crystal granades

chapter 3

Chapter 3

If you couldn’t tell by now, I’m blind. Yep, blind. As in, I can’t see squat, nada, nothin. And yeah, it sucks. Really bad. But, most of the time, it’s pretty cool. I get to go around, causing all sorts of shenanigans and whatnot, and no one can yell at me. It’s so awesome. I’ve been blind since I was 4 years old. But my parents, being the total dumb asses they are, never bothered for a doctor for neither my siblings nor me. Get ready, here comes my life story.

My parents loved each other in a weird kind of way…like, a love-hate relationship. Sort of cliché, I know, but there’s no other way to explain it. Mom verbally abused dad, dad physically abused mom, yet when it came down to it, they still had love in their eyes, still went to bed together, still cooked for each other, still bought each other gifts. A regular pair of star-crossed lovers.

Jess was an accident. You can tell when you’re an accident if you were born 2 years before your parents were married. Jess is seven years older than I am, so he was always strong. By the time he was six, dad thought he might try beating Jess, so as to have more happy time with mommy. How thoughtful.

I was practically raised by my older sister Helena, bastard child of mom and some other guy. She was beautiful; I’ve seen pictures of her. She could have been a model, except for that huge scar on her cheek from the time dad smashed her pretty little head into the glass coffee table. But we knew she wasn’t related to us, her skin was pale and her hair was dark, her eyes black, her voice was quiet and kind. Whereas, Jess and I had sandy blonde hair and green eyes, completely different.

I loved her so much, still reminisce about her now, and love her still. Helena was ten years older than I was. She used to say “My Mikey, come here my love,” and sit me on her lap and read me a bedtime story. I miss her the most…

I had a twin brother but he died at 3 months. According to police records, cause of death was unknown. According to Jess and Helena, cause of death was dad throwing him against the wall when dad was drunk and impatient and he wouldn’t shut up. Thank god, I learned to shut my mouth when I was a baby. May god rest his soul, I think his name was Eric, maybe it was Aaron, Jess still isn’t too sure; he tries to block those memories as best as he can. I like to embrace them.

When I was seven months old, I went to sleep and didn’t wake up, and Helena was the only one who cared. Jess figured, one less mouth to feed. He only cared for himself and Helena, never too fond of Eric/Aaron and me. Helena managed to catch the bus schedule and get me to the hospital before she lost another sibling to cruel fate. They fixed me up, called up mom and dad, who came up with some foolish story about how Helena was playing pretend house and ran away with me. They even got Jess behind it, what with dad’s threats to beat him again and whatnot.

The doctors told them to watch me closely, that there might be something further wrong with my brain. And they were right, for no apparent reason, I had a night seizure and was stricken blind just before my 4th birthday. But fore time’s sake, I always just say I was four years old. And I cried out my sightless little eyes every night because of that.

I think the real bad beatings started when Helena was 13. It must have been, because I can remember it, but I wasn’t blind yet. The bruises dad left on her skin, the crying and screaming she did at night. Yes, she was 13, because mom left us just a few months before. We’re not sure where she went, if she left, if she died, if dad killed her. All we know is that she went out one night and never came back. The demon was dead but the devil still lives…

When she was 16, Helena killed herself. She just…didn’t come home one day. Jess told me she had committed suicide…I guess the pressure was just too much to take. But, she did have a boyfriend at the time, Jeffery, who she had met at school. School- we had gone to the local public school free since kindergarten. She must have left him a note, because he showed up at our house a few days later with police, picked us up and took us away.

Five major things happened after that:
1. Foster care until Jess was 17.
2. Jess got emancipated and adopted me.
3. Went back to our old house, burnt it down, moved far away…
4. I met my one and only true love and went to school, discovering my genius.
5. My love died, I graduated a year early, and here I am today.

I live a tragic life, I know, but don’t we all? My tragedies are just much more exciting than yours. I know, you’re jealous…