Changing Seasons


"miss Evens ,miss Evens did you you hear me ?" yelled the old wrinkling police officer I looked at him "no can you repeat that" "I SAID tell us about the day you came home and your mother told you you were moving to Texas" i took a deep breath and looked around at the small interrogation room i took another breath and then began my story.

1 year before

I had just got back from a fight. (it keeps me sane) Listening to music blaring in my ears i reached deep into my pocket and fished out my keys. I smiled to myself remembering the day i got them,it took me two hours to pick them out eventually i got the ones that said "sick" on them.I snapped out of it when the door opened before i could put my key in the lock. My mom was standing there with a bottle of alcohol in her hands "go in i have something to tell you something" she slurred. I walked in and sat down on the couch i looked around and there was boxes everywhere ,before i could say anything my mom sated "where moving to Texas". I just stared at her with my mouth hanging open i manged to recover from my shock "when" i choked out "as soon as your packed" i nodded. "OK mom" i tossed my blond hair behind my shoulder and ran upstairs to pack ,after all tomorrow is going to be a big day.
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Sorry this is my first story i hope you don't hate it and sorry for grammar mistakes. oh and if you want the next chapter you have to message me plz