Status: Active, for a Contest.



In the middle of the day a door slammed and a small flame of light lit up the silhouette of a male. I looked up from where I sat hunched over on my knees. My eyes widened in surprise when Landon came into view. His worried face softened when he caught sight of me.

"Landon?" I whispered in disbelief as he got down on his knees before me.

He smiled gingerly at me, palming the side of my face. I closed my eyes, relishing his soft touch. He gently traced the bite marks where I presume the male vampire had bitten me. My lids slowly reopened and our gazes locked.

"Markus..., I am so sorry for how I reacted. I was scared and I - this is a horrible excuse. You'll never forgive me. Why am I even here?" He quickly got to his feet, but I lashed out and grabbed his arm.

He looked at my hand in shock, seeing the broken shackle dangling from my wrist. Fear came into his eyes and it angered me. I let go of his hand.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

Guilt took over the fear. "I didn't mean to send the message that I thought you were. I - I just... natural reflex when I see the eyes..., Okay, I need to shut up now."

I just laughed, my grin still curving my lips when the laughter died. "It's fine. I understand."

An awkward silence fell upon us and Landon fidgeted where he sat on his bum, his body sideways to me. His head lifted up and he looked at me, slightly embarrassed and slightly afraid.

"What's it like, Markus?... To be a vampire?"

My brows furrowed at the question. "I'm not quite sure yet. I've only been conscious for a few hours. The transformation isn't even complete."

He nodded, accepting my answer. "But what was it like when you drank my blood? When we...," he didn't finish that sentence.

"Best bloody sex I've ever had."

Landon laughed. "Be serious, Markus. Did it really taste.... good?"

My smile faltered and I couldn't meet his eyes. "Good isn't the right word. Blood now... it's like water to a human. Without it, we die. Only for vampires, blood is everything. It tastes so good, Landon. I - I'm scared to admit I almost couldn't stop when I drank yours."

He nodded again, looking down. "What's it like... now?"

"Your scent is driving me crazy."

He sat up on his knees again, facing me and dangerously close. "Do you want to... drink more?"

I swallowed hard and quickly glanced at the pulse I could see dancing in his veins. My throat started burn, tongue going dry. Oh, God...

"Markus... do you want to drink my blood?"

I met his eyes.

"And possibly, have your way with me?"

I blinked.

"Do you want me, Markus?"

"More than anything," I whispered, touching his cheek lightly. "I love you more than anything."

"Σ 'αγαπώ κι εγώ."

I smiled and leaned forward, kissing his lips gingerly. His fingers immediately went into my hair and he kissed back roughly. After a few minutes, I pulled away. He looked at me in confusion.

"Later, my love. First, I have to kill these bastards."

"I know where my weapons are. If you help me get them once you break free, I can help you."

I shook my head. "I won't have time. Landon, you've killed hundreds of vampires. You can kill a few without your weapons. I believe in you."

He smiled again, pecking my lips. "I'll hold you to that promise."

I winked at him. " I can't wait.”


The sun went down only a few hours after Landon’s visit. I’d only got a few moments of sleep, considering the change from human to vampire was completing itself. I’d used the time to think... what will I do when I get out of here? Wouldn’t it be hypocritical to kill vampires if I am one? Will I become a monster? Don’t vampires have special powers once they are completely under the influence of blood? What will mine be?If I get one.

The instant the sun disappeared the heavy metal door tomy prison the room opened. In came about six vampires, the male from yesterday leading them. The female, his daughter I presume, held Landon in her steel grasp. He just smiled at me.

The leader of this cult of vampires walked up to me and knelt down to my level. “Welcome, newborn vampire.”

I spit in his face, baring my teeth with a hiss.

He simply chuckled. “You are a vampire, alright. You act like an animal.”

I snarled, yanking against my chains for dramatic affect. If you haven’t noticed by now, I was completely faking.

“Lord Daemon?”

The vampire - Daemon - whirled around to face who had spoken.

“What is it, Billy?”

“The ceremony has been set up, my Lord.” Billy bowed.

“Wonderful! Wonderful! Come, come, my precious vampire.”

Billy smiled gently and walked up to him. Several of us jumped when Daemon suddenly lashed out and bit a chunk out of Billy’s throat.

“That’s for taking too long.”

Billy fell to the floor, deader with blood pooling around his crumbling body. Literally, his body was crumbling into nothing, until there was just a pile of dust.

Daemon turned back around to look at me and smiled widely. “I’m so sorry about that, Markus. Billy always got on my nerves. I just needed an excuse to kill him.”

I couldn’t say anything, I just stared.

“Right then, Elane! Take this lovely man to the Ceremony Room!”

Another female vampire with blond hair and bright red lipstick walked over to the backside of me, kneeling down to undo the chains. Three other male vampires surrounded us, awaiting for any kind of attack I may have planned.

I met Landon’s eyes and he looked down at his shirt. I followed his line of vision and could just barely see the hilt of one of his knives peeking out. My lips fought to curve into a smirk, but I held it back.

Elane pulled me to my feet, her nails digging into my skin. She stopped right in front of Daemon, who smiled and trailed one finger along my cheek.

“This is going to be one of the best ones yet!”

I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I didn’t have to. I wouldn’t like it either way. I looked over at Landon and he met my eyes. Now wasn’t the time. I needed higher ground.

Daemon ordered his minions to the Ceremony Room and Elane began to lead me in the direction of the door. I let her, relaxing just a bit.

The Ceremony Room looked just like a Ball Room. Big and circular, with a dome ceiling and lots of decorations. At the center back wall, a square podium had been set up, with a sword, a small fire, a tiny little knife, and a branding stick.

Elane walked me right over there and chained my hands above my head. I pulled against them a little, they would be easy to break with a sword. I looked pointedly at Landon and he diverted his gaze as a sign to let me know he understood.

Daemon walked up to the podium, jumping onto it like it was no big deal when it was half his height. He looked me in the eyes and smirked before whirling around to face his vampire friends.

“Today, my family, we will make a vampire out of this man! And he will be one of us, bloodthirsty. His hatred will cloud his judgement, so we must teach him how to act! We will be his tutors, his family, until he his ready to go on by himself! He. Will. Be. A. Vampire!”

A roar of cheers sprang up from the depths of their throats, escalating in volume as another bloodsucker tore my clothes from my body, leaving me naked. Daemon turned to me once again, a grin on his face. He picked up the tiny knife and slashed my shoulder, causing it to burn like it was on fire.

My head threw itself back and I screamed as he slashed the other shoulder. Daemon unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the floor, slicing his own shoulder so deep, blood pooled out.

“Drink,” he whispered to me, stepping closer. My eyes widened as the scent of his blood hit me, the sight of it driving me crazy. My fangs descended and I lunged forward, biting mercilessly into his throat.

He made a noise of pleasure, cupping the back of my head to urge me to keep going. I opened my eyes, letting out a moan. The taste... oh, God, I couldn’t stop. I can’t stop... Daemon pulled away and punched me hard across the jaw.

“You need to control yourself, Markus.” He licked his wounds, which healed almost instantly, and picked up the branding stick. He placed it in the fire to heat it.

“You are a vampire, Markus and you belong to this coven. And when you belong to a coven, every member has a mark to symbolize that coven.” He pulled out the brand, showing me the design. “This is yours.”

Daemon shoved it onto my bicep, my screams immediately starting up. The smell of charred flesh filled my nose, the heat spreading throughout my entire body.

Daemon pulled it away and threw it onto the podium, picking up gauze to wrap my arm. “The final step is to drink the blood of a human. ELANE!”

Elane stepped onto the podium with Landon in her grasp. I tried to smile at him, but I couldn’t. His face was horrified, most likely at what had just taken place. Elane placed shackles on Landon’s right wrist, pinning it to the floor. Why they left the other hand free, I didn’t know, but I was glad they did.

Elane picked up the tiny knife and pricked Landon’s neck, stepping away quickly. A bead of blood ran down his skin, over his shoulder and down his stomach. I watched it with hungry eyes, knowing I looked like a monster with my fangs and dead eyes. But isn’t that what I am? I’m a vampire, that’s what I should be. I looked up at Landon.

“I’m sorry.”

His eyes widened in shock and I lunged forward and bit into his throat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this one's shorter than the others, i dont' know. But, there WILL be one more chapter. I hoped you liked it!