Don't Hate Us Cause Were Happy

Ready to smile! And Love Life.

Collage, it was a tricky place to be, but once you got used to it. It got easier. My names Matthew Jarod King, I'm twenty three, and almost finished collage, I have one year left until I can finally achieve my dream of being what I want to be, a Veterinarian. I just love animals, so I thought, why not help them? It would be much better then just sitting around on my ass all day. The only thing keeping me from reaching my dream, is the devil himself, Jakob John Freetmen. I swear, he's out to make my collage life a living hell. Ever since I got here, he's picked on me, bullied me. He's done everything possible to ruin my life as it is. It's a miracle I haven't left yet, and recently, he's found out my dire secret after seeing me and my now ex boyfriend walking around the mall. Usually we'd act like friends, nothing more then that, but he wanted to make our relationship public on the wrong day, and Jakob ruined it. I was crying all night that night, Robby, my ex, broke up with me that night thinking that me and Jakob had a thing together. He claims we acted like a couple.

It made me angry, and I've been trying to ignore him, but it's hard when he's blackmailing me my secret. I didn't want anyone in our collage to know, and If I don't do what Jakob says, that could all be ruined. The secret I've tried to hide for... Three years would be given away so easily, because of some ass hole. I hated him, with a passion.

I sighed, resting my head against the many rows of tables in the large class room. The teacher just finished giving us a lecture, and is now telling us we have to have in a 50 page essay, by the end of the week on an animal of choice. I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them again, hoping what I heard was just a meer joke. Much to my dismay it wasn't a joke, and I had to write it. This week was going to be hell, trying to stop Jakob from telling my secret to everyone, and trying to work on a 50 page essay? God, just keep putting stress on me. I haven't eaten for three days straight, I haven't had a decent sleep in over a week ever since Jakob was in my life more often.

"Matthew!" The teacher yelled. I lifted my head, staring wide eyes at him.

"Yes?" I asked, yawning.

"Are you sleeping in my class?!" He gasped, surprised. I never slept in his class.

"No... Just resting my head" I mumbled to him, waving him off.

He just nodded and dismissed the class. Everyone left, while I on the other hand stayed, to lazy to get out of my seat. I was happy Jakob didn't have this class with me, I had some kind of break. And plus, this was my last class of the day, maybe I could sneak away with out Jakob finding me today. I grabbed my school papers and my messenger bag and made my way towards the door, swaying side to side, my eyes were growing heavy. I wanted to go home and sleep, nothing more then that. When I woke up, I'd work on my essay.

I made it to my car in time, Jakob wasn't around. I opened the door quickly and sat down, smiling to myself, another day was gone, another was coming around. I've been in classes since 7:30 in the morning, it was now 6:30. I started the engine, and then made my way out of the parking lot slowly. Home. That's all I thought about until my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the caller ID. Jakob. I let out a moan and answered the phone.

"Hello" I mummbled.

"Hey! Matthew! Where'd ya go?" Jakob asked imidatly.

"Going home, why?" I asked him, perking up as I got onto one of the busy streets.

"I wanted you to come to a party tonight" He said.

"No" I said quickly. He never expected me to say no to him. Today was just a bad day.

"Why not?" He asked stubbornly.

"I'm to tired, I have a fucking Essay to write in the next week. I'm sorry, but I'm not doing anything tonight" I told him strictly and hung up my phone after saying a quick goodbye.

Jakob was not going to ruin my week with his obsurd partying. I needed to get some work done, I'd have to deal with his anger issues later when he called me again. I didn't care right now though. He knew I was grumpy when I lacked sleep. He knew it.
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Woooohhh (:
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Love, Justice <3