Status: in the makinng (:

Good to You

Chapter One: Running From my Number One Problem.

"Come on baby, we've been dating for 8 months and we still haven't fucked" he said putting his hands on my hips starting to slide my shirt upwards.

"I'm still not ready." I replied pushing his hands away and fixing the hem of my shirt.

"Well its put up, or shut up dumb bitch." He sneered grabbing me by the wrist and spinning me around to face him.

There was nothing but hatred in Derek's eyes and I tried to yank my wrist free of his grasp, but he had different plans. He ripped the buttons from my shirt and I felt the torn fabric fall to the floor and he pushed me onto his bed. He crawled on top of me and pinned my arms down with his legs forcing his crotch into my face while he pulled his own shirt off. I tried to scream for help from one of the neighbors but his hand clamped down on my mouth.

“Nobody is going to save you Ailey, and besides, you’re going to love this.” He stated darkly as he started for the buttons on my jeans while I tried to wriggle out from under him.

That’s when I heard the familiar ringtone of Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold from the bedside table. He leaned over me to retrieve his cell phone and knowing I would try to speak up when he opened it, he covered my mouth.

“Yeah?, Seriously? Nobody else can cover the shift? Fine. I’ll be there in a half hour” He closed the phone and released my mouth. “This isn’t over you dumb bitch.”

I watched him dress for work, and lay on his bed after words, hugging my legs and crying. I managed to find a t-shirt of his and put it on. I grabbed my things and ran out the door. I walked home, I didn’t bother catching a bus or calling a cab. Somewhere half way between his house and mine I broke into a sprint, worrying that Derek would catch up with me somehow. I couldn’t seem to convince myself that he was at work.

“Calm down Ailey” I said breathlessly into the cool night air. “Calm down, everything is fine.”

I managed to calm myself a little and slow to a walk. The nights air was cool on my skin. I folded my arms across my chest and walked calmly, trying to clear my mind of the thoughts of Derek. When I finally got home, exhausted and cold, it was around 1:00 a.m. The outside light had on the front porch been turned off, which was a sign from my parents that meant that the back porch door was left unlocked for me. I slipped into the house quietly and locked the door behind me. I decided that a shower was in order to calm me down. I stripped down and got into the warm water, relaxing my muscles and clearing my mind. My thoughts washed down the drain. For a minute I forgot all about Derek. When I got out of the shower I checked my phone and I had one unread text message...from Derek. All the colour from my face fell to my feet and I suddenly felt faint. I opened the message and read it.
Don't worry, baby. I only work for two hours. Then I'll be back to finish what we started ;)
I panicked and looked at the time it was sent, 50 minutes ago on the dot. I looked over at my suitcases piled in my closet and decided it was time to leave. I had to get out of here.
♠ ♠ ♠
Marley & I both planned out this chapter.
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