Status: Working but my nothing personals might take awhile

My Life of Nothing Personals

Oh mama

Sure I haven’t had the best childhood.
You & dad were busy working so my nannies have basically looked after me.
You got really sick so you stayed home for a long time.
You & dad have never been proud of me
I think sometimes I’m a disgrace of a daughter
You don’t like the way I dress,
You want me dressed up in dresses, skirts & in girly colours
I dress in jeans& band shirts. I wear dark colours
You hate the music I listen to
I think you want me to like Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus & Justin Bieber
I listen to Bring Me The Horizon, Iron Maiden & full on screamo/heavy metal bands.
You want me to wear lip gloss when I wear eyeliner
I think you want me tanned like you & dad
But I’m not, I’m pale
You wanted me to play the piano not the guitar.
Don’t worry I’ll be out of home when I’m 16 or 17 cause I’ll be in America studying music at the music academy & maybe be in the music industry.
Even though you want me to be a lawyer or a doctor.
I don’t want to be just like you.

-Nothing Personal
♠ ♠ ♠
Im not emo or whatever you want to call me. I just like wearing dark colours, band shirts & i like listening 2 screamo/heavy metal.
Thanks for reading & i would love it if you subscribed. Already one person has subscrided =D i know it sounds like im a loser but im your loser ;)