Status: Hiatus.

Que Gire El Mundo


He couldn't believe it and sure as hell didn't want to believe it, but Amy Dumas had been cheating on him for quite a while by that point.

That hurt him, but what hurt him just as much was that one of his friends, Beatriz, was on the other end of the treason as well. Adam Copeland, Beatriz's husband and his good friend, had been cheating on her as well… with Amy. And there he was thinking Adam was one of his best friends. It was bad enough that Adam was sleeping around with Amy, but the fact that he was throwing away his marriage --his family--was making Matthew Hardy as mad as humanly possible.

Having paced around his house for a good half hour and now calm enough to think rationally, Matt pushed himself up, off the couch he had been residing in for a few minutes and grabbed his cell phone.

Slowly and with great determination he began to pace around the living room as he dialed the Californian's number and waited for her to answer.

"Bea, pickup the fuckin' phone!" mumbled the North Carolinian as the phone rang. He continued his pacing as the phone continued to ring. "Beatriz, please, pick—"


Whooaaa yeaaah! Whooo! I can slap a tornado! I can dry up a sea, yeah. Monster Magnet's "Live For the Moment" played softly from my small cell phone as I slept next to my husband in our Tampa home. Sleepily I reached into my purse and grabbed my phone, yawning as I answered it. "Hello?"

"Bea!" I heard Matt Hardy's southern twang come from the other end.

"Matt? Why are you calling so early?" I sleepily asked when I saw that it was around four in the morning.

"Trix, is Adam with you?" Matt asked me, stress and anxiety trailing in his voice.

"Yeah," I yawned again as I sat up and looked over at Adam as he continued sleeping right next to me. "Adam's here. You wanna talk to him?"

"No." he replied quickly. "Just make sure he can't hear you. This is...private."

Private? I thought, raising my pierced eyebrow.

"Okay..." I said as I got up off the bed, fixing my red silk pajamas as I walked to the bathroom. Closing the door when I entered the master bathroom, I turned on the lights before going to sit on the marble counter. "Alright, go."

The sound of a deep breath came from the other end before Matt started talking. "Bea, Adam's been cheating on you."

"What?!" That was impossible, Adam was loyal to me. "You're lying; you're lying to me, Matt!"

My world started to spin. I'd trust Matt with my life, with my son's life. So, why would he be lying to me? Why would he be trying to hurt me?

"Bea, would I be lying to you if I said he was cheating on you with Amy?!" I gasped, my hand now gripping the cold marble counter tightly. "That's right, Bea, Amy!"

"But-but..." my words and mind trailed off. It was a hard thing to swallow.

"I know it's hard to believe…" Matt sighed. "But if you don't believe me…" he sighed again. "Please just do. Go look on Adam's phone. I left quite a message about half an hour ago. And while you listen to that, I'll send you the messages Adam left on Amy's phone."

"Alright." I whispered. I heard the click as Matt ended the call. Knowing he would stick to his word and send me the supposed messages from Adam to Amy, I eased my grip from both the counter and my phone and slipped off the counter.

Slowly and unsteadily I walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light before it could make it to the bedroom and disturb Adam.

As I reached into the pair of jeans Adam had discarded earlier in the night, I found his phone. Creeping back into the bathroom I turned on the lights and his phone. That's when I saw that there was indeed a message from Matt.

"Adam, hey motherfucker!" Matt's voice rang out so clearly it hurt. "I just heard some messages of you calling up my girlfriend! 'I love you.' What the fuck is that you sorry piece of shit?! Wait 'til I get my hands on you, I'm gonna slap the fuck out of you when I see you! Call me back motherfucker! I'm sure your wife is gonna like these messages 'cause as a matter of fact I'm getting ready to call her right now and tell her about this fucking horse shit and I'm gonna send her these messages! As a matter of fact, if it interests you, I've already sent them to Shane! Every motherfucker's gonna know this shit! So, if I were you I'd call me back quickly you sorry piece of shit motherfucker! And by the way I'm gonna send these to Bea. Thanks for stopping."

I couldn't breathe as the message came to an end. As I closed Adam's phone my phone beeped. Matt had forwarded me the messages Adam left on Amy's phone.

With trembling hands and uneven breaths, I played the messages. My breath became caught in my throat when I heard the sound of Adam's voice coming from my phone.

"Hey, Amy, it's Adam. Call me back." Message one.

"Amy, it's me again. Please, call me back." Message two.

"Amy, please, please, call me back… I can't stand not talking to you for so long." Message three.

"Amy, call me, I can't sleep at night knowing you're not gonna be with me." Message four.

"Please, Amy, I-I love you. I love you, Amy. I don't care about Beatriz… Amy I love you!" Message five.

The rest of the messages were a blur to me. That was it. I couldn't take the heartbreak, I'd been hurt to deep. I'd suffered too much emotionally and I couldn't take it. Pulling open the bathroom door I stormed into the bedroom and jerked the covers off of my husband before throwing his phone at him.

Adam sat up quickly not knowing what had hit him. He looked at me as tears fell from my eyes. I picked up the closest decently sized object and threw it at him.

"What the fuck?!" he exclaimed moving out of the way so he wouldn't get hit by the TV remote.

"Shut up, Adam!" I shouted. "So you don't care about me anymore?! You love Amy?! You've been fucking around with Amy! You've been cheating on me!"

Tears spilled from my eyes as he sat there on the bed, dumbstruck. He didn't even try to deny it. I grabbed my packed tour bags and black leather jacket from the room and started for the door.

"Bea, sweetie, wait!" I heard Adam call as I was putting on my shoes by the door. Slowly I turned around to face him. He stood in front of me in only his boxers. "Where the fuck did this come from?" he asked.

"Where?! From one of the only guys in this goddamn business who has actually cared about me!" I spat. "From one of our closest friends! From! Matt!"

"Bea, he-he's lying" Adam stuttered, taking a few steps toward me.

I laughed sarcastically. "Ha! Lying was when you said, 'I promise to never be unfaithful. I promise never to hurt you.' That was a lie!"


"Save it, Adam!" I said, hauling my three bags over to my red, 2003 Mustang Cobra.

I popped open the trunk and shoved in the bags as quickly as I could. As of that moment, being near Adam was the last thing I wanted, but getting away from him was proving difficult as I fumbled with the keys and door.

"Bea, wait, please!" Adam had pulled on a coat while I was putting my bags in the trunk, now he stood behind me taking a hold of my wrist and preventing me from further getting in the car. "Let me explain."

I scoffed, turning to face him and ripping my hand out of his grip. "Explain? What is there to explain?! You went and fucked Amy! The end!"

"Beatriz, plea—"

"No! Enough! I'm leaving Adam." With that said, I pulled open the car door and slid inside.

"Bea!" Both Adam and I turned to look back toward the house, Molly came running out in her sleep wear. "What's going on?"

I glared at Adam. "Ask him." Turning toward Molly, I spoke softly. "Take care of my son."

She nodded still not knowing what was happening between her brother and me. Slamming my door shut I prepared myself to leave the house and Adam behind.

"Beatriz!" Adam's voice was muffled through the glass.

I rolled my eyes as I lowered the window, taking off my wedding ring as it finally went as far down as possible. With cold eyes I threw it out toward the lawn. "Take back your fuckin' ring because we're done! It's over!"
♠ ♠ ♠
First off, sorry for deleting and re-posting so much! Again...

Second, don't forget... this is in 2005. No specific month at this point... it's probably April though. Their son is visiting his aunt Molly (Adam's sister in my stories) in Canada.

And third, please comment! Don't read and run!