Caught Up in This Madness, Too Blind to See

Body Shots and Strip Poker

To say today was boring would be an overstatement. I know we normally do nothing, but today we did NOTHING!!. The fun didn’t start until around 9:30 when the tequila came out and the clothes cam off. Zacky came up with the great idea of, body shots!! Brian and Matt had absolutely no problem with having Mac and I lift up our shirt and getting to suck tequila out of our belly buttons.

My biggest problem was that Brian knew that my belly button was one of my weak spots. I don’t know, but every time his tongue entered my belly button I just automatically moaned. The other problem was that Mac and I were the only girls on the bus and there were five guys.

“Ok, guys this is only going to work if you guys take turns. Mac and I are the only girls so we get first pick on who will we taking body shots on us!” I tried to explain. But, of course they just stood there looking like idiots. So Mac had to dumb it down for them.

“What she is trying to explain to your guys, is her bitch will go first then my bitch will go, then the rest of you guys can pick when you wanna go!! Got it?” she shouted, probably loud enough for all of Virginia to hear.

“Yeah, well if that pretty much sums it up…LET’S GET STARTED!!!!!” Jimmy screamed.
Things started out great. Jimmy and Zacky were holding me down to the couch and Johnny was preparing to pour the tequila I my navel. I was holding a slice of lime in my mouth and Syn looked like he could pounce at anytime. As he started twirling his tongue around and around, I felt a great big shiver ran up my back. Once, Syn was finished, Mac and Matt were up next. Matt was a pro. He was finished within, about 3 seconds. Ok, so maybe it was longer, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I was paying attention to Syn and how excited I was for some alone time later on tonight!

After everyone got a turn, Johnny got the idea to play STRIP POKER!! Wonderful! Thankfully, I had a lot of practice in the strip poker department. Please, don’t ask! A lot of boring Saturday nights and a lot of bored friends to hang out with. We started with just simple poker and made the pot to put our clothes in, the table in the living room. Once, the first round was done. The only person fully clothed was Jimmy. He had won, so he got to have his clothes back. Syn was standing in nothing but a wife beater and his boxer, which had little black guitars on them. Johnny and Zacky still had on their shirts and boxers on.

Today I was off my game, so I was standing in just my undershirt, bra and underwear. I felt super awkward, but not nearly as awkward as Mac. She, I guess didn’t want to show her stomach, because she took off her bra, under her undershirt. So now her boobs were just hanging under her shirt. Matt, definitely didn’t have a problem with it. He could have pounced at anytime.

“Uhm… I th-th-think w-w-we should re- st-start!!!” Mac stuttered. She was as drunk as a person could get. I was probably the one closest to being sober. All of the guys looked at her like she was crazy. While, crazier. She was out ruled and we continued to play.

The next round I was standing with no under shirt or bra on. SUPEP AWKWARD!!!!! Mac was completely naked. This time Zacky won. Thank god. No offense, but none of us wanted to see his junk! Once, Matt and Syn were completely naked also, we ended the game. Since, they really didn’t wanna stay on the bus, with what might happen between me and Syn tonight.

They all got dressed and got ready to leave the bus.

“Ok, bye guys! We’re off…” Johnny shouted, before jumping off the bus.

“… to terrorize the world” Mac finished for him. Then jumped of the bus herself.

“Be back soon…Maybe” Matt told just Syn. But, it was loud enough that I could hear it.

“Have a fun time!!” Jimmy told me and Syn, with a wink. We knew one of them was going to make a joke.

“Bye, y’all!!” I said, waving. Once, they were gone, Syn attacked me. I’m pretty sure, y’all can figure out what happen next. Thought my night was great, I kept wondering what the gang did to poor Virginia.
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Thanks for the comments on the last chapter!! But where is the LOVE people!!!! Only like 4 comments on the last chapter and that was a good one!!! I expect at least 10 comments or i will not continue... Just kidding but seriously!! BTW my Co- Author Avenged Pinja. is away on vacation, so... we will not be undating until probably next Friday or Saturday, but then i go away so... will probably have a LOT less chapter, but continue to love our story!! And Peace Bitches!!!!