Sequel: Halfway There

Almost Gone

Chapter Three

I woke up startled by a strange un-familiar bang. I began to slowly scope out the strange and dark area. I was in some kind of room that was really tiny with 3 beds all aligning the walls. Suddenly the lights shot on which was when i noticed that I was tied to a chair like object put in the center of the room. I wasn't alone though, i was accompanied by 3 other girls also in the same situation. Two on each side of me all of whom i've never met before. We all seemingly had something in common though. We all had fear, innocence, and confusion in our eyes.

In front of us stood 3 boys who oddly enough looked about our age but had a type of shadiness in their appearence.They introduced themselves and went by: Jake, Sam, Max, Kyle and Carl. They all were slightly attractive I had to admit by they still scared me and i wanted to understand why we were being held here.

I was starting to worry and have a bad feeling in my stomach when the obvious leader of the 3 boys began to speak...

"Today ladies you will be working with computers, printers, scanners and copiers.
Each of you will have a job and a station with a set of rules by your work stations to work by. Days start at 6 am and end at 4 pm, you and you will start in the next 20 minutes"

Each one of the boys slowly began to un-tie each of us when one of the boys who if i could remember went by "Max" came over to un-tie me. To be honest he didn't seem like the typicial kidnapper or criminal. He had brown hair and piercing green eyes and to my surprise smelt like some kind of really nice and expensive mens cologne which I figured was probably stolen.

Once i was un-tied he handed me a work uniform and pointed me to the direction of which of the 3 beds was mine.

By the time all 3 of us girls were dressed we still had about 15 minutes so i sat on my bed and held my knees close to my chest while i felt tears running down face. I wanted to go home, and i wanted to leave this place.

All of a sudden i was being shooken awake, confused and alarmed.

"Hey! Wake up! We only have two minutes to get to our work stations!"

"What?" I responded.

"Come on! Hurry or we're gonna get in serious trouble"

I looked up feeling in a total daze realizing that i must have fell asleep. I looked around the small room that seemed to no longer be full but was now left with only bare and empty beds. I streched quickly and leaped off of my bed.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for waking me up. I'm Ella by the way" I said to the girl who i remembered had the bed right next to mine.

"Oh, no problem. You can call me Kate. Now lets go before we get late." She said as she pulled me and headed towards the door.
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Sorry in advance if there's any mistakes or typos.
Looking forward to continuing this.