag, princess?" he asked.

I shook my head. He motioned for me to throw it and I tossed it up to him. He put it in my room and then turned around as I reached the top step, hugging me tightly.

"It's good to see you, princess," he said.

I smiled, "It's good to see you, Daddy. I missed you."

I put my rolling suitcase in my room and heard the doorbell ring.

As I ran down the stairs, I screamed, "I'll get it!"

I ran past my parents in the kitchen and into the foyer. I yanked the door open and my best friend, Jack Barakat, was standing there. He looked down at me and grinned his big smile.

"Raine, my love. It's so good to see you."

I launched myself at him, feeling his arms go around my torso and bring me up against his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up. My legs wrapped around his waist.

"You look beautiful, Raine."

I giggled, "You look great, too, Jackary."

He let me down and I grabbed his hand, bringing him inside. He shut the door and we went into the kitchen, where my mom was picking out a wine for dinner, and my dad was finishing the lasagna.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" Jack said excitedly. Yes, he calls my parents mom and dad.

My mom turned around with a bottle of white wine in her hand, "Jack! It's so good to see you!"

She put the bottle on the table and came over to us, hugging Jack tightly. He laughed and hugged her back. She released him and my dad gave him a 'man hug.' Jack returned to my side.

"Come sit, Jack, Raine. Would you both like some wine?" my mom asked.

I nodded as Jack said, "Yes, please."

We sat down to dinner, my mom pouring Jack and I glasses of wine while my dad cut pieces of the lasagna for us.


Mom poured herself a fourth glass of wine as we all talked.

"How's school, Raine?" my dad asked.

I smiled, "It's great, Daddy. I got straight A's last semester."

He beamed, "Smart girl. And you're staying away from the boys?" he asked, sternly.

I rolled my eyes, "Daddy!"

He smirked, "I know you can look after yourself. Jack, how's the band?"

I looked at Jack, who grinned, "It's great! We have a few weeks off before we go on the Bamboozle Roadshow with Good Charlotte and Third Eye Blind and a lot other bands."

My dad smiled, "That's great, Jack. I know how much you boys look up to both of those bands."

Jack nodded, "Alex especially looks up to Third Eye Blind. We're all really excited, but we're already friends with the guys in Good Charlotte."

"How's your fiance, dear?" Mom asked.

I looked at Jack, who's face brightened considerably, "She's good. She's in California right now," he said.

"You seem happy, Jack," my dad commented.

Jack grinned, "I'm very happy."

Mom sighed almost wistfully, "Oh, Jacky, honey, we're so happy for you. I remember when Raine told us that you were engaged. She cried so hard. She locked herself in her room for days."

My eyes widened as I looked at my dad. My mom was chattering away about how I came home and refused to come out of my room.

"Dear, I think it's time to go to bed," my dad said.

My dad took my mom's hand and took her into their room, after shooting me an apologetic look.

Jack and I remained silent. Tension hung thick in the air. I kept thinking of things to say, but I didn't know what to say to him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jack asked quietly.

I sighed, "How could I tell you that, Jack? How am I supposed to tell you that I cried for three days when you told me you were getting married?"

He looked into my eyes, "Raine, you know you can tell me anything," he said softly.

Tears lined my eyes and I took a deep breath to keep them from falling.

"What was I supposed to say, Jack? For some reason I'm so torn up about you being happy?"

He gave me a look, "It's obvious," he said.

I stood up, "No, Jack, no."


"No!" I ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my bedroom.

I could hear Jack behind me, calling my name. I ran into my bedroom and tried to close the door but Jack stopped me. He shut the door behind himself.

"Why does it scare you so much, Raine?" he asked, sitting on my bed.

"I can't have feelings for you, Jack. You're getting married," I said, standing in front of him.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him, "You know you'll always be my girl, Raine."

I tried to pull my hands away but Jack wouldn't let me, "No, she's your girl now."

He shook his head, "She could never replace you. You know you always have a special place in my heart."

I shook my head, "Don't say that," the tears sliding down my cheeks.

He grabbed the back of my thighs and brought me closer to him, "Remember that one night--"

"Jack," I whispered.

His grip tightened, "I know you remember it, Raine. It was in here."

"We agreed not to talk about that night, Jack."

His voice dropped a few octaves, "I know you remember it. Do you think about it at all? I do."

I felt his lips on my neck as he spoke. I took a deep breath, "I do."

"I told you that I'll always love you," he whispered.

I pulled away from him, "Jack, you're engaged. I just want you to be happy and if it means with her, then so be it."

"You're too good to me," he said, quietly.

I sighed, "I know."

"It's not--"

"Don't talk about it anymore. Pretend this never happened," I begged.

He looked into my eyes, "Why?"

"Because you're supposed to marry her."

He sighed, "Raine--"

"You are," I said.

"Will you come to the wedding?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll come."


"So, are you excited?"

I looked up at Rian, who was smiling down at me. I grinned up at him.

"I'm stoked, but I'm nervous, too," I admitted.

The truth was, I was nervous about seeing Raine. I knew she didn't want this day to come, but the fact that she was still coming to support me. There was a knock on the door, and Alex's head popped in.

"Hey man," he said with a smile on his face.

I grinned, "Hey dude!"

I could tell his smile was forced as he gave me a hug, "Excited?"

I nodded, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

He sighed, "Guys, can Jack and I have a minute?"

Everyone but Alex and I left the room. The door shut and I saw Alex reaching into a pocket on the inside of his jacket. He pulled out a folded piece of paper.

"I went to Raine's house this morning. You should read this."

I took the piece of paper, dreading what it would say. He gave me a sympathetic look as I unfolded it.

Dearest Jack,

I can't believe you're getting married today.
I know you've always wanted to get married.
And I know you've always wanted me to be there.
But I can't be there.
I cannot sit there and watch you marry Danielle
and I cannot pretend that I'm okay with it, either.
I'm in love with you, Jack.
I know this isn't fair to do to you on your wedding day.
I'm sorry I waited so long.
I'll be at work if you want to know.
Please don't be upset, and know that I will move on eventually.


I looked at Alex, "Did you read it?"

He shook his head, "No, but she told me what it says."

I sat down in a chair, covering my face with my hands.

"What am I gonna do, Alex?"

I felt his hands on my shoulders, "Jack, I wish I could help you. But this decision has to be made by you alone."

I nodded, "I know."

"Not to pressure you, but you better think fast," he said.

I looked up and saw Rian standing at the doorway, "It's time," he said,

I stood up and walked with Alex and Rian to the alter. Alex stood next to me.

"Have you made your decision?" he asked, quietly, as Melissa's bridesmaids and stuff started walking down the aisle.

I shook my head, "No."

He put his hand on my shoulder again, "You don't have much time."

Then, Melissa stood in the doorway, her arm looped with her father's. I didn't get butterflies. I didn't flip at how beautiful she was. I wasn't nervous, I wasn't scared. I didn't want it to happen.

"How about now?"

I just nodded, "I'm just waiting for the right moment."

She walked up to me and the priest started talking, but I couldn't hear him. I watched Melissa's mouth move and say 'I do' and I realized that every time I think about getting married, Raine has always been in my dream.

"And do you Jack, take Melissa--"

"No," I interrupted.

Everyone looked at me, appalled. Melissa looked enraged.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

She shook her head, "I'll never forgive you for this. It's Raine, isn't it?"

I took the letter out of my pocket and showed her. She shook her head, "I'll get you both."

I rolled my eyes, "I have somewhere else to be."

She shrieked, "No! Stay here! Marry me!"

I walked away after putting the letter back. I knew Alex was following me.

"Good choice," he said.

I laughed, "Come on, she's at work."

We turned the corner from the church, and Raine was standing there. Alex walked away, and I saw Rian and Zack follow him.

"Am I too late?" she asked, fingering the hem of her red and black dress.

I smirked and walked over to her, grabbing her hips and pressing her against the outer church wall, "Definitely not," I breathed, pressing my lips to hers.

She responded immediately, her hands in my hair and kissing me back.

"Perfect timing," I whispered as we pulled away to breathe.

She smiled, "Kiss me again."

"I'll always kiss you again."