Status: in the makinng (:

Good to You

Chapter Six: Brand New Boy.

I couldn't sit still the next day. I was too excited for 7 to roll around. This was my first legit date with a guy in a while, and I had a feeling that it could eventually blossom into things. I spent most of the day cleaning the house and getting ready. My anxiety would eventually over power my excitement and I would have to stop and clean the house for ten or twenty minutes. When 6:30 rolled around it got noticably worse.
"Ailey-Rae," my sister sighed. "I've seen you come back to the same spot three times now."
"Ugh, I'm sorry." I said. "I'm nervous, and really excited, and ridden with anxiety, and when that happens to me I clean, it calms me down a little bit."
"Well you shouldn't be nervous," she replied. "He's probably a really nice boy."
"Its not that I'm worried about who he is," I said "I'm worried about saying too much and scaring him off."
My sister gaped at me, mouth wide open.
"Ailey-Rae Sullivan!" she gasped. "You will not! and i repeat N-O-T NOT scare this boy off."
"How do you know that!" I said back. "I could open my big mouth and tell him something he probably wont want to hear!"
"Like what!"
"Like the fact that I ran away from home to escape my abusive ex boyfriend, lied to my parents, lived in hell for three years, and I'm a failed self injurer. I'm sure that's something every boy want's to hear."
"You will not scare this boy off." she said.
"Well you can't be so su..."
but i couldn't finish my sentence,
the doorbell rang.