Brand New Eyes

Chapter 1

Alex’s POV

I am just bored, sitting on the couch, bored.


Finally, phone, something to do.

“Hey” I said into the phone.

“Hey son.” My dad responded. My dad? I haven’t heard from him since the divorce.

“What’s up?” I asked skeptically.

“Well I know you’re going on tour and everything soon but I wanted to know if Angie could come?” he inquired. Angie is my half sister she is a year younger than me but I love her a lot.

“That’s cool and all but she’s a little difficult for me to handle.” I answered.

“Please Alex, she wants to get out of this house and travel. And well she wanted to travel with her big brother.” He said. Well that’s difficult to say no to.

“Fine.” I said running a hand through my hair.

“Great, I’ll drop her off tomorrow at 11.” He then hung up the phone. What have I gotten myself into?

“Hey Alex.” Jack said walking through the door with Zack.

“Hey.” I mumbled.

“What up?” Asked Jack.

“Angie is coming on tour with us.” I sighed rubbing my forehead.

“Isn’t that kinda dangerous, I mean I love her too but…yeah.” He trailed off.

“Who’s Angie?” Zack piped in.

“She’s Alex’s half sister.” Jack said.

“My blind sister.”


Angie's POV

Finally I get to travel and get out of this hellhole I call home. I mean everyone is nice but for once I want to be treated like I’m not blind.

“Angie, you have everything, right?” My dad said loud and clearly.

“Dad, I’m blind, not deaf.” I sighed.

“I-I know, its just that I’m not used to being around…” He trailed off.

“Disabled people, dad just say it. It doesn’t offend me anymore.” I said. He mumbled something incoherent and walked away, most likely to put my bags in the car.

“Beara, come here girl!” I whistled. I thought it would look better if I had my Seeing Eye dog instead of my cane, but I’m still bringing the cane. I felt Beara sniff at my hand, I put the leash on her collar, and her harness was already on.

“Angie, ready?” Dad called from inside the car, which startled me a little, but I got over it rather quickly.

“Yeah.” I called back slipping on my sunglasses. Beara lead me towards the car door, which I opened and let her go first before I slid in. Alex I hope you’re ready. I guess I should say something about myself, well I’m Angela Gaskarth. I’m blind, but I can still make out some shapes. For instance if there is an all red couch and a person is on it, I can tell. I not as severe as some people but according to the law, I am blind. Oh and to answer the usual question, yes I dream. I dream of what I see, blobs and color. Well, this may take awhile, I think a nap would be good.

“Angie, Ange, Angela.” I voice whispered while poking my shoulder.

“Mhm, who is it?” I asked.

“You’re favorite brother.” He said. “You brought Beara!”

“What, no OMG ANGIE’S HERE!” I said sarcastically.

“Nope, I told Jack he could do that.”

“Alright, well help me out.” I said reaching out for a hand or elbow, but instead I was picked up and thrown over his shoulder. “You could have warned me!” I yelped. He walked along and I could hear Beara trotting alongside of Alex. Soon I felt the change in temperature; I guess we’re in his house now.

“Okay, I’m putting you down now.” He said slowly sliding me off his back.

“Thanks for the heads up this time.” I smiled.

“No problem.” He said, I could feel him smiling also.

“ANGIE!” I voice screamed, which made me jump in fright. “I’m sorry.” The voice said calming down.

“Jack! Way to be a dickhead.” Alex sneered.

“I-its okay, just be gentler next time.” I said.

“Can I hug you?” Jack asked.

“Yes.” I said opening up my arms. Jack walked forward and pulled me into his chest.

“Really I’m sorry.” He said.

“I know.”

“You named your dog Beara, why?” Jack asked.

“So I can call it Beara dog, instead of Beara cat, Barakat.” I said smiling.

“Nice one.” He chuckled.

“Angie.” Alex said quietly. “My friend slash band mate is also here, Zack.”

“Cool, bring ‘em in.” I said excitedly.

“Zack! Come here.” Alex screamed.

“Coming.” A voice said, I guess that’s Zack. I believe he is the one that works out a lot. I’ll have to find out.

“Hi.” He said nervously.

“Dude, she’s my sister. Say hi normally.” Alex said I could just picture him rolling his eyes.

“Hi!” I piped. I enjoy meeting new people. “Come here.” I said motioning with my finger. I put out my hand so that it that my palm was facing Zack. “Stop when you reach my hand.” I told him. So he walked forward until I felt the fabric of his shirt on my hand. I walked a little closer to him and moved my hand up his chest. Yup, he is defiantly the one who works out.

“Um?” He said awkwardly.

“Just wanted to know if you were the one who worked out.” I said. “Now can you bring my hand to your face?” I asked. “I don’t feel like poking your eyes out.”

“Okay.” He said lifting my hand off his shirt and up towards his face.

“You know, you have nice abs.” I said.

“Tha-thanks.” He stuttered. I could feel the heat rise up to his face.

“You’re blushing.” I giggled.

“I tend to do that around pretty girls.” He said which made me blush.

“Angie and Zack sittin’ in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” Jack sang walking passed us.

“Ha, that’s kinda funny.” Alex said a little too loud, making me jump into Zack’s chest. “Sorry.” Alex mumbled.

“I know, just try to talk softer and not as close when I can’t tell you’re there.” Oh boy, this is going to be one hell of an adventure.
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