Status: in the makinng (:

Good to You

Chapter Two: Hitting The Road.

I started throwing the things that were necessary to take with me on to my bed. I grabbed the four suitcases I owned and threw them on the floor beside my bed. I grabbed my clothes out of my drawers and threw them in the largest suitcase. I grabbed my toiletries out of the bathroom, and threw them into the next suitcase. I grabbed the things that I didn't really need, but wanted to take with me and put them into the next suitcase. And I saved the last suitcase for my bedside table. I did an arm swipe, clearing everything off of the top of the table. I pulled out the drawer and started emptying the pictures out of it until I came to a picture of me and Derek when we first started dating. I looked at if for a minute, spit on it, ripped it up and threw it in my trash can. I finished putting my stuff into the suitcases and zipped them up. I struggled up the stairs and out the front door, throwing my stuff in the car. I ran back inside and grabbed my purse from my room, and my laptop, putting it in its case. I grabbed a piece of paper off of my dresser and wrote a note to my parents.
Mom & Dad, *things have changed recently, and I cant stay here any longer, i'll be safe and fine, but I cant tell you where im going. I will miss you and I love you both, Love Ailey.
I left it on my bed for them to see in the morning when they came downstairs.
I rushed back up stairs and grabbed my keys, running out the door with only 10 minutes to spare. I started the car and hurried down the street with one destination on my mind: Vancouver. It was a 1 and a half day drive, but it would be worth it. I would no longer have to worry about Derek tormenting me.
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short, but done (:
me & mar both wrote this one !