Sequel: Halfway There

Almost Gone

Chapter Six

That stupid girl! I think angrily, slamming the door and locking it. I wipe at my face, trying to get the spit off. That idiotic girl! I growl silently.

“Jeez, Carl. Never seen you so worked up before,” Sam says, smirking.

“That girl nearly ruined our entire business!”, I yell, glaring at the door I had locked her behind.

“She didn’t seem scared at all. I was impressed.”, Max says, smirking.

“Says the boy checking out the girl on the line.”

“Hey, you gotta admit these girls are hot.”

Sam whacks Max in the back of the head, glaring. “Idiot! They’re slaves, here! Don’t go fooling around!”

“Fine, fine!”, Max says, holding his hands up defensively. “But I wonder why that chick Carl’s so worked up over didn’t say anything. I mean, she had guts and all. But she almost seemed smug when Carl yelled at her.”

“Yeah, I noticed that.”

“Guys, seriously. She’s just some random girl Mac and Chase picked up.”, I say, shrugging. “For all I care, she’s mentally retarded.”

“Doesn’t seem like it,” Max mutters. “They wouldn’t just choose some group of random girls off the streets. They’d be careful. I say, with every one of these girls, comes a story behind them.”

“Have you stolen one of those chick-flick Twilights?”, I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

“Dude!! That’s an insult to all boys everywhere!”

“My point?”

And Max grumbles incoherent cuss words of the sorts.

* * *

Yeah, the other two girls were being herded to their rooms, and I decided to go ahead and grab that chick who nearly ruined everything. I unlock the various locks, thinking, Why do we need so many frickin’ locks?!!

I finally swing the door open, seeing her just sitting there, staring off into space. Her light brown hair had smudges of green, from the ink that squirted out from the machine, and her pale blue eyes were just merely staring up at the blank darkness surrounding her. It was creepy. She looked like some kind of witch.

“Alright, get up!!”, I growl, glaring at her. This girl ticked me off just by existing. She ignores me, continuing to stare blankly. Freaky chick, I think, glaring at her. “I said, get up,” I growl, grabbing her arm and yanking her up. She whimpers, and I wondered exactly why she wasn’t talking. Not just to me, but to anyone. Not even those other two frickin’ chicks. “What? Cat got your tongue?”, I mock, gripping her arm tighter.

WTF, was my immediate thought as she nodded. She started making weird motion with her hands, and I just stared at her oddly. What is up with this frickin’ chick?! I think angrily. She sighs, shaking her head. I cuss under my breath, throwing her into their sleep chamber.

When I got back into our little “poker room,” Max was heading out. “Where you going, pip squeak?”, I growl, grabbing his collar and dragging him back.

“To spy on the girls.”

“Nah-uh! You’re gonna rape ‘em! You frickin’ pervert!”

“Rock, paper, scissors?”

I debate on that, shrugging. Sure, it’s for five year olds, but Max’s IQ is lower than a five-year-old’s, and it’s the quickest way. I won.

“Two out of three?”

“Umm … no.”

And I was gone. I basically just sit by the door, listening to see if they try escaping. But I began hearing them talking. I press my ear against the thin walls, listening to their conversation. I know eavesdropping is basically illegal, but do you think I care? No.

“Hi, I’m Kate.”, I hear one of the girls say. Alright, one’s a Kate, I think, smirking. “Sign-language? Are you deaf?”

She’s frickin’ talking to that chick who tried to ruin us! I think, listening more closely. And she was doing sign-language before?

“Oh, you can’t talk.”

That when I really knew it was her. Whatever that frickin’ chick’s name was. “Can you tell me what your name is?”

No, you frickin’ idiot! She can’t! She can’t frickin’ talk! I think sarcastically. I hear the girl spit, and smirking, obviously thinking of when she spit on me.

“Emma?”, another girl says. It sounded like that girl Max had been checking out. But I didn’t focus on that very long, I was focusing on what that chick said, “Emma?”

So, that’s the frickin’ chicks name! I think, smirking.

“You’re mute? Oh. I’m Ella.”

Gotta remember to tell Max that his girlfriend’s name is Ella, I think randomly. And Emma’s a frickin’ mute! No wonder she wouldn’t talk to anyone! I think, rolling my eyes. I hear her yawning, and soon the sounds of them all going to bed.

I smirk, leaning back in my chair. “Hey, Carl,” Max says, smirking.

“Oh, hey. Your girlfriend’s name is Ella.”, I say absentmindedly. I watch Max go beat red, making me chuckle.

“She’s not my frickin’ girlfriend!!”

“Sure, she isn’t,” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

“What about you and that one chick? Figure out what her name was?”

“Emma. And she’s mute.”, I say dismissively.

“That explains why Mac and Chase picked her.”, Max says, shrugging.


“She’s frickin’ mute, Carl! Gosh! She. Can’t. Frickin’. Talk.”

“Yeah, whatever,” I say dismissively, watching as Max rolls his eyes, walking away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah ... I felt like it. *shrugs* Enjoyable?