A Promise to Burn

Chapter Sayce

Ten days, it had been ten long utterly horrible days in Nixon's mind. He wanted Rylie, not because she was Brandon's sister but because she was so much different from any other girl nixon had ever dated, or well fucked with his track record. He'd been planning the perfect way to make the girl swoon. In just a few hours they'd all be done with they're sets and he'd set his plan in motion. He walked into the bunk Area where Ryan was, " Give this to Rylie." he told him handing the male a folded up piece of paper with a time on it and a small hand drawn map. " Don't ask any questions, just make sure she gets it and gets to the x." Nixon may have been a cheap slut and an asshole, but he did have a heart buried somewhere deep in his chest, that was a lot of Ice you had to dig threw to get to it.

Ryan glared at the other, " I am fucking sleeping." He grumbled at the lead singer, not that it mattered what anyone else did as long as Nixon was happy. " this could have waited till i woke up."

" no... it couldn't have." and with that Nixon was gone. Not saying another word just walking away and that was it. Sometimes, or well most of the time Ryan hated Nixon for how he appeared and disapeared.

Ryan had finally woken up and walked into the front lounge where Sammi was perched happily on Brandon's lap. Rylie was doodling as she tried to keep away from the diva and Markus, who was in an all around foul mood today. " I have no idea what the fuck this is... or why he gave it to me but here." It was all that Ryan said before Brooke came in and wrapped her arms around the male.

" mornin'" She muttered to everyone around still sleepy, something kept the girl in bed far more than anyone else, Sammi suspected the pitter patter of little feet. Markus thought she smoked a lot of weed, he'd even tried to get her to smoke with him once which wasn't tolerated well by anyone on the bus, but he still thought his theory was great. Brandon said she was just bored on tour with nothing to do. Ryan said she just liked to stay in bed, and nixon's theory was that she figured if she just stayed in bed her and Ryan would have more sex. there was only a few people on the bus but rumors constantly floated around.

Rylie reached out carefully and took the folded up paper and opened it. " um thanks." She muttered to Ryan as she looked over the page, it didn't make sense but she'd follow it. obviously nixon was trying to make up for being a total fool the last few weeks. She looked up at her older brother and Sammi, " I may need to be bailed out of jail tonight, you guys got my back?" She asked with a small laugh, she was so far over nixon's little childish games she couldn't see straight.

Sammi nodded at her, " Of coure, B. has a platinum card, he's got it." she laughed lightly leaning over to kiss brandon to make him smile a little, she was just trying to lighten the situation but she doubted she did. The air around had been very tense for quite a while now.


Accourding to the legend on the hand drawn map every dash mark was 15 steps, anie was now standing in a small clearing n the forest, there was an empty table in the middle of the clearing, she had NO idea where nixon got all of his antics from but sometimes they were stunning. the table was covered in plates and silver wear and candles. Nixon himself walked out of the shadows a smile painted on his face as he carefully took her hand. " forgive me for my past transgressions and have dinner with me?" He asked as he lead her over to the table pulling out the chair for her to sit in. " Give me another chance, date me..."

The female laughed lightly smiling " your really lucky this is amazing... I'll give you a chance, but... my brother may be pissed." with that nixon smiled leaning in and watching the girls eyes dance with the candle light.

" don't worry about your brother. Just worry about me."
♠ ♠ ♠
here you go mandiiiiiii
I owed you