Status: in the makinng (:

Good to You

Chapter Four: Something in the making?

Jen drove me down to 604 and dropped me off in front of the building.
"Call me when I need to come and get you." She said as I got out of the car.
"Okay." I replied, slamming the door and walking towards the building.
I opened the front door and walked over to the front desk.
"Can I help you?" the lady sitting there asked me.
"Uh, yeah." I replied. "I'm here about the secretary's job..."
"Please wait here." she said to me.
I went over and sat down in a chair over near the waiting area. I huffed and looked around a little, and saw someone going into the elevator out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head in his direction. He was and black hair, tall, dressed to impress. I bit my lip as our eyes caught each other. And then, the doors closed. I sighed and wondered if I would ever see him again.
Who knows? I thought.

The interview went okay. I was nervous, stuttering over some of my words. But for some reason, I thought about the boy in the elevator the whole time. It was weird how quickly he had caught my eye...
As I rounded the corner from the room I was being interviewed in, he came into my sight again. He was standing in front of the doors, hands in his back pockets, rocking back and fourth on the ball's of his feet. When he saw me he smiled. I couldn't help but blush & smile back.
"Hey," he said as I walked towards him.
"Hello." I said back, stopping before him.
He smiled again.
"How are you?" he asked.
"Fine, thanks." I replied, "Yourself?"
"I'm good," he replied. "but you know what would make me better?"
I sensed a cheesy pick up line coming on...
"What?" I asked with a smirk.
"If you let me take you to dinner." He smiled.
I folded my arms across my chest.
"Well," I started, "considering that I don't even know your name, I'm going to have to say no."
His face shrank a little.
"But," I said, "I'll give you my number."
His smile came back. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and handed it to me.
"Its all set up," he smiled.
I entered my info and handed him back his phone.
"Give me a call sometime," I said, walking towards the door. "And by the way, my name is Ailey."
He smiled.
"I'm Josh." he replied.
"See you around, Josh." I smiled, leaving the building.
♠ ♠ ♠
we both contributed to this chapter.