Sequel: Halfway There

Almost Gone

Chapter Five

I for the last few night have cried myself to sleep. Emma, whom is mute, and Ella. We have all became friends. I have thought about the odd friendship. And I know its only because we are all each other has. But, something wasn't just that that..

"Hi, Kate." Said Ella when she came back from work.

"Where were you?"

"That Sam made me stay behind and work a little more, all because I messed up on one little bill."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah..." She says. She see Emma in the corner. "Hey, Emma." Emma waves back. I never thought she was going to be mute. I was so shocked.

"Lets get to bedf before they come and yell at us."

"Kay." Said Ella. Flopping down on the bed she slowly fell asleep... As we all did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, it was five girls... But, I thought we only have three authors why not make it three girls??