Caught Up in This Madness, Too Blind to See

I Love You, Too!

I logged onto hotmail to check my e-mails. I scanned the page. Mostly junk. Facebook updates, borders coupons, a few notes from school, but, only one stuck out to me. It was from Daniel. I haven't talked to Daniel in almost 2 years. Daniel was the one guy I never told Syn about. Daniel was Michael's best friend. And also the guy I cheated on Michael with. I know such a slut. But, this was before Michael proposed to me or was diagnosed with leukemia. It was just a small affair, which went on for about 2 weeks. I clicked the email.

Heyy, what's up? I have been missing u. Call or email me
when u can! Hope to talk to u soon.

I scrolled the mouse up to reply. Then started the new message.

Heyy, Daniel! I don't know how to say this but I don't
think we should talk anymore. It's just I'm really serious
about my new boyfriend and I REALLY don't wanna mess it up,
like I almost did with Michael. I really, really like him
and you just always add drama to my life. If you don't think
I'm right, then think about this. Why do you think I moved all
the way out to California? And never told you about my leaving?

I pressed send. Then went to go find the guys. I walked into the living room to find Mac, Johnny, and Jimmy all coloring. I mean fucking COLORING!!Like in an actual coloring book with crayons.

"Fuck. I can't color in the lines on this damn bus!!!" Mac screamed, throwing her crayons at Johnny.

"OW!!" Johnny shouted.

"I know. My duck looks like a retarded chipmunk!!" Jimmy agreed.

"What are y'all doing?" I asked, walking into the room.

"Cleaning toilets. What do you think we are doing, dumbass?" Mac snapped back.

"Rude, much?"

"Don't blame her. She is just mad that my turtle is better than her elephant." Johnny joked.

"My PURPLE elephant to be exact!!" Mac corrected him.

I heard the ding of my email go off when Syn walked onto the bus with Cody in one arm
and a bag of dog food in the other.I have him so well trained. Cody I mean.

"Hi, darlin'." Syn came over and kissed me gently on the forehead.

"Hey. How was PetSmart?"

"It was go-" Syn stopped and pointed at the "5 year olds" coloring.

"Are they?"

"Yes, they are coloring! Just don't ask." I explained. Then picked up Cody. Tomorrow Cody turns 6 months and no one knows that I scheduled him an appointment to lose his balls this weekend.

"Can I talk to you over here?" Syn asked me, pulling me over, into the bunks. He was serious. I could tell, because his eyes were a very, very dark brown. Darker than usual.

"What's up?" I asked, dropping Cody onto my bunk.

"I was wondering if you would go to dinner with me." He asked. I took a deep breath. Then I punched him.

"What the hell?" He questioned, rubbing his arm.

"Dude, don't you ever scare me like that again!!" I shouted at him.

I continued. "I'm pretty sure my heart stopped." Cody barked.

"See Cody agrees with me." Syn chuckled. I started to walk away, when Syn grabbed me by
the arm and pulled me into his warm, muscularly arms. I stayed there for a while, taking in this wonderfully loving moment.

"Ok, so will you go to dinner with me?"

"Of course, when?"


"Ok, well are you taking me some where fancy or simple?"

"Fancy. Definetly."

"Ok, well then you need to go. Right now. I have to get ready."

"Fine. Bye." He said, before tilting my chin up and kissing me tenderly.
I floated to the bathroom thinking about what the special occasion was about.
Once, in the bathroom I came up the best idea, ever!
Syn's POV

Tonight was the night. Tonight was the night I was going to tell Leah I loved her.
I was taking her to my favorite restaurant; The Chesapeake House.
I started zoning out when the guys started to hound me with questions.

"Dude, why the fuck are you taking things so serious with Leah?" Zacky asked,
flipping through the channels.

"I don't know, why? I just really care about her, you know?" I tried explaining.

"I do. I probably will take it the same way with Mac." Matt told us all.

"See, I'm not crazy."

"If you don't think so. I'm just saying, think about it before you speed things
up. Remember me and Leana." I can't believe Jimmy brought up his old girlfriend.
He was in love with her, but since he took things too fast she dumped him.

I sat there thinking for a while. That's when Zacky tapped me on the shoulder and
pointed towards the doorway to the bunks. I turned and my heart stopped at the
beautiful sight in front of me. No wonder she took so long. She was in the bathroom
picking apart her dreads. She looked even more beautiful without them. Her perfect
curves where tightly wrapped with a short white dress. Which illuminated her tan, a lot!

I stood up and went over to kiss her. She accepted. And then we were off.
Leah's POV

Something about tonight was weird. Just something didn't feel right. Like Syn was going to tell me something, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

When we arrived at The Chesapeake House we were seated right away.

"So, why did you decide to take me somewhere as fancy as this place?"

"I don't know. I just thought you might wanna get away from the guys for a night."

"Well, you were right. And cute going to all this trouble."

We continued dinner just Syn and I talking about everything. Our night was really sweet, but I didn't really know why he went through all this trouble. After dinner we wanted something to cure our sweet tooth. And what dessert do you eat during the summer.

Off the corner of where The Chesapeake House is we found the cutest little ice cream
Syn's POV

"Hi, welcome to Kirk's what can I get you?" the nice server lady asked.

"Uhm... I will have a medium cookie's n cream and...Leah what do you want?"

"Oh, I will have a small butter pecan." She was so cute. She said pecans, like
P+cans. Not the fancy way.

We got our ice cream then decided to walk back to the bus instead of take a cab. I know every date we have gone on we have gone a walk, but this one was going to be special. After this walk Leah would know how I feel about her.

“So, Leah there was a reason that I wanted to take you out tonight. And it wasn’t just to get away from the guys for a night.” I started to explain.

“Ok, go on.”

“Well, I just wanted to say…I Love you. And I want you to have this.” I said, pulling out a long black box.

“Oh. My god.” She repeated, as she opened the box to find a 7 karat silver tennis bracelet.

“Do you like it?”

“Uh…Um… I Love you, too.”


“You said ‘I Love you’ and I wanna tell you I Love you, too. Will you put it on me?”

“Definitely.” I placed the bracelet on her small wrist and took her hand in mine.

This night couldn’t have gone better!!
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Sorry, It took soo long! But i hope you like it. Comments?