Caught Up in This Madness, Too Blind to See


I walked back on to the bus after taking some pictures in the city. I found Matt on the couch watching TV. He is such a lazy ass, but then again who isn't on this bus? Matt smiled up at me; I smiled back, feeling that oddly amazing feeling in my stomach when I saw those dimples.

"Hello." I said to Matt and sat on his lap. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Hello to you too." We weren't exactly a couple... We weren't as clingy as Leah and Brian. I'm not exactly sure what we were, but I know I liked his hugs. I wasn't sure if he really wanted to kiss, hell I didn't even know if he wanted a 'relationship'. He was a player...or used to be one.

He kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him, into his hazel eyes. He looked a little nervous. I gave him a confused glance. "Umm..Mac, I was wondering if you would like to do something tomorrow night..."

He was nervous...about asking me on a date? Me? But did he even mean it as a date?! " in a date?" He nodded at me looking hopeful, "Our first date?"

"Well, um, if you don't want to go on a date tha-"

"No! No! I do! It's just...aren't first dates all sappy and Brian and Leah sappy?" So cliché. I disliked sappy cliché or pretty much anything to do with 'love'. it weird Matt is the only exception? Oh god. THE PARAMORE SONG IS GETTING TO ME! ...I don't even listen to that one though... I wrinkled up my nose thinking about cliché-ness and first dates.

Matt laughed at me, the look of relief on his face. "And this, my darling, is what makes you special." I smiled cheekily at him and got off his lap to sit besides him on the couch.

"So does this mean we can skip the whole first date thing?" I asked hopefully, leaning my head on his muscular shoulder, which was actually surprisingly soft... He really is just a huge, tattooed, muscular teddy bear. I loved it.


I pouted. "Whyyyyy?" I whined.

"Because I want to show you, you actually mean something to me, you're not like all the other girls. You're special. I want everything to be perfect for you." He said this in a shy way; it made my stomach flutter and pulled my heart strings. I gave him a small smile instead of arguing more, like I planed.

"Alright." He smiled widely and gently kissed me, it was full of passion and it was really sweet. We pulled away and I could feel the slight blush on my cheek. I got up off the couch and went to the rehearsal room to play my bass.

I walked into the room to find the strums of an acoustic guitar. I saw Leah sitting on a stool. She smiled when I walked in. I tried not to grimace. "Can we talk?" she asked. Well looks like I'm not playing my bass today...sigh.

I was going to turn her down, like the many other times, but I was happy about Matt so I figured why the fuck not? Well she hurt you and was a bitch to you. But I tried not to think of that as I sighed and nodded.

She looked a little shocked, but quickly recovered. "Listen, Mac" What the hell did she think I was doing? Not listening? "I was a bitch." Really? I had no clue. "But I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing, I was drunk off my ass, and I didn't mean to hurt you. I have no clue why I even did it! I think I was jealous..."

"...of me?" I asked her pretty confused.

"Yeah! You connected with the guys right away! They all love you! And you're pretty! And you don't even try!" ...this was the first I heard of this...

I felt the need to comfort her somehow. Like the whole, 'The guys love you too! You're really pretty too! We just have different styles!' or some shit like that, but I was a little shocked and still kinda didn't want to get completely close to her again. With time I'll probably get there, right? Right.

So I stuck with, "It's alright...I forgive you." and a smile.

She gave me a huge grin back and hugged me, "Thank you so much! It will never happen again! I promise!" I laughed at her happiness of it all. Yeah, I guess I was really happy too.

"So...I hope you realize you and Syn aren't that quiet while fucking." I told her bluntly. I mean damn, she is a very, very loud screamer. It's very awkward... We usually put the TV on really high.

She turned a dark crimson color and I laughed, and with that, we were pretty good friends again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter goes to Avenged Sevenfold's new album Nightmare. It is AMAZING! If you haven't gotten it already, i suggest you do. (: It has a little bit of everything. I think my favorite songs are probably Fiction and Welcome to the Family.(: What are your's?

Hey guys, do me a favor? Check out these two stories for moi?
Avenged Sevenfold co write[Her Afterlife] Mental Hospital Story - I'm Not Insane
Band Original Fiction Co-write[Blondie.With.A.Brain.] - There's a Story at the Bottom of This Bottle, and I'm the Pen
We would really appreciate it! :D
We only got 5 comments on our last chapter :\ We used to get at least 7...Could we make that happen again? And for those who comment thank you so much! <3
