Status: Under construction, 2018.

Craving the Crescent



"But i really wanted orange sherbert!" I whined from my perch around the island. Emmett and i had been arguing for a while, bickering back and forth as he ran around the room taking out ice cream then dashing back to put it away. Bella sat on the edge of the island, chuckling lightly at our display.

"Now, Bethie, " Emmett stopped and leaned across the island, "Your choice has been taken away. First you wanted cookie dough, then you wanted rainbow blitz. Then you change your mind again and demand chocolate mint, only to change it to root beer float. So no, Darling. You do not get a choice. No orange sherbert." I pouted sadly, as Emmett's eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Oh just give her the sherbert!" Bella exclaimed, hiding her eyes behind her hand and leaving her smile in the open.

"No, " He pretended to be angry, "Now she has to deal with the consequences of a fickle mind, and eat my mystery sundae!" Bella groaned, as i continued to pout. Emmett just chuckled, as he resumed flashing around the kitchen. I made idle chatter with Bella, as he occupied himself.

"Honestly," I propped my head under my chin, "I find physics boring. There is just nothing in it to interest me. I'm worried i may fail it this semester."

Bella nodded, "I used to feel the same way." I cocked my head to the side, and Bella laughed, "Since all of this, i've found interesting ways to look at things." She said, gesturing to our surroundings.

"Like?" My other hand joined my first under my chin.

Grabbing a red apple from a bowl on the table, she smiled, "Take this apple. Without physics, it wouldn't fall. Physics is connected to gravity." She said, standing and coming to my side and tossing the apple into the air and catching it, "And without mass and force, we couldn't do this." She tossed the apple in the air, and let it roll down her shoulder to catch in her palm. She then grabbed another two, and started juggling them before tossing them in the air to make them land in the bowl.

"I like when you explain physics, " I laughed, as she smiled and took a little bow.

"And i like when you eat delicious sundaes, " Emmett chuckled, stopping on the opposite side of the island with his arm behind his back. He made a big deal about this sundae being the masterpiece of a lifetime, and that if i didn't cherish every moment of it the magic would be lost forever. Surrendering to him, and calling him the Master of Ice Cream , he finally pulled the bowl out from behind his back and set it infront of me.

The large black bowl was probably the sized of my head, and the icecream filling it easily doubled that. There was a layer of french vanilla ice cream on the bottom surrounded by fresh cut strawberries and on top of that was sliced oranges and bananas covered in whip cream covered in yet another layer of ice cream. There was raspberry syrup drizzled on top with a scoop of orange sherbert seated neatly on the pile, and a cherry on top of that.

"I love it, Emmett." I smiled, as i kissed him on the cheek, "But i highly doubt i can eat it all. " He just smiled as he gave me a spoon and watched me take a big bite of the sherbert. I groaned happily, as i took another bite and the two of them laughed at me. Pointing my spoon at them, i glared.

"I forget, " Bella tried to stop laughing, "She's living with Charlie. I bet she forgot what flavour was!" Both of them continued to chuckle as i ate more of my sundae. I was halfway through my sundae, before my stomach started to hurt and brain freeze kicked in.

"Flip me over and call me done," i muttered, setting down my spoon and leaning against the island chair. I patted my stomach and smiled at Emmett, "Thank you kind Sir, that was delightful."

He chuckled a deep roar, "Your welcome Madame, " He smiled as he came around to my side, and i placed my hands on his shoulders, feeling like this was becoming routine. We went into the living room, and sat down on the couch. Bella sat on one side of me and Emmett on the other, as i leaned back into Emmett's broad chest and Bells propped my legs on her lap. Emmett pulled a blanket off the couch and wrapped it around me, then rested his arm across the back of the couch.

Flicking through the channels, Bella gave up and tossed the remote to me. I was slightly awed by the amount of channels but eventually picked something to watch. Smiling, i clicked enter and Full House came on the screen. Emmett groaned, and Bella smiled.

By the third episode, the sun had set and i was beginning to feel tired. My eyes had drifted shut, but i couldn't quite say i was asleep. I was in an odd between state, feeling like i was floating in a heavy cloud. Deftly, i could feel Bella reach up and click off the television. There was a slight more rummaging, before i could feel Emmett move his large arms. I stayed cradled to his chest, as he dialed a number on a phone. When the receiver on the other side clicked on, i felt his low voice rumble through his chest, "Hey Charlie. It's Emmett." He began.

I could hear buzzing on the other line, before Emmett answered again, "No, she's here. Bells took her to Carlisle, then i stuffed her with icecream. She's napping now." I heard more buzzing, as Bella tucked blankets around my legs, "We'll give her awhile, and i'll bring her home safely. Bye Charlie." His end clicked off, as Emmett snapped his phone shut softly.

Bella cleared her throat, "She's growing on you, isn't she?" Her voice was a soft melody floating through the quiet air.

Emmett's deep chuckle rolled through his chest, sounding loud in my ear, "She is. There's just something about here." I could feel Bella's laugh in return as she silently agreed with him. Bella was quietly responding when the tugging began.

It started in my chest, a light pulling. I didn't know what it was but i continued to ignore it as i drifter farther into sleep. The farther i fell, the tighter the pulling grew. By the time i blacked out, it felt like my chest wasn't even connected to me.


The engine of the truck rumbled under the steering wheel, the vibrations going through my palms as i checked over my shoulder. Renesmee was curled up in her booster seat fast asleep, Seth beside her idly playing with the fabric of the seat. Suddenly he looked up and met my eyes in the rear-view mirror, "Something's not right." His voice wasn't scared, but thickened with confusion, "Drive faster, would ya'?"

"No," I shot my eyes to Renesmee, her face innocent in sleep.

"Please, Jake." His voice was thicker. When i raised my eyes, his face was pleated in confusion and concentration, and he had a hand on his chest. He met my eyes, "Something's not right." i stepped on the gas.

The closer we got to the Cullen's, the worse of Seth looked. His face was bunched, and he looked as confused as a kitten in a dog shelter. Flashing my eyes to him again, i saw him staring out the window his jaw clenched in concentration as the trees whipped by.

Quickly, i pulled out my phone and hit speed dial. Bella's soft voice answered, and she seemed to be talking in a whisper. I felt myself tense, "Is everything alright on your end, whats going on there?" My voice must've been cloudy, because hers jumped an octave.

"We seem to be fine. Hows Renesmee, hows my daughter?"

"She is fine, fast asleep in the backseat. It's Seth i'm concerned about." I peered a him, but he seemed completely zoned out.

"What, why? Whats go- hold on a minute," Bella's voice was cut off, and i could hear murmuring in the background. The voices were tense. i don't know, she was sleeping just fine but started pulling at her chest a few minutes ago ; we'll is she feeling okay, do you think she's well? ; i'm not sure, she's sweating a little, and panting heavily . I looked back at Seth, a thin sheen of sweat was on his forehead, and his breathe was slightly ragged.

"Bells, Bells, Bella!" My voice was loud as i brought her back to the phone, "I know what's happening. hold on, be there in a few." I hung up quickly as the line went dead. Seth worriedly shot his eyes to me, as i swung the truck harshly onto the gravel road. As i skidded to a stop, Seth ripped open the door and fell to the ground fighting for air.

I grabbed Renesmee from the back, and hauled the kid from the ground by his elbow. Nesse nestled into me, as i pulled Seth quickly to the house. Soon though, he broke away from me and bounded up the steps with me on is heels. He flung open the door and stopped in his tracks, his mouth slack.

Emmett shot his eyes to me, "What the -" I held my hand up silencing him, as i pointed to the middle of the room.

Bethanie was curled between the two bloodsuckers and swathed in blankets, breathing heavily. Silently, he eyes peeled open and she looked up to meet the staring eyes of Seth. I could feel the two breathe in a gasp as the sparks in the room became tangible.

"An imprint," Bella breathed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Twelve comes before lucky thirteen.
Aha, so i figured this was the perfect spot to introduce this.
By the by, i know how many subscribers i have-
I expect more comments. i love them!
Anywhooooos, Feel free to hate me, or dish me out.
i applaud you, (: