Status: Finished


Chapter 17


Oh god what happened? Last thing I remember was a ton of yelling and pain, and Talon. Oh no what happened to Talon? Well at least he was OK and I was the one who got shot. Oh right I got shot, I wonder if that means I'm dead? If so then death is pretty boring, I mean all I can do is think, everything is dark, and....What the hell is that beeping noise? It just keeps going beep, pause, beep, pause, beep, and wow it's annoying. I can't be dead, there is no way dead people have to listen to that for their entire undead life. That would just be cruel and unusual. I've got to figure out where that noise is coming from and get it to stop.

My eyes slowly opened and it took me a while before I could see properly. Once that happened i wished I had just stayed in my state of limbo because all the pain I had felt before caught up with me causing me to groan.

"A-Ashes? You're awake." I hadn't noticed that someone was holding my hand until I looked towards the voice and I saw a very tired Talon sitting there grasping my hand. I tried to breathe in but I couldn't get any air and I started choking. Something was blocking my airway and when my hands flew to my mouth I found that their was a tube there.

Talon started frantically hitting the nurse button and a nurse came in running. She took one look at me and unhooked the tube from my throat. I was still choking but the air was finally going into my lungs. It took me a few moments to get my breathing back to normal.

"Thanks." I smiled up at Talon who was still looking freaked until I spoke.

"Not a problem, how are you feeling?" He was sitting beside me again looking concerned but happy.

"I'm sore, what happened?"

"Well right when Brianna's dad was about to shoot you a bunch of police officers came in and took him down. You still got shot but it went right below your lung so it didn't hit anything major. They arresting him and they took you out into the ambulance. Brianna came down when she heard all the commotion and now she's down at the police station being questioned. Kaige was outside in the car when all the police came and he freaked and ran inside with them. He's out in the waiting room with the rest of the gang and Gabe as well, they're waiting for answers because I never really had time to explain." He stopped rambling and looked down at me with genuine care in his eyes. "I'm so glad you're ok. You have no clue how scared I was when I saw that bullet go into you."

I smiled and pulled his face towards mine and kissed him. He immediately kissed back, our lips stayed closed but there was still so much behind it. We pulled away to breathe and Talon was smiling like and idiot which made me giggle. Then just like that the moment was over when rushed footsteps and talking filled the room that was followed by 6 familiar faces.

"Ashes you're ok!" Acid ran over to me and hugged me tightly from my right side and Ester did the same on my left. "We were all so worried about you, you've been out for like 5 hours and at first the doctors weren't sure if you'd make it. You lost a lot of blood."

"Can you please tell us what happened? Nobody would tell us anything not even this guy here." Echo pointed at Gabe who was staying in the background to let my friends talk to me. Of course Echo wanted to know what was going on he hated not knowing something.

"I will but first I need to know how the police knew to come." I looked over at Gabe who seemed confused.

"You called me and I could hear the whole conversation between you and Mr. Clarke."

"Oh so it did work. I pressed a random speed dial and hoped that someone on the other end would know what to do."

"Well it worked. I'll be back later, I need to take your statement about what happened."

"Well why don't you just take it now? That way I won't need to explain twice." He nodded and pulled out a pad of paper and pen. "Ok so as you know I had been getting texts and calls from someone who was watching me through the police cameras. When I was leaving Brianna's house I bumped into Mr. Clarke. He immediately knew who I was and said it was good I was there so he wouldn't need to kidnap me. From what he said to the fact that he was wearing a police uniform made me realize who he was and when I tried to run he stopped me. Brianna had come out of her room but he sent her back in saying he needed to talk to me about police business. He tied me down and started saying how he wanted to spend his life with me but when he saw what I was doing with my life he thought I was wasting the fact that he let me live and he decided I was ungrateful and had to die. He cut me a lot but when I didn't scream he got bored and got his gun. I asked him why he killed my parents and he blamed my father for his wife killing herself because they lost their money when they invested in his business. Just when he was about to shoot me Talon came into the house and when he came into the kitchen Mr. Clarke tied him down too. Then well he went to shoot me and you guys came and you know the rest." The only sound in the room was the annoying beeping and the scratching of Gabe's pencil.

The look of shock was all that was all that was on the guys faces. Acid and Ester were still hugging me and resting their heads on my shoulders. They were good at comforting but I could tell they felt sorry for me for what happened.

"And Mr. Clarke mentioned something about taking your purity. What was that about?" My cheeks flushed red and I looked down at the one hand I had in my lap, Talon was still holding the other one.

"Well a little while ago I lost my job at the diner but Reata still needed her drug money. She got her boyfriend to find people that wanted to pay for um services from me. I didn't want it but if I didn't do it then Reata would beat me so Leo took me to a sleezy motel and well the first man to come in happened to be Mr. Clarke but at the time I didn't know. I was a virgin before that night so that's what he meant by taking my purity." I felt so embarrassed saying this in front of everyone but they'd find out sooner or later. The girls squeezed my shoulders reassuringly and Talon was rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb which was strangely comforting.

"That fucking pig. If he wasn't going to jail he'd be a dead man." I smiled at Kaige who seemed to be fuming.

"Well Ashes seeling an underaged girl is illegal as well as child abuse. Seeing as you have made a statement I have to take action against your foster mother and her boyfriend." I nodded. Knowing that I had a home with the Winter's I was fine with Reata going to jail. "Alright then I'll send out a call and have them brought in. Do you have a place to stay." I glanced at Talon making sure I was still welcomed in his home and he nodded.

"Ashes is staying with me and my family."

"Alright then. I will see you sometime soon, I'll need you to come in to the station when you get the chance so we can record this conversation. Feel better." He got up and left the room before I could thank him.

"Wow you've had a fucked up life. Well at least now things are starting to get better." Silence came over and placed his hand on the part of my should that Acid's head didn't occupy.

I forgot how nice it was to have people care about you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only the epilogue left :( it's kind of sad to see this story come to and end
but now i've got another story i've started to I guess it even's itself out

thanks to:
Scarlet Rose
for commenting

only 14 more comments to get to page four people lets see if we can make it :D