Caught Up in This Madness, Too Blind to See

Truth or Dare?

“Na na na na It’s oneeee in the mornnnninnggg and we are playing truth orrrrr darrrrrreeeee.” I sang in an off key tone swaying to the silent music. Zacky was playing an air guitar, Jimmy was taping the ground with his drum sticks that her carried everywhere, he was carrying an off beat rhythm, and Johnny was playing air bass. Matt was just looking at us with an amused face sipping his beer. We were drunk off our asses and we were going to play truth of dare. Leah and Brian, on the other hand, were having amazing rabbit sex that I had to witness. It was…bright white.

I walked over to Matt and sat on his lap. I smiled cheekily at him before giving him very sloppy kisses, earning wolf whistles from the other guys. I grabbed his beer then jumped off him and onto the blanket with Jimmy. I sipped it happily while Matt looked at me with shock. “Dude! She so played you!” Johnny said laughing with the rest of the guys.

“Can we play nowwwwww??” Jimmy whined.

“Sure thing buddy.” Zacky said to the drummer. “Truth or Dare?” He asked him.

Jimmy looked like he was really thinking about it until he finally stuttered out, “Dare.”

Zacky had a smirk on his face when he said, “I dare you to kiss Mac.”

I looked up from my iPod when I heard my name. I really wasn’t paying any attention. Well what do you expect?! Got the Life by Korn was playing! How can you notI get distracted by that bass playing!? “Huh?” I asked clueless.

“Jimmy has to kiss you.” Johnny informed me with a smirk.

“…alright…” I said not really seeing anything wrong with this in my drunken state.

Jimmy leaned over, and I gave him the same kiss that I gave Johnny and Zacky, only probably a little sloppier thanks to the alcohol. “Woah, you are good.” He said to me a little shocked.

I sighed and said, “Would you guys get over it?! Sheesh.”

“But-” Zacky cut in.

I cut him off saying, “JIMYY! Go.”

“Hmmm.” He said looking around at all of us. “Johnny.” Johnny had a horrified look on his face. I had to laugh. “Truth or dare?”


“I dare you to dry hump Matt.” Now both Johnny and Matt had horrified looks on their faces. I bursted out laughing, I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breath, so no sound was coming out.

“Mac! BREATHE!” They all yelled at me.

I finally took a breath and said, “Bahaha YOUR Ahahah FACES!” And continued to laugh my ass off. They all looked at me weird.

I finally calmed down then Jimmy said, “Well get on with it Johnny.” And Matt’s and Johnny’s face went back to horrified so I bursted out laughing again. Once I clamed down again, they did the dare.

Matt stood up slowly and Johnny walked over to him. Then Johnny humped his leg. And I mean seriously groin to leg action. Of course, Jimmy and Zacky started laughing with me this time. By the time we all calmed down Johnny was sitting back in his spot, and so was Matt, and both of them had their arms crossed over their chests and a pout on their face.

“Johnny’s turn.” I said happily, he glared at me.

“Mac, truth or dare?” He asked me smirking.

“Dare.” I replied, taking another sip from Matt’s beer.

“I dare you to get 5 Deathbat tattoos, each has to have one of our names in it.” He replied.

Huh…Not actually that bad of an idea…”When?” I asked, not really wanted to do it now…at 1:30 in the morning.

“Some point of tour.”

“Alright.” I said, not having a problem with it. “Where?”

“Doesn’t matter. You can choose.”

“Alright.” I thought about it for a minute then said, “I’ll get Zacky’s on my shoulder.” He looked excited. “I’ll get Johnny’s on my ankle.” Johnny said sweet. “I’ll get Syn’s on my side. I’ll get Jimmy’s on my other shoulder.” Jimmy hugged me, and when I said, “And I’ll get Matt’s on my chest.” Matt smiled. They were the basic areas I’ve always wanted to get tattoos.

“Sound’s good.” Johnny said smiling.

After that we continued to play Truth or Dare. It’s a very entertaining game to play when you’re drunk.

We were all practically falling asleep on each other by 4. Thank god the guys didn’t have a show tomorr- wait, today. I crawled over to Matt, and leaned on his shoulder. I felt Zacky lean on my shoulder, then Johnny put his head in my lap, and Jimmy leaned on Matt’s other side. And that was how we fell asleep, too tired [and drunk] to go back to the bus.
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Sorry it took so long :\ And that it's so short.
Anyways, How do you like the new layout?[:

Wanna check out my Zacky story? Here. Give it a chance?

Thanks to
Angel Devastation
a venom
♥ Thanks guys, It means a lot :D

Silent readers, Comments?♥