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Vampire FBI

Misguided Flame



"Kieran! It's your turn!" Ramona threw the dice at him and gulped down some bourbon.
"I know that!" Kieran snapped. "Leila! Pour me some more of this…thing."

We were playing monopoly in the living room; Ramona and Kieran gulping down half a bottle of bourbon. Eleanor and Demetri had disappeared, probably to dispose of the birthday cake from earlier. It was noticeable that the atmosphere between them was a lot calmer than when they first met, which is a lot more pleasing than before; since hiding behind an upside down magazine help at all.

"Sure, if that will make this game a lot funnier than it is now," Lillian grinned and poured another glass of bourbon.

"Thank you very much Linda," Kieran raised his glass up in the air, as Lillian laughed.

"Hurry up Kieran!" Ramona demanded and shook her glass at Lillian for some more bourbon.

"I know that!" Kieran threw the dice on the table. "One…two-"

"Five," I patted his head, and watched him move his figure eight places forward instead of five.

The heavy scent of alcohol was suddenly overwhelmed by the fresh scent of blood as the front door squeaked open. Lillian and I stood up from our seats, sending the paper money flying everywhere.

"Oh, are we sharing the money?" Ramona said rather enthusiastically, and threw the remainder of the monopoly money into the air.

"Good job, keep going!" Lillian encouraged, as we left Ramona and Kieran in the living room.

"What's going on here?" I announced as I approached the front door.

The dense smell of fresh blood lingered as saw the body at the doorstep. No one answered my question, as just a look at the body explained everything. Blood dripped down the corpse's chest and neck, contorting our white porch; it was obviously dumped there, as the male was situated in an awkward position. The etchings on his chest made me shudder- did they do that when he was alive or dead?

Lillian had the most frightened look on her face as she clasped her hands over her mouth to control her undying thirst. Eleanor was holding her fork in the air, with a small piece of cake at the end. She was clearly shocked, as the message was obviously meant for her. Demetri was kneeling down next to the corpse, with the deepest look of concern in his eyes. He then picked up the corpse by the arm.

"What are you doing?" Eleanor said angrily jabbing the fork at his direction.

She was about to grab the corpse back, but flinched back as Demetri pulled away.

"Putting it somewhere no one can find it," Demetri said seriously.

"What the hell Demetri?" I replied. "You can't go round chucking corpses everywhere- there's vampire written all over it."

"And I'm putting it somewhere no one will ever find it, promise," Demetri walked out onto the lawn. "The scent has already been washed away by the rain..."

"What? We're just going to ignore the fact that there is a dead human, on our doorstep, with happy birthday scraped on his chest, on my birthday?" Eleanor shoved the plate of cake into my hands and walked out to Demetri. "My birthday!"

"Well, we're not going to ignore it exactly, what are we going to do, tell the police? Just get rid of the body for now, and call all the vampires together in Forks," Demetri sighed and patted Eleanor on her head "Sorry about this, I'll be gone for a while, we have no choice."

Eleanor had no reply to this; she tried to say something back, but refrained herself from doing so. 'Bye' was all she could manage.

Demetri ran off in the rain with the body, heading towards the forest. Eleanor stood there in the front yard, staring at the direction he left at.

"Eleanor, your clothes are getting wet," Lillian called out.

"No, really?" Eleanor stomped back under the cover of the porch. "Clean the blood off the porch; if Kieran and Ramona see it, what are we going to tell them?"

Lillian and I sensed the anger in her voice and left off to find a bucket and a sponge to clean up the porch.

"Someone has issues," Lillian said sarcastically whilst scrubbing the porch clean.

"It's her birthday, she can have issues if she wants to," I pulled out my phone. 'Might as well call all the vampires for a meeting, I highly doubt the Cullens are really used to this many vampires living in the same town."


Kieran and Ramona already went to bed, as the bottle of bourbon lay empty on the floor Eleanor however was most likely sulking around in her room contemplating tonight's events.

"I feel so criminal," Lillian sighed, as she finished wiping the floor. "There was a dead body on our porch and Demetri is flinging him around in the woods."

"He's not flinging him around!" I snapped. "He was part of the Volturi, so he probably has some tricks up his sleeves."

"Oh really?" Lillian looked at me with all seriousness "Can you trust him to that extent, to believing he's not actually still working for the Volturi?"

The ironic thunder strike at this moment signalled the moment I realised the possible outcomes of the Volturi. Could the Volturi be actually behind these gruesome murders? They do have a pastime with Forks, and the Cullens for that matter. Maybe Demetri was actually still working for them?

"No way," I denied the accusation, as we walked towards the kitchen. "Demetri won't do that!"

"Oh please, stop with that sister talk," Lillian slammed her hands on the bench top. "It's natural for a sister to defend her brother, I understand that. But think about it, you're not even blood related. Imagine him as a suspect. Firstly, he is a supposedly 'ex-Volturi' member. Secondly, why did he come visit us when we're at work? Why not at New York? And thirdly, who in the world volunteers to hide a dead body that is crucial evidence to our investigation?"

Lillian paused to let the information sink in. She obviously wasn't joking; this was a serious topic. But I could not accept the fact that Demetri was the one behind it. He was my brother, why would he do this to me, to me and my friends?

"You obviously did a lot of thinking whilst scrubbing the floor," I said to break the silence.

"May!" Lillian shook my shoulders. "It all fits! The Volturi are behind it!"

"We can't be sure Lillian!" I said angrily. "He's my brother, and he's changed from when he was still in the Volturi, I can see it."

"Whatever," Lillian put her hands up in defeat. "Put it at the back of you mind, he's a suspect for now."

Lillian walked up towards the stairs. "Birthday girl still seems to be depressed."

"Mhm, it's not everyday when you receive a human body as a present," I sighed at sat on the couch. The monopoly money crunched as I applied my weight on it, I just couldn't be bothered picking it all up.

"Do you think we should remove some of the hidden food around the house?" Lillian asked, and pulled out a chicken wing from under the couch.

"They won't notice!" I waved my hand at her and rested my head on a cushion. Lillian sighed and pointed up towards the ceiling. Never have I seen so much mashed potato in my life.

Eleanor, Lillian and I drove up to the Cullen's place. We decided to have a meeting there, since it proved quite spacious for the large number of guests. It was around two AM in the morning, and Lillian's accusation still lingered on my mind. I tried to call Demetri several times, but it seemed like he didn't bring his phone with him. The quiet town of Forks filtered pass us, as the never-ending rain continued to pour its hearts content out.

I parked the car on the Cullens driveway. We we're about to knock the door, but the Alice beat us to it. She opened the door, with Jasper standing not so far behind her.

"Please, this way," Alice smiled, as she led us to the spacious living room.

Lucy and Craig were already there, and were having a conversation with Carlisle and Esme. Bella was sitting next to Edward; Renesmee was not around, I realised.

"She's with Jacob," Edward informed me, with a look of utmost discontent. I nodded in reply and continued to follow Alice and Jasper.

"So why have you called us all here?" Edward stood up from his seat abruptly.

His ability to read minds probably already knew what we were going to say, but thought it was best for us to say it. Everyone probably realised that to, as they all look at Eleanor, Lillian and I.

"Well, a few hours ago, we were having a party for Eleanor's birthday," I started to say, as everyone's attention turned to us. "I think the smell of human food, and the euphoria of the whole party made us miss a person approaching our front porch-"

"And someone placing a dead human body there as a birthday present," Eleanor ended.
"What did you do to the body?" Rosalie asked.

"Demetri's handling it," Lillian said darkly. "Which is really weird, if you think about it."
"Lillian, not now," I shook my head in disapprovingly.

"No, they should hear it, and see what they think," Lillian stood up from her chair and started pacing around the room. "Demetri is an ex-Volturi member, as you all would know."

"It doesn't mean that he's behind it!" Lucy snapped.

"Since when, would the Volturi so keen on letting go of their best tracker?" Lillian ignored Lucy. "No, the Volturi would not do that, unless they made some deal with him. I'm not against Demetri!" Lillian tried to convince everyone, "He's a nice guy, but the whole Volturi thing…"

"Yeah, you're right, Demetri is…nice, and that's why he won't kill humans and expose the nature of vampires so carelessly!" Eleanor snapped.

"You're only saying that because he saved your life, deep inside, I know you think the same too!" Lillian retorted.

"No, I don't! It doesn't fit, Miss I fell in love with a guy I only met for thirty seconds," Eleanor snarled.

"At least I've had more flings!"

The two best friends glared at each other from across the room. Lillian looked like she was going to leap at Eleanor any moment now, but she had enough dignity to refrain herself. Eleanor however, did not. Eleanor suddenly leaped across the room, too fast for me to hold her back in time, and slapped Lillian across the face. Lillian fell to the ground, and placed her hand on the cheek where Eleanor has slapped her. Eleanor stood there for a moment, and then stormed out of the room. Lillian was about to chase after her, but Emmett held her back.

Everyone stood in silence. I didn't know how to react. Never have I seen those two at this degree before in our friendship. Of course, there was the occasional disagreement here and there, but never before… they have never expressed themselves in the form of physical violence.

"Are you okay Lil?" I heard Emmett whisper into Lillian's ear, as he held her in his arms. Lillian was too shocked to say anything. She simply walked out of the room the same way Eleanor did. Emmett followed her outside, into the surrounding forest.

I sat down on my chair again. This happened so fast, I never saw it coming. I too felt like giving Lillian a good bashing a few times in this lifetime, but never actually seriously. Eleanor and Lillian have always been friends since I met them. I still could not believe Eleanor actually slapped Lillian right across the face.

"I think we should post-pone this meeting for a bit," I announced. Everyone nodded, as they let me pass outside. I didn't need a Jeep; I simply ran.