Sequel: Halfway There

Almost Gone

Chapter Two

I was scared. I didn’t know anyone here. I was trembling and shaking the entire time, unable to hear what anyone was saying. I hadn’t slept all night. I laid down, incase anyone was planning on coming in to check on us, but no one ever did. I was so scared, so frightened. I was crying quietly all night. I just wanted to be back home, in my soft bed. Even if it wasn’t forever. I had been adopted too many times to count. I just wanted to go back to the familiar places, with the familiar faces of no one that I had ever known before.

As the sun slowly came up, three men came in. Each grabbed us, dragging us to our stations like before. I was working at the computer, making sure everything came out accordingly. I didn’t like this business, and I didn’t want to stay here another minute. I wanted to ruin it, and I knew just how to. I start messing with the computer, and green ink squirts out. I smile slowly, watching as one of the men come over to me. He grabs my forearm, glowering at me.

“What did you do?!!”, he growls in my face, his piercing black eyes merciless. Little did he know, that I couldn’t talk. I was mute. I spit in his face, watching as his anger grew. He slaps me, and I felt blood trickle from my lip. I glare at him, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me scared. Even though, deep down, I was terrified.

“Just lock her up, Carl.”, another man yells from above. The furious man in front of me smiles cruelly at me, dragging me behind him as he locks me in a ceil. I felt tears fill my eyes, as I touch my stinging cheek. I let them fall, bringing my knees to my chest and just breaking down completely, as what felt like hours, went by.
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Sorry for the short chapter, I was just getting into the mood of writing this.