Status: still started so I'm busy...sue me :P

The Last Year in Her Middle School Saga

This is where lying gets us.

A week or so later, Annie, with Candy by her side of course!, came up to Maria.

"Holas!", Maria was in Spanish One, and liked putting her "mad Spanish skills" to work.

"Hello.", replied Candy in a voice that was as musical as the chirping of birds.

Annie on the other hand, being herself of course, just sticks her little cat like tongue out. Usually people would take that as an insult, but that was just something she did to everyone once in a while.

"Sooooo, how's 'Tissue'?", Maria liked staying in the loop with things. Especially since this was news on Annie's life, which she was never usually involved in.

"Chyeahh, about that....", It seemed like Annie was in a mood.

"Well, what about it?", Maria knew that the other girls, and most likely even Christian, knew about her crush on him.

"Well, Maria, we all know that you like Chris.", Candy said that so straight forward that it caught Maria off guard.

"Wha-,WHAT THE FUCK?! What are you guys talking about?! I'm definitely NOT crushing on Christian Bales!", Damn. She knew she had been caught red-handed.

"Really Maria? It's kinda obvious. The way you talk to him, and plus, we always catch you staring your little heart out at him."

"Little heart?!", Maria, thought to herself.

"Come on Maria.", Annie said in a pleading voice.
"It's okay if you like him too, I just wanted to know, you get me?"

"Yeah, I get you. It's just that I don't like him. So I really don't care if you guys go out.", WOW!, Maria never thought she would be so good at lying....or at least she thought she did a good job.

"Kay well we're gonna be late so lets go.", Maria was glad that Candy butted in and ended this conversation.

"HOLY SHIT! WHY THE FREAK DID I JUST DO THAT?!", that was all Maria could think about, why she had just done that.

"Can you believe she just did that?!"

"Candy? Why are you so damn shocked that she lied?", Annie didn't seem too surprised about what had just happened
"I mean, what girl would admit to liking a guy, when she knows that another person likes him too?"

Candy realized that Annie, DID have a point.

"Well it's her fault for lying, so she's gonna have to deal with it if Christian and I ever do go out.", Annie couldn't help but think of the day Chris asked her out!

"Do you think he would ask you out?", Candy was getting more excited for her friend, than her friend was for herself!

But now what would Annie have to do to get Chris to ask her out? And how was Maria gonna live with the fact that maybe if she had told the truth, Annie would've had respect for her, and backed off Christian?
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hehe! I feel like such a nerd! but watevss! haha!

soo I would like to see another one por favor!

~jajajaynaaa [: