Missing You

Missing You

A CD on the desk that reveals my heart. A dress on the bed that reveals my self-worth. A book on the shelf that reveals my thoughts. A mirror on the wall that reveals my soul. Looking around at my belongings, I began to realize that anyone could walk into my life and know everything about me just by walking through my apartment. I’m an open book to anyone willing to read into my words and actions. The question is: what would someone say about me if they saw me right now?

It had been a month since I’d seen him last. He’s my love, my life, my world, so without him I lay here incomplete. My appearance reflected my mood: newly washed yet un-brushed hair, a black tank top, and a pair of dark red pajama pants. All clean. All new. All worthless without him to hold me.

I sighed and looked at my cell phone for the twentieth time that hour. He had promised to call, but that was three hours ago. I knew he wasn’t being unfaithful, but even in a secure relationship, there will always be that hint of worry and jealousy. I knew he’d been working hard all week, so there was the possibility that he’d fallen asleep. Even knowing all this, my mind was swirling with thoughts of all the horrible things that could have happened to him.

The loud ringing of the door bell caused me to jump and scattered my thoughts. However, they were quick in returning. What if that was a police officer wanting me to identify his body? What if it was a kidnapper coming to erase a trail of evil? What if he’d come to tell me that he’d found someone new? These were the thoughts pounding in my head as I reached for the door knob. My pulse was racing and I broke out in a cold sweat.

Closing my eyes, I opened the front door. As I peeked from behind my lashes, a wave of relief ran over me; a man in a delivery uniform was standing on my front step holding a vase of pink and red carnations. He looked confused by my reaction, but preceded to hand me the vase and a card.

“Have a nice day ma’am.” He said politely before returning to his truck and driving away.

I set the vase down on the small kitchen table. Opening the card, I noticed that there was no name, just the words: “20th street Bridge.”

An hour and a half later, I arrived at the designated location. It was a nice day out, so I sat on a bench and watched water pass under the bridge. Clouds drifted by and I was reminded of our first date. We had spent the whole afternoon together at a local park and ended up making shapes out of clouds. My heart ached harder at the memory. If I had one wish, it would definitely to have him hold me.

A tear slipped from my eye and down my cheek. I missed him terribly, but wouldn’t be able to see him for another two weeks. Someone tapped my shoulder, but not being in a very social mood, I pushed their hand away.

I wiped my face with the back my hand as the person tapped my shoulder again.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like socializing right now…” I said softly.

“Too bad.” The person whispered back. I gasped, recognizing the voice. I spun around and stared in disbelief at who I saw.

“How? I mean, I thought…you…what about your job?” I was almost speechless; I couldn’t help but stutter.

He chuckled and sat down next to me, pulling me into his embrace. “You talk too much dear.” His lips were as soft as I remembered.

I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I sighed as we broke the kiss. Resting my head against his, I looked into his eyes: brilliantly blue in the sunlight.

“To answer your question, I have the weekend off. I figured since we were both going insane being apart, so why not see you?” His smile lit up my world and somehow I fell even deeper in love with him. “I love you babe. I can’t stand not spending every moment with you…”

“I love you too…”
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