And Then He Kissed Me On MTV

And Then He Kissed Me On MTV -[Intro]-

"How does it feel to finally be on MTV with your first single "Her Secrets?" A blonde woman squealed as Alex smiled at her with his casual grin.

"It's been absolutely great." He said, "At first, it was rough, what with nervousness, but other than that, we got passed that to get to where we are now."

The woman girnned. I think her name was Stacey. Who knows? I forgot what it was. Being on MTV was, well exhilerating. I can't really describe it in words much but how would you feel being on MTV?

With a freaking rockstar?

Better yet, with your rockstar boyfriend?

"So with those sweet lyrics you've written, do you have anyone special on your mind?" Stacey pressed as she leaned on her elbows.

Am I invisible? Well I can't blame her, I'm here as his... manager (a straight up lie, my dad's his 'real' manager) but we can't have New York city ready to pounce on me. That'd be really really... painful?

Alex took a quick glance at me before replying with a nod. "Yea, and it's been so long since I've seen her."

Stacey looked interested. "Oh really? How long?"

"One year." He replied in a dreamy sigh. "She's almost everything to me."

I blushed.

Stacey turned beet red with "awe" in her eyes. "Wow, she must really be amazing. where is she?"

Alex laughed, A low casual one. "Well," He looked at me and I swallowed hard. What's he doing? I watched as he scooted towards me and grabbed my hand in his. He looked at me with longing eyes and then said. "Right here."

Stacey gasped, I gasped. We ALL gasped and then he kissed me on MTV.
