Status: For a contest.

Letters to No One

June 6, 2010


You’re probably the biggest asshole I’ve ever met. You knew I liked Chris, and you knew how much I liked him, and you knew how long I’ve liked him, so why’d you have to go and do that?! Honestly, I don’t think anyone’s ever been so mean to me in my life.

I was just minding my own business in Trig today when all of a sudden Chris walked in, and naturally, my heart stopped beating for a minute or so. I tried acting normal, as I always do when he’s around, but as you know, it’s quite hard for me to do so. He noticed when I glanced up at him, and then he laughed in my face, and do you know what he said to me then?! He said, "Sorry, freak, but I don’t go out with ugly people."

And I just sat there wondering where on earth that could’ve come from--after I ran off to the bathroom in tears, of course. I’m pretty sure you saw me crying in the halls, and I swear you were laughing at me. Correct me if I’m wrong.

But the whole entire day I was wondering why he could’ve said that. And then I went to my locker at the end of the day.

I opened it, and all of a sudden about a dozen tiny slips of paper fell out. I collected them all from the ground and shoved them in my pocket, and I read them all the minute I got home. Half of them were from Chris, and they all said, "Sorry, freak, but I don’t go out with ugly people." Just like he said to me in Trig. The other half were short love notes to him--signed with my name.

Now, I know I didn’t write those, because I definitely would’ve remembered doing it. Plus, that totally was not my handwriting, and if Chris knew anything about me, he would’ve known that. Whatever, it doesn’t matter now. Chris doesn’t like me and he never has and he never will and he thinks I’m ugly because I probably am.

I know it was you who put all of those fake love notes in his locker. I know because I saw you. Plus, I don’t know who else could’ve done that to me. Why do you keep doing these things?! And why do you always lie to me when I ask you about it?!

I just have one more thing to say to you before I sign off...
