Justice And Mercy

How many people wanna kick some ass?

Waking up wasn't how I expected it to go. There was a girl yelling in my face, and she wouldn't stop until I got up. But I decided not to get up and I rolled over and stuffed my face in what I thought was a pillow, but it was really just one of the guys I would be working for, and I didn't realize that. I groaned and flipped over him, rolling out of the bed. The maid laughed, sounding satisfied with herself and she walked around towards me. I got up on my feet and looked at myself, I was wearing the same thing I showed up in, and it was uncomfortable. She reached out for my hand, and I moved back, dodging her grab.

"Don't touch me" I told her.

She frowned, "we gotta get you dressed and ready to go out within the hour" She said impatiently.

"Go out? Today? Hell no" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Babe, it's not your choice, you work for us, as a personal maid" the guy sitting on the bed cut in.

My eye twitched, I shook my head in protest. I was not being a maid to these men. No way. Nothing could make me do it. I let out a sigh as another man came walking into the room, holding a fancy looking bag in his hands. He winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes. He came over to me and handed me the bag. It was full of clothes, that I probably had to wear today after all. Why couldn't I just go in what I was in now?

"Go suck-" The maid jumped at me, clasping her hand over my mouth.

"Do not speak that way, this one has the biggest temper" She whispered in my ear.

I looked over at him, raising my eyebrows. I put my hand around her wrist and ripped her hands away from my mouth, I didn't say anything else but drag the maid along out the door with me, hearing a laugh from the man sitting on the bed. I flipped him off quickly and the maid pulled me away, and dragged me into a large bathroom.

She had me take a shower, and she scrubbed my back, which was weird. Once I was done, I was wrapped in a towel, and two other maids came in. They dried me and then started on my make up and hair. I hated it so much, I almost punched one of them in the face for hurting my head. This isn't what I needed when I first woke up. All of them stopped, and looked me over, then ripped the towel off my body, and started to dress me. I struggled out of their hold, kicking on of them in the chest. They instantly backed off and watched as I dressed myself.

They finished the rest of my hair and makeup then put me in high heels. I stood up from my seat and looked myself over. Nodding at the job they did, I wandered out of the bathroom and down the hall, back into the room. The guy was currently getting dressed in a muscle shirt. He glanced my way and smirked.

"Lookin' good hun" He commented.

I ignored him and flopped down onto the bed. He came over to me, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me off the bed. It seemed he was all dressed already. I frowned, he was dressed poorly, ripped jeans and a band tee. Dumb ass. He dragged me down stairs. I groaned as we entered the kitchen. the other four guys were sitting at a table, discussing things that I wasn't the least bit interested in. The guy holding on to my wrist sat me down beside the short guy, who looked at me up and down. I rolled my eyes and slouched back into my chair.

"Slouching is bad for you" The short one told me.

"So is being dumb" I snapped at him, rubbing my forehead.

"No need to be snappy because you got woken up" The guy that brought me down here.

I looked at him with a intense killer glare, and crossed my arms over my chest. "You try having your hair pulled at first thing when you wake up. Fucker" I muttered, closing my eyes.

They straightened my hair, they didn't let me tease it or anything! It pissed me off. I ruffled my hair, attempting to make it at least the bit messy like it was yesterday. I took the clip out from keeping my bags away from my eyes and shook my head. I sighed and looked at the guys, who were staring at me, amused.

"Go fuck yourselves" I said in a grumpy tone, getting up.

I walked over to the fridge and looked inside of it. There was leftover junk food everywhere. I gagged, closing the fridge. I searched the cupboards and found pancake batter. I guess this morning was pancakes for everyone. I was acting to be a personal maid after all. I needed to have some strict ground I wasn't going to be a total dick to them.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter, clearly sucks. D:
But Comment please? I need opinions.

Love, Justice