Status: one shot

Thank You



Right now, I'm waiting outside my house in Arizona for my best friend and her brother to pick me up for school. Since her brother was a senior he got a special parking pass and drove his sister and I to school everyday, being the sweetheart that he was. John O'Callaghan, Amy's brother was incrediblely cute and I've had a crush on him forever. He was the star of the baseball team and had just started singing in a band. So many girls at school wanted him but he hung around mostly guys. His best friend Eric Halvorsen lived in my neighborhood so I saw John coming and going a lot. He hasn't had many girlfriends, although most girls were dying for a chance with him. I liked that about him, it made him seem deep or something. My thoughts were interrupted by a white truck stopping in front of my spot on the sidewalk.

"Hey Abby! Hop in!" Amy called from the passenger seat. She climbed out of the truck and I scooted into the middle of the front seat. She made me sit here because I was the smallest, so therefore I got the smallest seat. I didn't object because it gave me a chance to sit next to John.

"Hey Abbs, how's it going?" John asked smiling at me as I adjusted myself in the middle seat.

"Oh, uh pretty good. You?" I asked politely. I blushed a little when his arm rubbed mine as he put the truck in gear. I tried to hide it because no one, not even Amy, knew about my crush on John. I wanted to keep it that way. A senior would never go for a sophmore.

"Awesome, hey isn't your birthday coming up?" He said staying focused on the road.

"Yeah, my party's on Friday. You can come and invite some friends of you want. Halvo's going to be there," I rambled feeling stupid. Like he would want to come to my party.

"Definitely. I'll be there," he replied. I was shocked. How did he know my birthday was coming up? 'Amy had probably mentioned it' I rationalized.

"How did you know about Abby's birthday?" Amy questioned looking puzzled. Well I guess she didn't mention it.

"Because I remember things, Amy. God," he retorted shaking his head. I giggled at how flustered he had become.

"Thanks for remembering, John," I smiled placing a hand on his arm as he pulled into the school. His face turned red and he stuttered

"No problem."

I smiled wildly back at him as he parked the car.

"Thanks for the ride!" I yelled as Amy dragged me out of the truck.

"You're welcome," John replied watching as I hurried to catch my best friend. I blushed and turned away to go into the school.

"Abigail Elizabeth Michaels! Why were you blatantly flirting with my brother?" She gagged.

"What?" I asked pretending I didn't know what she was talking about. "I was not flirting with John!" I exclaimed.

"Ooh thank you for remembering my birthday Johnnn mwah mwah mwah," she mocked making kissy faces.

"Shut up!" I spat rolling my eyes.

"Do you like him?" She said seriously.

"John? What, no," I replied unconvincingly.

"You so do," she told me.

"And what if I did? I can like anyone I want!" I stated.

"But John? Really? You could do so much better. I heard Mike Long wants you," she told me wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ew, all he wants is a play toy," I said.

"Why can't you just give someone a chance? You've dated like two guys and-"

"And they were both jerks. I'm in high school, Amy. I don't need to find the love of my life before senior year," I said approaching my first period class.

"I just want you to be happy," she grumbled.

"I am, because I have the bestest friend in the world!" I exclaimed happily as I waved goodbye to her. She just smiled and waved.

As soon as the bell rang three o'clock I was out the door and making a b line for that old white pick up truck I adored. I was so caught up I didn't even notice John walking next to me. Luckily Amy hadn't showed up yet or she would be chatting my ear off.

"Excited for your party tomorrow?" He asked grinning with his hands in his pocket. I just realized it was Thursday.

"Oh my gosh, I thought today was Wednesday," I said more to myself.

"Always did have your head in the clouds," he claimed shaking his head at me. He held his hand out for my back pack and tossed it in the back of the truck. I thanked him.

"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" I asked a little hurt.

"You're a dreamer Abbs. It's not a bad thing," he replied opening the door for me. Before I could say anything back I got a text from Amy.

'Field Hockey try-outs are today! Forgot to tell you. Tell John I'm getting a ride home later'

"John, Amy has field hockey try outs today. She said she's getting a ride home," I said getting ready to exit the truck.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He asked frowning.

"Oh, I'll just take the bus. I figured you wouldn't wanna drive me if Amy's not here," I said quietly.

"No, I'll drive you. I'm kinda glad Amy's not here. You're cool, you know that?" He said starting up the car smiling at me.

"Oh, thanks," I replied shyly as I rubbed my hands together nervously.

"Yeah, you're not like other girls. Hell, you're not even like Amy. You spend your weekends at the animal shelter, not partying, you actually give a shit about your grades, and you're really easy to talk to," he said looking over at me.

"How do you know about the animal shelter?" I questioned.

"I saw you there the other week when I was picking up flea medicine for Porkchop," he told me referring to his adorable mutt.

"Aww, I love Porkchop," I said still blushing a little from what he said earlier.

"So do you want to be a vet or something?" John smirked.

"No, I hate blood," I said shivering a little at the thought of the crimson liquid.

He laughed "So what do you wanna be?"

"I'm not sure, I just wanna see where life takes me," I told him as he pulled into my drive way. I was ready to hop out before John stopped me.

"Hey, I just...nevermind," he sighed shaking his head.

"Are you sure?" I asked confused. "You can tell me," I urged.

"No, nevermind. Have a great night, Abbs," he smiled as he got out to pull my bookbag from the back of the truck.

"Thanks John, you too. Oh! And thank you for the ride," I said as he was climbing into the truck. I walked up to my house and pulled on the door. It wouldn't open. I took out my backpack to look for my keys but they weren't there.

"Shit!" I cursed out loud. I turned around to see John still in my driveway smirking.

I walked back up to his truck with my head down.

"Locked out?" He questioned even though he knew the answer. I nodded. "Hop in. I'll take you out for something to eat,"

"I don't have any money," I replied.

"Think of it as your birthday dinner," he assured me. I smiled and shook my head at his sweetness.

"You're welcome," he cut me off, smirking. I giggled at his adorable grin. He flashed me a smile in return and pulled out of my driveway.

He took me to In-N-out and bought me a burger and we split some fries and a shake. He had me smiling and laughing the whole dinner. I couldn't help bit wonder why he was being so nice to me. It must just be because my birthday is coming up.

I got home and actually got in the door this time. I greeted my parents and told them about my day before retreating upstairs to shower and do homework. I can't wait for my party tomorrow!

The next day John picked me up as usual and we talked on the ride to school about my party tonight. Amy told us that she had try outs again and was going to be a bit late. I told her it was okay, and we were at the school a second later. I got out of my middle seat but instead of on the passenger side John left his door open and helped me out of the truck. I smiled up at him and thanked him for the ride as he handed me my backpack.

I finished up the last day of the week and walked to John's truck.

"So your birthday is actually Sunday, right?" He asked helping me into the vehicle.

"Yeah, the 15th," I replied.

"Cool. I can't wait for your party. I'm not bringing any other friends so you better hang out with me," he told me. I smiled the biggest I ever had.

"Of course I will, John!" I assured him.

We talked and flirted a little more until I finally got home. I wasn't doing anything special as far as decorating goes so I just opened the door with my key this time, and started getting ready. I curled my hair and put on some sparkly make-up before changing into my dress and heels.

People started coming at 6 and I stayed near the door waiting for John. I saw Eric or Halvo and thought that John would come with him. As I was looking around I felt two hands on my waist and spun around. I came face to face with the sophmore man whore Mike Long.

"Happy birthday, baby," he said leaning in to kiss my cheek. I pulled away not wanting to be any closer to him. "C'mon, lighten up. Most girls give it up by 16," he whispered in my ear with his hands on my hips.

"Please get off of me," I said trying to pull away as he grabbed me tighter and pushed me up against the wall. I started to panic but froze until I felt his body being lifted from mine. I looked to see what happened and saw John standing there with Mike by the shirt collar. He threw him to the side and placed a comforting hand on my back and walked me outside.

Once we reached the secluded front yard he finally spoke up

"Are you okay?" He asked with worry in his eyes. His gorgeous eyes...

"Yeah, uh, I'm just a little shaken up," I replied. He rubbed up and down my back before looking me in the eye and speaking again

"My mom told me to never show up at a birthday party without a gift so...," he trailed of and pulled out a small box from his pocket.

"John, you really didn't have to," I started.

"I wanted to," he said holding it out for me. I smiled and unwrapped the little box and opened it up to find worn almost vintage looking silver ring with a heart in the middle.

"It's an irish thing. If you're single you wear it with the heart pointing out, like your heart is open. But, if you're taken, you wear it with the heart pointing in, like it's closed." He explained thoughtfully. He took the ring from me and slid it on my finger so that my heart was closed.

"Oh John, I'm single," I told him frowning.

"I know," he smiled. "Look, Abby, I've liked you for a while now. You're sweet, nice, funny, easy to talk to, and you're real. You don't even know how beautiful you are, all the things you do are incrediblely cute; like the way you thank me twice a day for giving you a ride and how you twirl your hair when you get nervous or bored," as he said this a realized I was in fact twirling my hair, but certainly not out of boredom "and you don't care what people think of you. Abby, you're the most beautiful, and genuinely kind girl I've ever met and I want to know: will you be my girlfriend?" He asked looking at the ground nervously.

I paused to think.

"I don't get it. Why me? I'm in tenth grade and you could have any girl in the school if you wanted-"

"I don't want any girl in the school. I want you. I feel like such a loser when I'm around you, but like, in a good way. Like I don't have to bend over backwards to impress you. I can just be myself with you Abbs. So what do you say? Give me a chance?" he asked.

"Of course!" I replied leaning up to kiss him.

"GROSS!" I heard my best friend shriek at the sight of me kissing her brother.

"Shut up Amy!" John and I said in unison. He laughed and pulled me into another kiss, wrapping his arms around me and running his fingers through my hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck cupped his cheek with one hand. We were kissing for what felt like hours before pulling away.

"Thank you," John smirked.
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Eh, not great but I was bored:)