William Control Inspired Short Story

Here In Hell

Bang Bang

Why do I feel so cold, why is my vision blurry. Why is there blood dripping down from my chest. No, this cant be happening. What? When? Who? I’m dying, slowly and painfully. I feel my legs drop, hitting the ground. I see a face in my blurred vision. YOU??? I try to scream but no sound comes out, it’s too late, I’ve passed on to the other life. The flames engulf me, I fall deep down into Saturn’s mouth, hand on my chest, no more bleeding blood, but bleeding life, bleeding my soul.
The blaze so bright, I’ve lost all capability of sight. Is this really hell? I think it is. The bodies lying around the floor scattered. A throne cast upon a fiery cave, sitting there, empty.
Where is Saturn I thought to myself? I’ve been with you all along my dear a voice whispered behind me. The stench of rotting body’s getting closer and closer. Blood dripping down his face, cape flowing behind him, covers the floor. The presence when he’s around is icy cold, even when my lifeless body is engulfed in flames. The kiss went straight through me, the kiss of the demon, heaven or hell? Heaven in fact. His touch could kill you again and again. I’m stuck in this hell with nothing but a heap of flames and special effects as my life. I don’t want this anymore; I just want to rest in peace, I don’t care. I hate it! Pain is my only horizon; hate is my only form of flattery, this is where I belong.
I wonder if he’s still alive, living his life as if nothing has happened, I hope he’s died and gone to heaven, so I never have to meet him again. He deserved to die, not me, I was just putting things straight with him. Love and Hate gets entwined and this is what happens, my death, should’ve been his. He should be here now doing Saturn’s bidding, burning in the flames of hell. If only I had the chance to go back upstairs and put things right. That’s all I need, I need to finish things off. I hate leaving things unfinished. Don’t you?

Don’t cry for me my dear children, I will be returning soon to the land of the living. Let’s say, Revenge is on my do to list. Living there with his new wife and there son. That should be me, I am so much better than her. Well tomorrow, he’ll see. They’ll all see that it was a huge mistake to put me into the afterlife. They’ve known me long enough to know I’ll just get stronger and stronger everyday. I’ll come back fighting harder and better and this time I’m not going until I’ve got what I want.

Demons will walk the earth tonight, while angels stay in heaven. Some may say its worse. This gift I’ve made to haunt, while searching for infinity, some may say its wrong but I say it’s my own destiny. To kill you, kill you good. Are you ready to dance in the dark? Its only skins and bones, blood in red, in this rotting flesh.
All my life all I’ve wanted to say, this is love, but here in your death I would cut my breath to say that I’ll never love again. You were beautiful but I’m a loser alive.

I can’t kill you, seeing you lying there with her, memories flash in my head. Reminding me off me and you and the nights we spent together, omg is this my soft side coming out? Your son is the spitting image of you, I could never harm him because, well, he’s a mini you and you still hold onto my cold and black heart. I’ve seen enough baby, its killing me. Its time to go, its time for you to breathe, I’ve lost and loved so much, I don’t want this to happen to you, you love her to much I see that now. I’ve been a fool, I’ve been so greedy, but now I see the truth.

Me and you, were never going to work, I feel less angry with you now. Seeing you playing happy families with your family. I actually deserve to be in hell, I can’t believe I nearly took all of this away from you. If I ever find you alone and afraid, the threat of loosing the life that you’ve made and it’s always gray, it’s all because of me. I see it now that you deserve the life you’ve got, you’ve fought for it.

Don’t cry for me, it’s over say goodbye. One last kiss before they cart me away, just please take one last look before my body decays. This is my last night on earth. There’s a time crunch baby and I don’t want to believe that this is my last night on earth, my f****** hell.

The smoke clears and in whispering waves of self-multination I can see the dark sky fall to pieces. The world is sometimes too heavy to breathe and the dead surround me like an ocean. I can’t recognize the reflection looking back at me in this mirror. Ugly is the world around me and nowhere beyond the infinite infrastructure of the eternal lonely soul can my blackened heart be found. If you want a glimpse of torment and bittersweet visions of delight I’ll gladly cut off my head so you can look down the hole. Nothing there will bring the joyful bliss I crave. Drinking lighter fluid to start a fire in my guts, I am on a slow painful ride back to the underbelly of hell and I won’t mind if this is where we say goodbye and go our separate ways.

I am inside of you
Living and breathing
♠ ♠ ♠
The conclusion to the short story. It is highly influenced by William Control and i have quoted a selection of his lyrics. I think he is an amazing man.