

Chapter 2

Everyone was dressed in black. I mean, everyone, even down to the animals that accompanied their masters. Nearly everyone in the nation was here it seemed, hundreds of people; workers, soldiers, close friends, and distant relatives…and everyone was dressed in black. This was so depressing.

“It’s okay,” a voice whispered as a hand grasped mine. I glanced over to see Katherine’s sympathetic smile washing over me. I reached my free hand up to my face to dry a tear that sat below my eye, and then smiled back at her through my black veil. I squeezed her hand so tightly I was surprised I didn’t break it.

It was almost over, all they had to do now was burn the body, then carry his ashes to the family sanctuary garden, where the rest of our deceased family laid. The flames began washing over him, and I looked away. I did not need to be here. But what really killed me inside was the fact that once this was over, I would be attending my coronation for becoming queen. Me…the queen, at only 15 years old, the youngest our nation has ever had…there was so much opportunity for me…so much I could mess up.


"The battles have paused for today and tomorrow...out of respect for the late king," said Daniel.

"Respect?" Katherine sounded appalled at the idea. "It was one of the Kohan who killed the king in the first place. That's like burning down someones house but then giving them a tent to stay in, it's ridiculous."

Daniel shrugged, and half of him agreed. "I apologize on behalf of my people," he spoke softly as he grabbed Katherine's hand. "But whoever did it had reason behind it. Whoever did it knew that it would lead to the ending of the war."

"True...," she mused at the idea, but then shook it off her shoulders. "I'd rather not think of such things. I'd rather things return to normal once again."

Katherine stared up at the peach blossoms on the tree they stood under. Soon, they would turn into sweet fruit and be plucked from their branches. It truly was a cruel world for everyone. "Nothing makes sense anymore...," she whispered into the air.

"I know something that does," Daniel whispered back. He placed a hand on her cheek and then pulled her towards him, pressing his lips to hers. She stood there silently, not breathing, or moving, and just let him kiss her, because it felt so right.

The truth was, she knew that it was wrong. Daniel was from the Kohan nation, the one that they were at war against. If anyone found out that she shared her first kiss with this boy on the night of her best friend, the princess's coronation to be queen, it would be the end of her. But she just let that go for now. Everyone was inside, and she and Daniel were out here alone and together, all night.


"General Kanzra," I spoke in my loudest voice. "I wish to end this war as soon as today. How do I do that exactly?"

The general's confused expression seemed to spread all across the room to the other important people of the army. Obviously they thought she would demand to double the army, and take down the Kohan. But no, she was the queen of the Phoenix kingdom, and she had class, and she was smart. And she wanted to end this thing as soon as possible.

"You, really want to end the war princess?" he asked finally. A dreadful silence dulled over the room as I stared him down, trying to look as menacing as I could. "I, uh, forgive me, my queen. You want to end the war, queen Liah?"

"Yes," I answered. "Please tell me, how can I do this? How can I stop all the fighting and suffering?" I just wanted this to be over with.

"Simple, my queen," he said as he bowed to me. "All you must do is marry the prince of Kohan, and the war will come to an end once you share your power with him."

A blackness came over me. Get married? To the prince? When I was only 15 years old, had never even kissed a boy, nonetheless thought about marrying one. This would be difficult, but if it was what I have to do, I guess it's what I have to do...
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This is one of the shorter chapters, just trying to slow down on small details to bring the main ideas out. Enjoy :]