Caught Up in This Madness, Too Blind to See

Shots! Everybody!

Yeah, it’s true. We did body shots. Why? I have no clue….But I believe that we were bored out of out fuckin’ minds…But that’s just a guess.

Leah tried to explain what would happen since there were only two girls, but she used way to many words, so I helped the guys understand. Jimmy yelled, “LET’S GET STARTED!” And out came the tequila, salt, lemon, and off came the shirts for me and Leah.

Zacky and Jimmy held Leah down and Johnny poured in the tequila. Leah already had the lime wedge in her mouth, so that left Matt and I to watch. Brian poured the salt around her belly button, then licked it. He then continued to lick the tequila out, and then take the lime out of her mouth with his mouth. He looked about ready to rip the rest of her clothes off, but it was Matt’s turn. Which meant it was mine too.

My shirt came off and Matt stared. I swear I was blushing, but I probably wasn’t. Johnny and Jimmy held me down, I bit into the lime, and Matt sprinkled the salt around my navel just like Brian did to Leah. Zacky poured the liquor into my belly button, making me shiver with the coldness of it. Matt licked the salt off, making me hold in a moan from the touch of his tongue. He licked the tequila out of my navel, I let the moan out. He finished and went for the lime in my mouth, swiping his tongue across my lip before grabbing the lime with his lips. Everywhere he touched was on fire, it felt amazing.

After recovering, I looked into Matt’s eyes, they were filled with lust, the same way Brian had looked at Leah. I wanted to attack him then and there, but held back knowing I really shouldn’t…I mean we haven’t even gone on our first date.

Jimmy went next on Leah, then Johnny and Zacky went on me, neither the same feeling at Matt, but that’s alright I wouldn’t expect it to be.

After that we downed the rest of the tequila, while Leah only took a little being the girl she was. “Sooo…Anymore ideas?” I asked bored and totally smashed.

“Strip pokerrrrrrrrrrr!” Johnny slurred, maybe even more drunk then me.

Poker. Not my best card game…but I figured what the hay man? What’s not to try? Plus I was to drunk to care if I had clothes or not.


As it goes, I’m horrible at strip poker. So hear I am, in my underwear, tank top, and bra, and have to take off a piece of clothing. Great, right? I decided, if I take off my bra under my shirt and get lucky and win some, no one will see more of me, right? So that was my game plan….it didn’t go well. Matt was staring…again. Johnny and Zacky looked uncomfortable, and Leah is a bitch and had more clothes on then anyone else. Kidding about the bitch part people, I forgave her, remember? It's all goooood.(:

When it came to taking the rest of my clothes off, I didn’t care. I was too drunk. Hehe. So in the end Johnny, Matt, and I were naked. Zacky had his boxers, Jimmy did too, and Syn just lost his boxers. Leah had her panties, lucky ducky.

We got dressed once Syn and Shades were naked. I found my panties and bra, but couldn’t find my shirt. I found my pants and said, “Johnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy.”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Can I wear your wife beater?” I slurred.

Next thing I feel is cloth on my head, “Thanks!” I yelled and slid on the undershirt. The white undershirt didn’t go so well with my electric blue bra, but that’s alright.

“Ok, bye guys! We’re off…” Johnny said.

“...To terrorize the world.” I finished and ran out the bus, Jimmy, Matt, and Zacky followed.

We left the bus before anything could happen between Leah and Brian that we would be scared seeing.

“Now what the fuck are we gonna do in Virgina?!” I asked.

“…Play truth or dare.” Jimmy stated, not asked.

“Uh, alright.” Matt said, unsure of the game.

It was 1 in the morning, and we decided to play truth or dare…I worry about our health sometimes. “Where?” I asked the curious if we were just going to play outside the bus.

“The park.” Jimmy said.

“What park?!” Zacky asked.

“…The one we passed…” Jimmy said unsure of himself.

“Oh hell, we are playing in the other side of the parking lot.” I stated. We were right next to the bus, and I’m sure in about 30 seconds we would hear Bri and Leah going at it like rabbits.

“But…the ground is dirty! I WANT A BLANKIE!” Jimmy yelled.

“Do you wanna go into that bus and see Leah and Brian going at it?!” Johnny slurred.


“I’LL GO GET A FUCKIN’ BLANKET! Sheesh.” I yelled at them. I mean what the hell? I’ll just cover my eyes. Well it made sense in my drunk head.

“NO DON’T YOU’LL DIE!” Zacky yelled holding me back from going back to the bus.

“Let me go!”





“I refuse.”

“I’ll do something bad to you!”

He hesitated before saying, “Like what…?”

I was going to go with something violent, but I was too drunk to probably give him even a scratch. So I went with something different…maybe if I do this he will get a scratch from Matt. >:) “I’ll kiss you! Muahahaha!”

They all looked at me weird while I smirked “…alright then…” Zacky said still looking at me weird.

“So are you going to let go?”

“No.” Grawr!

“Fine! You asked for it!” I said. I turned so I was facing him then smirked before giving him the same kiss I had gave Johnny when he saved me from the rapist at the party a long time ago. sigh Good times.

He finally loosened his grip in shock and I ran for the bus yelling “Muahahahaha!” All the way to the door. We have been standing here for about 15 minutes now, so Brian and Leah are well at it by now. So I heard “[moan] Oh Syn! [grunt] Harder! [screams] HARDER!” Awkward? Very. But I didn’t care in my drunken state, I walked right into the bus.

The noises got louder, they didn’t hear me come onto the bus. I was planning on taking the blanket for the couch, but Zacky, being the friggin hobo he is, took to his couch last night. This meaning I need to past the rabbits to get to it. Great. [sarcasm.]

I ran really fast past our bunks where Brian and Leah really were going like rabbits…it was kinda scary…and Brian’s ass is really white. I mean I thought the man was tan! But nope, he has a snow white ass. When I ran past I heard a scream and a thump, then “MACKENZIE!” screamed by Leah and Brian.

I picked up the blanket and jogged back towards the door. I screamed, “LEAH! Make him your bitch!” and “BRIAN! YOUR ASS IS SO WHITE IT BLINDS ME!” then quickly left the bus.

When I got out I threw the blanket at Jimmy and did a victory dance. “Was it scary?” Matt asked completely serious.

I shook my head no and said, “But Syn’s ass is blinding white.” The guys all laughed at that, and I joined in. We were on the ground laughing at absolutely nothing but Syn’s butt and rabbit sex, can you tell were smashed?

Once we clamed down the slightest bit, I told Zacky, “Oh, and don’t expect that to happen again!” I smirked.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, but damn! You’re good!” He replied.

“I know!” Johnny yelled.

I bowed, “Thank you, thank you, please hold your applause.” I looked at Matt and he looked back at me with an amused expression. I ran up to him and hugged him. I said, “Don’t worry, you’re still the best.”

He smirked and kissed me on the lips lightly. Even the short kiss took my breath away. I smiled then yelled, “LET’S GO PLAY SOME TRUTH OR DARE!” And ran across the parking lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I originally had a 2,500 word chapter for this, but I didn't like where it went and how much drama it would cause, So I re-wrote it. -.- I have a second chapter but I'll post it tommrow or something, I'm so tired thanks to having to re-write this.

Angel Devastation
a venom

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