Status: Working but my nothing personals might take awhile

My Life of Nothing Personals

The guy i could never have

You started at my high school this year,
You were a year older than me,
I thought you were hot when my friends thought you were ew or yuck
Sure you weren’t the best looking guy but I liked you
I told my friends that I liked you
They found you with my best friends brother
And decided to tell you that I liked you, I would never forgive nor trust them ever again.
My friends thought it would be funny if they asked you out for me two days later
You said no & I didn’t care.
Each week I liked you even more
I don’t know what to do, one minute I want to go out with you, then next I don’t.
Just last week in sport I caught you staring at me
My friends call you mo man cause your starting to grown a mo
I wouldn’t care if you grew a mo, you know what people say,
Never judge a book by its cover.
I think you should take that advise & get to know me
I know I may sound a little stuck up for saying that but really you should!
Guess who amazes me the most? Its you
You drive me crazy, make my heart speed up & make my head messed up.
I love those light blue eyes, yeah I’ve seen your eyes but that is what made me like you.
If you did like me, tell me & give me a chance before someone else takes your spot.

-Nothing Personal
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I still like the guy. And of corse he's probley not gonna read this story but i just wanted my express my feelings about him