Status: back in action!

Come On Over

I'd Come For You

Jordan carried me inside as we continued to kiss. We finally sat down on the couch and started to talk. "I have missed you so much, CJ" he said.

"I've missed you too, Jord. Why do you think I came here? You know I will always be there for you."

"I have to make this up to you. I was so stupid and selfish letting us take a break. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." as Jordan held my hand.

"No it wasn't, I knew you were going to be a star. I would have been in the way."

"Don't ever say that again" as he held me tight "it was my fault. I left you back in Thunder Bay. I am so glad you are here now. You make everything perfect."

"I need you back. You're the only one I could ever love, Jordan."

"Words can't even describe how happy I am right now" as he kissed me again.

"I talked to your Mum about it and she thought it would be best if I came here for few days before the move."

"You're moving? Where? I'm not losing you again Casey."

"Don't worry. I'm moving here to be with you and go to school" as I smiled at him.

"You're amazing. Do you know that?"

"No. That would be you hun" as I gave him a kiss.

"Please stay here with me and be my girlfriend again?"he asked.

"Of course I will!"

Jordan laid on top of me as we started making out. Everything felt so right, just like it was before, but even better. "Hey babe, I have a room at the Marriott. Would you come back with me?"

"Lets go!" as he kissed me again and ran upstairs to get a few things. We headed out to the car and were on our way. I texted LC and Eric to let them both know everything was amazing again. My phone quickly went off as it was Eric and LC.

"Who's that babe?"

"Eric and LC just saying they knew we would be together again." as I smiled at him.

"Forever"Jordan said as he grabbed my hand.

"You bet it will be"

About ten minutes later we arrived at the hotel. We went into the elevator and were on our way up to the 11th floor. I dug out my card key while Jordan was kissing my neck. The elevator door opened up as we walked to the room. I quickly opened the door and we were in. I was back with Jordan, the love of my life. My life finally felt together again for the first time in so long. Back in Thunder Bay, it wasn't exactly great. About a month ago my house had burnt to the ground and I lost basically everything. The only things that survived were in the garage since it was detached from the house. I felt lucky since it was all of our photos and childhood toys that made it. After going through my old stuff, I couldn't stop thinking about Jordan and now he was standing here holding me.

"I bet you're ready for bed after today babe" Jordan said as he looked down into my eyes.

"Oh yes. And it can't get any better with you being here with me."

"I love you CJ" as he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"I love you too"

It was getting late so it was best that we went to bed. I got changed into a tank and boyshorts as Jordan stripped down to his boxers. We jumped into bed and got under the covers. Jordan held me tight in his arms as we got comfortable.

"Now this is how its supposed to be" Jordan said with a smile.

"Exactly boo" as I gave him a kiss.

"There's a team meeting and practice in the morning that I don't want to go to."

"Babe you have to. I don't want you getting in trouble, it's only pre-season."

"Yes, that is very true. I have the smartest, most beautiful girlfriend in the entire world. You could hang with LC in the morning while Sid and I are at the arena. Seems like you two really hit it off from what I hear." as he started to laugh.

"How did you hear?" as I began laughing.

"Sid called me after they ran into you in the elevator." The smirk on his face just kept getting bigger.

"Sidney! That brat! I told him not to tell!"as I sat up.

"Haha. I love it when you get all fired up babe"

"You would!"as I gave him a smack.


"Poor baby"

"Why do you have to beat me up?"

"Cause you love it."

"Oh yes I do." as he gave me a kiss. "Goodnight baby"

"Goodnight Jord"

Jordan held me in his arms as we quickly fell asleep.

:::Next Morning:::

Jordan's cell phone alarm went off at 7, so we both got up and started to get ready for the day. We ran down to the lobby to get some food. When we were finished up quickly so we'd have time to get a shower. We made our way back to the room and jumped in the shower to get cleaned up. Jordan pinned me up against the shower wall as we began kissing. "I'm so glad you're moving in with me" Jordan said.

"Me too. I love you much"

"Love you too."

Jordan and I washed each other off and continued kissing again.

We got out the shower and started getting dressed.

Damn you look amazing CJ!"

"Aww thank you baby! You look pretty amazing yourself"

"Haha I do not. Sid and I will meet you girls for lunch. I hope you and LC have a great time." as he gave me a kiss.

"Alright! Have a good practice Jord."

Jordan left for practice so I decided to call LC.

"Hey do you want to go shopping?"

"Sure! I'll be over soon!"she said.

"OK! I'll be ready"

I turned on the tv while waiting for LC to come over. Before I knew I heard a knocking on the door. I quickly opened the door to find LC.

Hey LC! That was quick!"

"Haha yeah. Ready to go?"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

LC and I headed down to the lobby.

"So how long are you staying here CJ?"

"Well I'm staying another night and leaving in the morning."

"Aww! When are you coming back?You can't leave!!"

"Probably a few days. Don't worry, I'll be back!"as I began to laugh.

"You better be!"

LC and I were almost to the car as I saw someone leaning up against the car.