Caught Up in This Madness, Too Blind to See

Tattoos & Dyed Hair

Leah, Syn, Johnny, Jimmy, Zacky and I were all standing next to Mac, who was getting all her tattoos done. “Doesn’t that hurt?” Johnny asked with wide eyes. She was on her 3rd tattoo of the day. It was Brian’s. So she was lying in the chair with her shirt pulled put, getting ‘Syn’ in a deathbat on the side of her stomach.

“Nope.” She said smiling, “I can tolerate pain fine.” We were all surprised she was doing all of her tattoo’s in one day.


Mac has gotten all of her tattoo’s done and she was now red on her shoulders, chest, side, and ankle, and we were all very happy to be part of Mac now.

“Can I see it again?!” Jimmy asked overly excited.

“This is the fifth time you’ve asked!” I said laughing at the drummer.

“But I wanna see my name on Mac!” He whined to us.

Mac chuckled then pulled down her shirt to show Jimmy the tattoo on her left shoulder. He started running around the poor girl in happiness. She finally stopped him with her arms. “JIMMY! Clam the fuck down.” She laughed.

Of course, being the crazy motherfucker he is, he went to go pick up Johnny, then continue to run around Mac. We were all laughing at how Johnny was used to it by now, he didn’t spaz or anything. “Jimmy. Put. Me. Down.” Short Shit ordered the tree.

“Never!” Jimmy yelled then ran down past the mall stores with Short Shit still on his shoulders.

We walked until we found Jimmy throwing coins into a fountain in the middle of the mall. When we got closer he was demanding more coins from Johnny. “Here Jimbo, we can throw one in together.” Mac said then got two coins out of her pocket and handed one to Jimmy.

They bother threw their coin in at the same time. Jimmy hugged her then went running off to terrorize Zacky. Mac was still smiling when she turned to me. She looked up at me and her smile widened. I smiled back down at her. She was going to say something, but Leah beat her to it.

“Mac! WE HAVE TO GET OUR HAIR DONE!” Leah yelled at her, noticing a hair salon. Leah just took out her dreads a couple days ago.

Mac looked horrified. “Do I have to?” She asked.


“Why?!” she whined.

“’Cause we need to look pretty.”


“’Cause that muscular man over there.” Leah said and pointed to me. Mac blushed and mumbled a fine. Then walked into the hair salon without another look at any of us.

Leah smirked and gave Brian a peck on the lips before following after Mac.

All of us decided to go to different stores. Zacky and I were going to the food court to get some lunch.

“So, dude.” Zacky started. I looked at him and he continued. “You obviously like Mac, why don’t you just ask her out already?”

The truth was, I was afraid. I was afraid she would say no. Not so much that I was afraid of being rejected, just that our friendship wouldn’t be the same. Or even worse, she would go along with pretending to like me, only to break my heart in the end…kinda like Tina did. But what the hell am I talking about? Mac is nothing like Tina.

“I’m just not sure how it’s gonna turn out.” I told him.

“Dude. You are M. Shadows. Since when have you been scared of being rejected?!” He looked at me confused.

“Since Mac was more then a one night fuck.” I told him.

“So she really means a lot to you, huh?”

“Yeah. She does.” I replied.

“I see the way you two look at each other. The feeling it mutual.” He told me. Somehow, I believed him. I will as Mac out as soon as I get the chance. It’s been decided.

“Thanks, man.” I said to him with a smile.

“No problem. Now let’s get food before we both turn gay from all this ‘feelings’ talk.” I laughed as he made his way towards a Chinese place.


Syn texted me saying the girls will probably been done soon, so we all went back to the hair salon. We walked into the salon to see both Leah and Mac with one piece of tin foil in their hair. Mac looked highly uncomfortable while Leah looked almost as happy as she is when she’s with Syn.

“Ooooo, What’s that!?” Jimmy came bouncing over it them, poking at the tin foil. The hair stylist shooed his hands away.

Leah laughed. “It’s dye, Jimmy.”

“What color?!”

“Shh. It’s a secret.” She smirked at him.

He crossed his arms over his chest childishly and said, “I don’t like secrets.”

The hair stylist told the two girls that their hair was ready. Mac looked relived and Leah looked excited. They went into the back to the hair washing places. What do they call those things anyways!? Hair showers? Showers of the hair? I wonder…

They both came out. Leah with a streak of purple in her blonde, now straight, hair. Mac had a single streak of blue in her side bangs. She had made her overly grown regular bangs into side bangs. It looked really beautiful on her.

Jimmy ran over to Leah, excited about the odd color in her hair, not that he’s never seen it before. But who knows what is going through his head. I mean he’s Jimmy for Christ’s sake.

I looked back over to Mac. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She was just so pretty. Her hazel eye’s met mine and she made her way over. “Whada ya thing?” She asked, smiling at me, her eye’s shining.

“I think you look beautiful.”

She bit her lip and said, “Are you sure? I thought she cut it too short—“

I cut her off with a peck on the cheek. I smiled and said, “It’s perfect.” Just like you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Icky love stuff. :|

Thanks to:
Angel Devastation x2
a venom x2
my_chemical_kissez x2
ellievengeance x2

Thanks guys, it means a lot :D ♥
